Hi girls, please pray for me. I'm struggling emotionally and the physical stuff isn't helping either! On Sunday I got a bad cough/chest cold that turned into a head cold with the stuffed sinuses, killer headache, can't sleep sick. I wanted to tear my eyes out Tuesday and Wednesday. Last night I was sweaty all night and couldn't move because I was so dizzy and sore with fever. Now I'm just kind of dazedly looking at my schoolwork and trying to get my fever to go away so I can concentrate.
I feel like I'm doing "too much". But my "too much" isn't even nearly "enough". I think stress is what is keeping me sick. It's what gave me my TMJ. I just don't know how to reduce stress without reducing what I'm doing because what I'm doing isn't enough.
Love, Amber
PS. We got the house - as in, we have the keys. =)
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Long time no blog for all.
Nobody has posted in forever! It has been a crazy busy week for me and I am sure it has been for you girls as well. My momma came over Monday through Wednesday and we had many adventures. Paul drove us around to Goodwill in Kent and Tukwilla, The great wall shopping mall in renton, Value Village in Kent, Uwajamia, and Ikea. We got picture frames, spoons for stamping with metal letters (i'll have to show you sometime), a kitty bed, another basket for our other toilet to hold toilet paper and bathroom spray, and um, probably more stuff that I don't remember.

When my mom was here we decided to tackle to bathroom. Now this bathroom is small as you can tell from the pictures, and it was hideous. Gold, border, and mauve walls. Ew. Ew. So off came all the fixtures. We bought a new toilet paper holder and hand towel rack, but just spray painted the light fixture and it turned out amazing!

We spent two whole hours removing that wall paper with both of us working the whole time. We didn't even start working till like 2:30, so lets say we were a little behind schedule. I thought the whole bathroom would be done in a few hours, but really we finished putting 2 coats of paint on at like 9pm and then had to put another one on in the morning. The white had covered the mauve pretty well after two coats, you could just see that it was more white where the border used to be because it was white there to begin with.

Her is the almost finished bathroom, just waiting for paint to dry, and then the mess we made in the house in the process.

Here is the finished product! I just took these pictures minutes ago while talking to my little bro on the phone while my best friend slept in the next room. Hence the awesome phone tucked into the ear and my awesome facial expressions. I moved the basket I got for the upstairs bathroom downstairs because I like it better than the second one I got, and I think it fits really nicely into this room. I love how everything is brushed silver now (except the facet because Paul and I need to pick out a new one together). I love how I no longer hate to walk by that room. I love that I finally have a towel rack on the wall. (the drywall screws that came with the hanger um..they went straight through the wall and I had to fill two gaping holes, and repaint, then get good drywall screws and start over. Now it is hung sturdy and I love my finished bathroom. Someday we will probably get a new counter in there, but for now I don't even mind the counter now that the hideous border and wall color are gone. :)

Ok did I talk enough about our mini bathroom remodel this blog? Probably not. Haha.
Yesterday, which would be Saturday, Paul and I went with his friend Vincent, my friend Sara, and her friend on a hike on exit 47 off of I 90 to granite mountain. I wish I had pictures, but I was too busy trying not to complain and trying not to die. We climbed through snow, snow that if you accidently stepped a couple inches off path would let your leg sink knee deep. I had no idea the conditions we were going into and was wearing all cotton and shoes with mesh on top. So not prepared. We made it, 8 miles total, and I could barely move when it was over. I am actually ok today (Sunday) better than I thought I would feel. It felt good to go out and work out. Then we all went out to eat at Pho Thai and I didn't take pictures there! Looks what happens to me when I am tired, I slack. Lame. Haha
I hope all you girls are having a fabulous week, I miss hearing from everybody!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
sunday morning post
Tired of me yet? :)
Another 5:15AM morning for me. Yikes. Jeremy and I were both really tired last night, but I feel awake now after a long morning. Its so strange to have like 3 hours up before going to church, because growing up we were always rushing out the door and I would try and sleep in until the last possible minute before getting up.
I loved all the happy posts yesterday! I thought I'd share some of my Saturday! Shea and I went to the park up in Silverdale, and I wish I had my camera...he was so cute! He was scared of the big slide at first, but after he got up the courage to scoot down, he could not stop! He would slide down and then immediately run up the stairs and go on it again. He probably did it 15 times in a row before we had to leave!
We went to Ross, which I haven't been to in a long time, because I wanted to look for some basic clothes for Shea. I ended up buying a dress for only $7.99 and a cute new top. I'm wearing the dress today and after I got ready I went in the bedroom and Jeremy told me that I looked cute today. Yay for actually buying clothes my husband likes! Probably curling my hair helped too (he doesn't like straightened hair on me)
I also bought a new rug for in the bathroom for four dollars. Here is my husband who would NOT get out of bed this morning (he just did), my rug, some daffodils I picked up at albertsons yesterday, my favorite cup which I had my tea in this morning, and my flowers from my preschoolers in my kitchen window. I love love love having places for fresh flowers in the house! Our apartment didn't get enough sunlight or had enough spots for vases in it. Amber, I just had this pop into my head: "the only good flower is a dead flower". hahaa.
I also finished my book last night, and here is the good word I received from it: Draw closer to God, find out what I am passionate about, and DO IT. I have some things that I have been feeling very strongly about wanting to see change in our community, but have been putting them on the back burner. I feel really encouraged to allowing God to lead me and clarify exactly what my role is! Its an exciting feeling.
A not so exciting feeling is that for Jeremy's mom's birthday next weekend, she wants the family and kids to meet them at a condo for dinner and swimming. The unexciting part is me in a swim suit. Although, I have worked out for 4 days straight, I'm the one without the excuse of being pregnant. Oh boy. I have a long way to go in the self-image department.
Hope you girls have a lovely Sunday TOO! It looks like its going to be nice out here - we'll probably venture out to the park again today if it warms up.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Weekend Bliss
Today has been such a wonderful Saturday. A week ago I was buried in homework, this weekend, I am free as a bird! (I have nothing due next week!!) I just found out that one of my classes got cancelled for the rest of the semester. My prof broke her knee. I feel really bad for her because that means when its warmer weather she'll have her bad knee to deal with. But I will enjoy not having to go to my 10 Am and 8:30 Am classes every week. I'll have three hours less of class a week now!
Can I brag about my husband? He just finished the draft for his report/thesis today. Its 50 pages long! His goal is to be done by the end of May, and he's way ahead of it. I'm so proud of him for being so motivated!
Today was wonderful. I slept in for the first time this week, made yummy banana-strawberry smoothies for breakfast. Worked on my quilt while watching Amazing race (almost done the quilt, pics soon!), went on a walk by the lake with Justin and our dog...dinner at Wendy's and movie night at a friend's house. If only all Saturdays could be like this.
I also found out recently that my parents have bought tickets to come visit us!! They'll be here April 12 to 24th. I haven't seen my mom since June, and its been over two years since I've seen my dad! Every time I think about them coming, I just get so excited. I can't believe I'll actually get to hang out with them everyday for two weeks! The long wait is finally over.
Hope you ladies are having good days too. :)
Can I brag about my husband? He just finished the draft for his report/thesis today. Its 50 pages long! His goal is to be done by the end of May, and he's way ahead of it. I'm so proud of him for being so motivated!
Today was wonderful. I slept in for the first time this week, made yummy banana-strawberry smoothies for breakfast. Worked on my quilt while watching Amazing race (almost done the quilt, pics soon!), went on a walk by the lake with Justin and our dog...dinner at Wendy's and movie night at a friend's house. If only all Saturdays could be like this.
I also found out recently that my parents have bought tickets to come visit us!! They'll be here April 12 to 24th. I haven't seen my mom since June, and its been over two years since I've seen my dad! Every time I think about them coming, I just get so excited. I can't believe I'll actually get to hang out with them everyday for two weeks! The long wait is finally over.
Hope you ladies are having good days too. :)
A crazy awesome week
Paul and I worked the EXACT same schedules this week and it was so so awesome. I was able to trade my saturday shift for a thursday shift meaning I worked Monday- Thursday all 10 hour shifts and was a bit tired afterward, but that gave me Friday and Saturday with my love, we both work Sunday, and then we both have Monday off together! My momma comes monday and tuesday and we are painting the downstairs bathroom, shopping and hanging out! Then I work wed-friday and then my best friend from middle school and the maid of honor in my wedding is coming over saturday through monday! I am one spoiled girl!
Yesterday Paul and I had to drive to Tacoma to get his car fixed. Paul knows of this awesome shop that does great work and only charges 40 an hr, so since we already had the parts, we drove there to have them put in. So nice. (Even though I was originally grumpy and didn't want to go). Ps, that yellow car is sweet, and Paul loves it.

"And nope, I didn't pose them. They were enticed by a sunbeam that was hitting the edge of the bed. They started off wrestling in it and when I came back to check on them later, they had all drifted off in a row.
In one stroke, I pet them all. This set off a chain-reaction of purrs which made the loveliest Medley melody. They stirred and stretched then assumed their positions and drifted off again."
In one stroke, I pet them all. This set off a chain-reaction of purrs which made the loveliest Medley melody. They stirred and stretched then assumed their positions and drifted off again."

I hope you girls have a fabulous weekend!!
becca, THANK YOU for your uplifting posts! I read your post and felt happy, but was annoyed as I looked outside at the fog. Now the fog is clearing and I can see some blue sky!
Yeah, I have a lot of schoolwork to do today and tomorrow. Melody really wanted me to go to her quiz meet today but I just can't do it.
But! I'm proud of myself because for the first time in weeks, the laundry is totally caught up! My goal is to only have to do laundry Monday-Wednesday-Friday. So it makes me happy to think I don't have to run a load of laundry till Monday, and even then I won't have much because I washed our sheets yesterday!
I'm also all done with the dishes as of this morning, but of course dishes are a daily thing. However, tonight we're going out with Angela and Paul and the parents to celebrate Paul's birthday, and that means I won't have to make dinner! I can't see any possible way I'll have to run another load of dishes today unless I bake something, which is not going to happen with all this schoolwork!!!
Okay I am totally procrastinating. For my Bluest Eye essay I have done the following:
I adore you becca. I love your personality and how it shines through the posts. Keep encouraging us and don't stop posting!
Yeah, I have a lot of schoolwork to do today and tomorrow. Melody really wanted me to go to her quiz meet today but I just can't do it.
But! I'm proud of myself because for the first time in weeks, the laundry is totally caught up! My goal is to only have to do laundry Monday-Wednesday-Friday. So it makes me happy to think I don't have to run a load of laundry till Monday, and even then I won't have much because I washed our sheets yesterday!
I'm also all done with the dishes as of this morning, but of course dishes are a daily thing. However, tonight we're going out with Angela and Paul and the parents to celebrate Paul's birthday, and that means I won't have to make dinner! I can't see any possible way I'll have to run another load of dishes today unless I bake something, which is not going to happen with all this schoolwork!!!
Okay I am totally procrastinating. For my Bluest Eye essay I have done the following:
- Picked the section I want to write about
- Come up with a thesis statement
I adore you becca. I love your personality and how it shines through the posts. Keep encouraging us and don't stop posting!
richer than me you can never be, for I had a mother who read to me
What a glorious Saturday morning! The sun is just rising, the sky is rosy and blue, and birds are chirping. Isn't it true that God's mercies are new every morning? I think about that every time Shea wakes up in the middle of the night. Some days I feel like I just can't get out of bed again to go soothe him, but then in the morning, I am always SO incredibly happy and filled with joy to see my son. Being a mom is awesome. And, he actually didn't wake up at all last night and I slept straight through the night. On a night when my husband isn't even home (I don't sleep well in bed alone). Maybe he's the problem...? ha.
Right now, Shea is sitting on my lap watching the cat in the hat on PBSKids.org while I type. This morning I woke up at 5:30 (partly due to Shea, partly due to my husband being gone last night, and lastly because we had guests over and I wanted to get up before they did). Shea played in my bedroom while I got ready - apparently my hamper is a great source of entertainment for him. Then I made some oatmeal with dried cranberries and some tea for us. Well, Shea didn't drink any tea. He ate a ton of food though! Then we just sat and cuddled by the gas stove reading books and working on his puzzle for about an hour. How nice! I love that my son loves reading books. I usually read him 5 - 10 books before bedtime, but lately I've only been reading 1 or 2 because we've been so busy. I need to really make more of an effort to spend that time with him though.
Anyway, last night after Shea went to bed, I had to finish this...(which Shea happilymodeled ran around like crazy in for me):
Right now, Shea is sitting on my lap watching the cat in the hat on PBSKids.org while I type. This morning I woke up at 5:30 (partly due to Shea, partly due to my husband being gone last night, and lastly because we had guests over and I wanted to get up before they did). Shea played in my bedroom while I got ready - apparently my hamper is a great source of entertainment for him. Then I made some oatmeal with dried cranberries and some tea for us. Well, Shea didn't drink any tea. He ate a ton of food though! Then we just sat and cuddled by the gas stove reading books and working on his puzzle for about an hour. How nice! I love that my son loves reading books. I usually read him 5 - 10 books before bedtime, but lately I've only been reading 1 or 2 because we've been so busy. I need to really make more of an effort to spend that time with him though.
Anyway, last night after Shea went to bed, I had to finish this...(which Shea happily
...x 10.
Yes. Audree (the 4's teacher I aide at work) gave me three yards of fabric and asked me to make 10 superhero capes for the letter S week this Monday. Just serge it and add a little ribbon or something to close it, she said. Sure, of course, I said. Then I had to go and look at online tutorials and decide I wanted to make it a lot cuter. I was really tempted to buy some more fabric, but then I realized I should NOT spend money on it. Anyway, two evenings of work later, I'm done.
It does kind of thrill me to see 10 little capes stacked on my table though. I'm thinking about making an extra one for Shea because he loved it so much. And the kids at work are SO excited about it.
I had to stay up until 11:30 last night, because my Sister-In-Law and her husband were spending the night. They're putting on a youth conference at a church nearby and didn't want to drive all the way back to Poulsbo. I was so happy to have someone else in the house since Jeremy was gone, though!
Anyway! Today I think Shea and I are going to go up to Silverdale and go shopping and have a mommy + baby date and I'm not going to do any housework! What are you girls doing this Saturday? Probably school and work! Amber, I just noticed that link to your school assignments and almost died when I saw it. Candice, you probably have a lot to do too!
Hoping and wishing you girls a happy Saturday and that you get some rest with your loves!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Hi girls! I don't have much time to post but I made pesto spaghetti last night. In Cameroon my mom grew basil so well we had a surplus, and the smell of fresh basil brings me back to childhood now. We used to ask her to make us "green spaghetti" for our birthdays!
I made it last night for St. Patrick's day. I'm going to be making it more often, whenever I can get my hands on fresh basil. And I'm going to try to grow it, too!
Here's my mom's recipe (I halved it because I only had 2 oz basil)
Blend together until liquified well:
Mix sauce and noodles.
Add 3/4 cup shredded mozzarella and 3/4 cup grated cheddar. Stir well!
Joe likes it a lot and it tasted just like when I was a kid. So good!
Joe didn't quite buy my logic that I didn't have to make a salad to go with it since we were eating the equivalent of a bowl full of basil with dinner. I think it totally counts, especially since the basil isn't even cooked!
That's all for now, love you girls.
I made it last night for St. Patrick's day. I'm going to be making it more often, whenever I can get my hands on fresh basil. And I'm going to try to grow it, too!
Here's my mom's recipe (I halved it because I only had 2 oz basil)
Blend together until liquified well:
- 1/2 cup olive oil
- 4 oz (approximately 4 cups? I weighed it out) fresh basil leaves
- 2 tsp salt
- 6 cloves garlic (I used my garlic press)
Mix sauce and noodles.
Add 3/4 cup shredded mozzarella and 3/4 cup grated cheddar. Stir well!
Joe likes it a lot and it tasted just like when I was a kid. So good!
Joe didn't quite buy my logic that I didn't have to make a salad to go with it since we were eating the equivalent of a bowl full of basil with dinner. I think it totally counts, especially since the basil isn't even cooked!
That's all for now, love you girls.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
just a day.
Right now I am listening to the rain fall on the skylight above my desk, and I love it. Even though I am kind feeling ready for warmer weather, I still love the sound of the rain.
Today started as a rough day, but ended well! I woke up late - its been hard to wake up in the morning lately. I think partly because we had a long weekend with a lot of busy days and late nights (not to mention the time change), and because its been so dark in the bedroom and I am so warm in my bed...I just can't get up! Even if I am awake.
So, anyway, I was really tired this morning, skipped the shower and basically had just enough time to get ready for work, make Shea breakfast, get him changed and ready for the day, and grab some Emergen-C to bring with to work. I really like having enough time not to rush in the morning and enjoy breakfast with Shea, so it kind of set a bad tone for the day. Class was fine and fun though, I was just SO tired that it felt like the day would never end! I didn't have time to pack a lunch either, so I am sure that didn't help my energy level. When I got home I wanted to do nothing but sit around.
Jeremy was dressed up because he had a house visit to lay hands on someone, so we talked about going out for dinner, but decided against it because we couldn't figure out a good place to take Shea that we actually wanted to go. So we'll wait until our anniversary in the next couple of weeks.
SO I finally kicked myself into gear a little bit and accomplished the following (which isn't really that much, but at least its better than nothing, which is what I felt like doing):
- Cleaned the kitchen
- Worked out for an hour (20 minute Abs routine and 45 minute muscle scultping)
Fun things:
- took a shower
- finished a little coat I've been working on for Shea
- posted on my blog
And now, I think I'm going to go jump in bed with my book. I've been reading Captivating by Stasi and Jim Eldredge, have any of you read it? I am about 3/4 of the way through and have really been enjoying it.
Right, and here are a few moments from today/yesterday. The buttons were from me fishing through my collection to find some for Shea's coat earlier tonight. You can see that Shea dumped water down the front of his shirt. And I was happy because I accidentally dried my top (in the dryer) when I washed it, and it actually finally fit a way I like! Not that you can really see it in the picture, but I was happy. My hair was also acceptable this day, so I felt good. It wasn't so great looking today. Which is why I'm posting this picture instead of one from right this moment. ha.
Today started as a rough day, but ended well! I woke up late - its been hard to wake up in the morning lately. I think partly because we had a long weekend with a lot of busy days and late nights (not to mention the time change), and because its been so dark in the bedroom and I am so warm in my bed...I just can't get up! Even if I am awake.
So, anyway, I was really tired this morning, skipped the shower and basically had just enough time to get ready for work, make Shea breakfast, get him changed and ready for the day, and grab some Emergen-C to bring with to work. I really like having enough time not to rush in the morning and enjoy breakfast with Shea, so it kind of set a bad tone for the day. Class was fine and fun though, I was just SO tired that it felt like the day would never end! I didn't have time to pack a lunch either, so I am sure that didn't help my energy level. When I got home I wanted to do nothing but sit around.
Jeremy was dressed up because he had a house visit to lay hands on someone, so we talked about going out for dinner, but decided against it because we couldn't figure out a good place to take Shea that we actually wanted to go. So we'll wait until our anniversary in the next couple of weeks.
SO I finally kicked myself into gear a little bit and accomplished the following (which isn't really that much, but at least its better than nothing, which is what I felt like doing):
- Cleaned the kitchen
- Worked out for an hour (20 minute Abs routine and 45 minute muscle scultping)
Fun things:
- took a shower
- finished a little coat I've been working on for Shea
- posted on my blog
And now, I think I'm going to go jump in bed with my book. I've been reading Captivating by Stasi and Jim Eldredge, have any of you read it? I am about 3/4 of the way through and have really been enjoying it.
Right, and here are a few moments from today/yesterday. The buttons were from me fishing through my collection to find some for Shea's coat earlier tonight. You can see that Shea dumped water down the front of his shirt. And I was happy because I accidentally dried my top (in the dryer) when I washed it, and it actually finally fit a way I like! Not that you can really see it in the picture, but I was happy. My hair was also acceptable this day, so I felt good. It wasn't so great looking today. Which is why I'm posting this picture instead of one from right this moment. ha.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
I still don't have a camera cord!!! I ordered one, it got lost in the mail, and they are shipping me a replacement.
Instead of a picture I'm posting a sample of the homework on working on:
1. Fniks are little winged creatures.
2. All fniks are explorers and some are very curious.
It drives me crazy figuring out if Fniks are little creatures with wings or are creatures with little wings.
This is what I'm paying tuition for?
If you can't tell, I am getting sick of school. This week coming up is no fun, Monday: assignment due, Tuesday: Stats test, and Wednesday: Presentation. After that, its not so bad. I spent my whole weekend doing homework and I still feel like I didn't get that much accomplished! I know it'll be over soon, (April 8th is my last day of class!) but with feeling stressed about school and no sign of spring yet.... sigh.
We found out Justin didn't get the job. I do feel at peace that God is in control, but I can tell that the job search is wearing on Justin. Yesterday he was asking me if I wanted to live in Iqaluit because they have jobs there. I checked the weather, and it was -20 F! Then he started talking about Australia....
Better news: I started working on a lap quilt for a fundraising auction! The fundraiser is for the campus ministry that I work with, and their fundraiser is on April 10th. I wasn't sure if I would be able to get one done in time, but I already have all the top done, and I only started it on Thursday. My rule has been that I'll only work on it when I'm watching TV (which would be down time I would be taking anyways).
Well I should get back to homework...writing a post was my 'break'. :)
Instead of a picture I'm posting a sample of the homework on working on:
1. Fniks are little winged creatures.
2. All fniks are explorers and some are very curious.
It drives me crazy figuring out if Fniks are little creatures with wings or are creatures with little wings.
This is what I'm paying tuition for?
If you can't tell, I am getting sick of school. This week coming up is no fun, Monday: assignment due, Tuesday: Stats test, and Wednesday: Presentation. After that, its not so bad. I spent my whole weekend doing homework and I still feel like I didn't get that much accomplished! I know it'll be over soon, (April 8th is my last day of class!) but with feeling stressed about school and no sign of spring yet.... sigh.
We found out Justin didn't get the job. I do feel at peace that God is in control, but I can tell that the job search is wearing on Justin. Yesterday he was asking me if I wanted to live in Iqaluit because they have jobs there. I checked the weather, and it was -20 F! Then he started talking about Australia....
Better news: I started working on a lap quilt for a fundraising auction! The fundraiser is for the campus ministry that I work with, and their fundraiser is on April 10th. I wasn't sure if I would be able to get one done in time, but I already have all the top done, and I only started it on Thursday. My rule has been that I'll only work on it when I'm watching TV (which would be down time I would be taking anyways).
Well I should get back to homework...writing a post was my 'break'. :)
I am an emo chick.
Ok not really but I am in love with wearing cute clothes, my pearls I got from the hubby before our wedding, and my camera, and taking pictures from emo angles. (see how my camera strap is in the side of that picture, I am totally going to make a camera strap cover and so when it peeks into my pictures it will be super cute. Can't wait. )

Saturday, March 12, 2011
My hair.
Every day before work I shower then let my hair air dry almost completely and then blow dry it for about a minute. That is picture one. Then I straighten for about 2 minutes. Then voila, picture three, the finished product (emo and all).

After a slight buttercream disaster last night, a trip to the store early this AM, a latte and a lot of bending over and changing my mind...the cake is complete. I literally changed my mind about how I wanted to decorate it at least 5 times WHILE decorating it. I finally completely re-did it and decided to do this. I am happy it is done and happy it is cute and simple (its a little bit more pink than in the picture, but still a very light pink).
Only one problem...its too tall to fit in my carrier (oops) and I think its too heavy to move to a thinner plate. HMM...I have about an hour and a half to figure that one out..
Oh and here is the aftermath of the kitchen:
Only one problem...its too tall to fit in my carrier (oops) and I think its too heavy to move to a thinner plate. HMM...I have about an hour and a half to figure that one out..
Oh and here is the aftermath of the kitchen:
And now, a sigh of relief:
Did I mention that halfway through this, I found Shea in the hallway with his clothes wet and chewing on soaking wet toilet paper? Apparently I left the bathroom door open and the toilet seat up...he was dipping toilet paper in the toilet bowl and eating it. gross. At least I cleaned it really well yesterday...but still. I need to go get dressed. Yikes.
Friday, March 11, 2011
day off?
It is a mom's life to have a day off work only to get out of bed at 5:15am because their son is up. For no particular reason. Usually I'm up by 5:45 on the weekdays and quietly take a shower and get ready so Shea doesn't wake up, but I think he heard daddy today (Fridays he has a meeting at 6am), and just wanted to get up! Normally if I tell him to go back to sleep because its not time to get up, he will...oh well. We're having a fun morning though! We read a few books by the fire, had some eggs and life cereal for breakfast, and now he's happily running around and playing with his toys by himself. Oh and check out his awesome headband. He found this fabric scrap on the floor and was trying to put it on his head, so I stuck it on him. He instantly smiled and started nodding his head up and down all serious-like in the mirror. What a crazy child. He still has it on. Definitely will be needing a dress-up trunk for him in a year.
He also has started closing his eyes EVERYTIME I pull the camera out. Guess he doesn't like the flash, haha.
This morning I: cleaned the kitchen (there were quite a few dishes from yesterday) and put in a load of laundry, and it's only 6:38am! Pretty good start. I have SO much to do today, its not even funny. Mainly, I have to decorate a cake. All the girls on Jeremy's side are throwing a shower for one of the other sisters (one of Jeremy's brother's wives), so on top of all of the baby things I've been sewing like a mad-woman, I'm also making a cake. Yesterday I baked all the layers, and they're sitting in my freezer getting nice and cold. Today I'm hoping to at least have the cake put together, I don't know if I'll get to decorating it or not. I still have a few more gifts to make and we're having company tonight.
I was also up until 11:30 last night making a diaper bag (posed on my lovely washing machine, such a nice backdrop).
He also has started closing his eyes EVERYTIME I pull the camera out. Guess he doesn't like the flash, haha.
This morning I: cleaned the kitchen (there were quite a few dishes from yesterday) and put in a load of laundry, and it's only 6:38am! Pretty good start. I have SO much to do today, its not even funny. Mainly, I have to decorate a cake. All the girls on Jeremy's side are throwing a shower for one of the other sisters (one of Jeremy's brother's wives), so on top of all of the baby things I've been sewing like a mad-woman, I'm also making a cake. Yesterday I baked all the layers, and they're sitting in my freezer getting nice and cold. Today I'm hoping to at least have the cake put together, I don't know if I'll get to decorating it or not. I still have a few more gifts to make and we're having company tonight.
I was also up until 11:30 last night making a diaper bag (posed on my lovely washing machine, such a nice backdrop).
![]() |
(inside) |
I think i'm going to go Wal*Mart today and get a few essentials to put in it, and throw together a few matching burp cloths. Then my gifting will be complete. Hopefully she likes it! I always get worried before giving away handmade gifts. Like I'm worried they're lame...but I guess its a little better than homemade potholders, right? :P
Also, I thought I would share my roses. They aren't new, but I love seeing these while I'm in the kitchen doing dishes. They're just so bright and happy (even if the picture is kind of dim). I have never been able to keep plants alive very long, and I've had these roses since Valentines day.
Wishing you a happy and productive Friday!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Short blog before the craziness of work.
Becca inspired me to make a chore chart. I never felt like I needed one when I stayed home all the time because I knew what I had done, I saw it daily, and would do it again when it got messy. But since I have started working 40 hours a week my weekly chores have been turning into biweekly or embarrassingly longer. So here is the chore chart, along with daily tasks (reading my bible is not a chore), and a grocery list (which is perfect because this is hung in my pantry) and a to do list for the things that need to be done on a one time basis. What I am doing for my weekly things is cutting my self some slack on the whole "weekly". When I accomplish a task I am going to write the date on the right hand side and within a week and a half of that date the chore should be done again. I am excited to see how this works out. :) Thanks Becca for the inspiration!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Today I did a little shopping and got soaking wet.
If I didn't know better I would tell you I was in a rainforrest today, the raindrops were huge, they were coming down fast, so fast my windshield wipers could barely keep up. Every time I went in or out of a store my clothing would become more soaked. I told this to my mom and she said I would have to start carrying an umbrella like people who live over here. Logic...I kinda don't have that sometimes. But to my defence I walk into a garage and start driving, I don't realize the rain until it is too lake. Anyway, through the rain I had an awesome shopping trip.
My first stop was supposed to be Macy's because I had some wedding money to spend still, but I got a text from Paul asking me to look up a few things on the computer (which I had brought with me) so I stopped by his store (which I was already going to do but later to show him some dining room tables on craigslist that I wanted to look at and get his opinion on). So I surprised him, and then he surprised me by saying he needed to pick up some cakes at a safeway 10 minutes away from him, so we went together, went to taco bell for a quick lunch date and then I dropped him back off at work and went on with my shopping.
First came Macy's. I got 4 of those cute glass bowls to put snacks in, I have been needing them because I hate using a napkin or a huge bowl. I got that grippy thing because well, I only own one cheap oven mitt and that thing is awesome! I got 2 new brown bath towels and 3 new hand towels. Now I can throw one set in the laundry and not have to worry about rushing to finish the load so we can shower again. :) And hand towels, I like to wash those often, so nice to have so many. The shoes were 5 dollars at goodwill and I LOVE them. They are brand new, one of those overflow things goodwill gets, I will tell you how I know this in a second.

Ps. I was totally on the phone with my mom while taking all of these pictures. The phone is tucked in my right ear in the mirror pictures. I was talking too. Gotta love multitasking!
For the longest time I have wanted a breakfast tray or whatever these things are called. While Paul and I were living in the apartment, and had no place to put one, I found this beauty at Target for like 7.99 or something. It sat in the closet at the apartment for months, until we moved actually. Then when we moved to the new house I pulled it out. It sat with the collage of store bought pictures and mat in it until just a few days ago when I decided to get down to business. I made this collage from some scrapbook paper I already had while Amber read readers digest in my craft room. I love having company, company I feel comfortable with just being around but not having a need to talk. Just having another human being present, and when we want to talk we do. Such a good feeling. :) And I love how my tray turned out! It now sits in the family room on the loveseat. I still need to buy a coffee table and I go to goodwill as often as I can to find one, but so far Goodwill has let me down. Soon I will find one!

I did get something else awesome at goodwill today though! I bought a dining room table and four chairs for just 69.99. I texted this picture to Paul to ask for his approval, he said ok, I bought it, and we will pick it up tonight. I got the final piece of furniture for our house, it's cheaper than any set on craigslist, and it is only 7 minutes away from our house! We are picking the rest of it up tonight with the truck ( I brought two chairs home with me already).

I also got this cute basket to sit on the back of the toilet and hold a couple rolls of toilet paper and the bathroom spray for only $0.99.

Now I am just chilling at home and drinking tea, contemplating what to make for dinner, thinking about watching an episode of house, wishing I could watch an episode of Heros (my new addiction as of yesterday, but I am not allowed to watch it without Paul). I used to think people were weird for being so addicted to the show, I understand now. Every episode leaves you hanging, so hard to stop watching when you have them all instantly in front of you on Netflix!
Oh and one last thing. Paul and I filed our taxes last night. Jointly. :) Love being married!
Hi girls, I am having a really tough morning. Not because of lack of motivation but because so much stuff is happening it's giving me a headache. Where shall I start...
Chapter 1
Let's start with school. Yesterday the summer course schedule came out - all the courses listed for "session E" (the first eight weeks of summer) and "session F" (the second eight weeks). Much to my astonishment, ALL of the remaining five classes (15 credits) I need were offered in session E! I immediately called my advisor who informed me that:
So the next eight weeks will be more hectic, school-wise, than I originally thought. I'm taking English Senior Seminar (ENGL 485), The Art of the Essay (ENGL 305), and Contemporary American Literature (ENGL 368). Just now I organized all my assignments for this session by date, and I even put it in Google Docs so you guys can see it. Just click here. I'll edit and update it and maybe even put entertaining details in the notes.
I am claiming all three of you as my companions in the next eight weeks because I'm going to need a lot of prayer and encouragement - a LOT. I've taken 9 credits in a session before and I know I can do it, but these are all English classes - and, this isn't the biggest thing going on in my life right now
Chapter 2
We had the house inspected, more as a formality than anything. Our agent said "with a house this new, we really just do the inspection so your bank will give you the loan" because the bank wants to make sure we really want the house before they appraise it.
We were present at the inspection. There were two semi-major things: bad windows and water in the crawl space. But the good news was the solution for the crawl space was relatively simple and would cost about $1500. We discussed it and signed our approval before even seeing the report.
We got the report via email yesterday (Joe's birthday). Joe came home from work at 9:30 to my amazing dinner, then went upstairs to check his email. He was very somber when he finished reading the report and said he is having doubts. There are so many little things, but we don't know if all these things are typical in a 10 year old house and we just have a thorough inspector.
I cried a lot last night, and did not sleep well. I had horrible, horrible dreams that I had to read a book with moving pictures of people being mutilated. Joe was really frustrated too. I told him I was crying just because I'd had my heart set on it, but we still need to make the right decision for both of us. I told him that if he "gave in" just because he knew I really wanted it, I would turn him down. He asked why; I said, "We're already living in a house where you're not happy; why would I want to move to another house that makes you unhappy?" And can you imagine the undercurrent of resentment that might happen if he bought the house just for my sake? I'd be all happy-go-lucky and he would always have regrets.
This morning we called our realtor. Thankfully he had not sent the signed paperwork yet, so if we back out now we will get our earnest money back and not lose anything except the cost of the inspection. Our realtor is going to go back to the house today with a contractor (Joe works again today) and check out some areas of concern, especially areas that we weren't able to look at because there were obstructions.
And how am I? I feel fine right now but I can tell you one thing - if we don't get this house, we probably won't be moving for several months because I do not have time to research houses and plan visiting dates while I'm on school overload. If we don't get this house it'll be a while before I even have motivation to look at other houses. I feel really good about our marriage - I know that's a strange thing to say, but I feel like Joe trusts me not to manipulate him with my emotions, and I trust him to make wise practical decisions despite my emotions.
Chapter 3
Cats. Gordo seems to be all better, but we're still giving him meds and not letting him outside. He eats and drinks on his own now and he's just as annoying as ever, meowing and waking us up and jumping on the counters (BAD CAT).
I was feeling overwhelmed with everything this morning and went to make myself tea. The kitchen rug was all folded over on itself and I assumed Wiggle had been wrestling with it. I sighed and unfolded it and there was CAT POOP on it. Um, they have never done that. And I cleaned the litter box last night and I've been doing it diligently. They have fresh water and food; maybe Gordo is mad because I won't let him out?
I cleaned up the poop and started the water boiling for tea, intending to wash the rug later. When I went back to make tea, I stepped in something wet, sighed thinking he must have peed too, but no - it was some *ahem* liquid poo I had missed - and stepped in - and tracked on the kitchen floor! I almost cried. All I wanted was a cup of tea.
When I picked up the rug more poo particles fell on the floor. Ugh ugh ugh ugh, I know you girls don't want to hear these details but I'm just emphasizing how this one incident made me feel like I'll never be able to relax again. I threw the rug (and my sock) in the wash with a ton of soap and sprayed the floor with 409 and wiped it up. But I'm still mad at whichever cat did it.
Chapter 4
I went to the gym yesterday! I did the elliptical which didn't put a lot of stress on my ankle, probably because even though you're doing a running motion, you're not jumping on one foot with your full weight like you do when you're running. And I made an appointment with a trainer for today at 5, so that'll be a good escape. Especially during the next eight weeks I need to make gym a priority.
Thank you for reading this photo-less post. If you want a photo, go back and gaze at my steak photo. It's the thing I'm clinging to right now; the thing I did right, that was the "only good part" of my husband's birthday (his words); the thing I was scared to do and did it anyway and did it WELL.
Hi girls, I am having a really tough morning. Not because of lack of motivation but because so much stuff is happening it's giving me a headache. Where shall I start...
Chapter 1
Let's start with school. Yesterday the summer course schedule came out - all the courses listed for "session E" (the first eight weeks of summer) and "session F" (the second eight weeks). Much to my astonishment, ALL of the remaining five classes (15 credits) I need were offered in session E! I immediately called my advisor who informed me that:
- I can only take up to 12 credits in the summer.
- I can only take up to 9 credits in a session.
So the next eight weeks will be more hectic, school-wise, than I originally thought. I'm taking English Senior Seminar (ENGL 485), The Art of the Essay (ENGL 305), and Contemporary American Literature (ENGL 368). Just now I organized all my assignments for this session by date, and I even put it in Google Docs so you guys can see it. Just click here. I'll edit and update it and maybe even put entertaining details in the notes.
I am claiming all three of you as my companions in the next eight weeks because I'm going to need a lot of prayer and encouragement - a LOT. I've taken 9 credits in a session before and I know I can do it, but these are all English classes - and, this isn't the biggest thing going on in my life right now
Chapter 2
We had the house inspected, more as a formality than anything. Our agent said "with a house this new, we really just do the inspection so your bank will give you the loan" because the bank wants to make sure we really want the house before they appraise it.
We were present at the inspection. There were two semi-major things: bad windows and water in the crawl space. But the good news was the solution for the crawl space was relatively simple and would cost about $1500. We discussed it and signed our approval before even seeing the report.
We got the report via email yesterday (Joe's birthday). Joe came home from work at 9:30 to my amazing dinner, then went upstairs to check his email. He was very somber when he finished reading the report and said he is having doubts. There are so many little things, but we don't know if all these things are typical in a 10 year old house and we just have a thorough inspector.
I cried a lot last night, and did not sleep well. I had horrible, horrible dreams that I had to read a book with moving pictures of people being mutilated. Joe was really frustrated too. I told him I was crying just because I'd had my heart set on it, but we still need to make the right decision for both of us. I told him that if he "gave in" just because he knew I really wanted it, I would turn him down. He asked why; I said, "We're already living in a house where you're not happy; why would I want to move to another house that makes you unhappy?" And can you imagine the undercurrent of resentment that might happen if he bought the house just for my sake? I'd be all happy-go-lucky and he would always have regrets.
This morning we called our realtor. Thankfully he had not sent the signed paperwork yet, so if we back out now we will get our earnest money back and not lose anything except the cost of the inspection. Our realtor is going to go back to the house today with a contractor (Joe works again today) and check out some areas of concern, especially areas that we weren't able to look at because there were obstructions.
And how am I? I feel fine right now but I can tell you one thing - if we don't get this house, we probably won't be moving for several months because I do not have time to research houses and plan visiting dates while I'm on school overload. If we don't get this house it'll be a while before I even have motivation to look at other houses. I feel really good about our marriage - I know that's a strange thing to say, but I feel like Joe trusts me not to manipulate him with my emotions, and I trust him to make wise practical decisions despite my emotions.
Chapter 3
Cats. Gordo seems to be all better, but we're still giving him meds and not letting him outside. He eats and drinks on his own now and he's just as annoying as ever, meowing and waking us up and jumping on the counters (BAD CAT).
I was feeling overwhelmed with everything this morning and went to make myself tea. The kitchen rug was all folded over on itself and I assumed Wiggle had been wrestling with it. I sighed and unfolded it and there was CAT POOP on it. Um, they have never done that. And I cleaned the litter box last night and I've been doing it diligently. They have fresh water and food; maybe Gordo is mad because I won't let him out?
I cleaned up the poop and started the water boiling for tea, intending to wash the rug later. When I went back to make tea, I stepped in something wet, sighed thinking he must have peed too, but no - it was some *ahem* liquid poo I had missed - and stepped in - and tracked on the kitchen floor! I almost cried. All I wanted was a cup of tea.
When I picked up the rug more poo particles fell on the floor. Ugh ugh ugh ugh, I know you girls don't want to hear these details but I'm just emphasizing how this one incident made me feel like I'll never be able to relax again. I threw the rug (and my sock) in the wash with a ton of soap and sprayed the floor with 409 and wiped it up. But I'm still mad at whichever cat did it.
Chapter 4
I went to the gym yesterday! I did the elliptical which didn't put a lot of stress on my ankle, probably because even though you're doing a running motion, you're not jumping on one foot with your full weight like you do when you're running. And I made an appointment with a trainer for today at 5, so that'll be a good escape. Especially during the next eight weeks I need to make gym a priority.
Thank you for reading this photo-less post. If you want a photo, go back and gaze at my steak photo. It's the thing I'm clinging to right now; the thing I did right, that was the "only good part" of my husband's birthday (his words); the thing I was scared to do and did it anyway and did it WELL.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Ladies, I just did a good wife deed (GWD)!!! I made Joe dinner even though he won't be home till 9:30 - and I did something I've never done before: I cooked a roast! A rib-eye roast! I got it at Costco. 4.5 pounds, $7/pound = one pretty darn risky purchase for someone who hasn't ever done something like this before. But I wanted something really tasty and also something that we can enjoy over the next..well, week. Something I can make sandwiches out of and serve with potatoes.
And oh, my goodness sake, it turned out so good I am a wee bit misty-eyed. I'm probably enjoying it more than Joe will because he's used to high-quality food from his good cook mom. But me? I've been living the single life for almost seven years. No mom to cook my meals. I lived off ground beef till Joe asked for chicken and fish every once in a while.

How amazing, right? And oh my goodness the carrots and potatoes were all crusty and savory and the carrots had carmelized. And the roast - well, I just ate three slices with my hands, if that tells you anything. The outside is all crispy and seared and the inside is perfect (I was going for "medium" but I think it ended up "well done", but that's okay. We'll see when we get to the middle.)
I called my husband jubilantly to tell him. He was excited but then asked me to make Yorkshire pudding to go with it (well, suggested and then said it was okay if I didn't). But it's his birthday and I want him to LOVE it! So I'm going to make Yorkshire pudding. The batter is waiting till he's almost home.
And apparently you don't eat Yorkshire pudding without gravy, so I'm going to make gravy too - which I've never done either. At least, not without making gravy from a mix.
So here are the links I'm using:
How to Cook a Beef Rib-Eye Roast
Yorkshire Pudding
How to Make Homemade Beef Gravy From Drippings
Oh and I'm probably a naughty cook but I didn't have a roasting pan so I used a Pyrex 9x13. It worked out fine.
Edit - the Yorkshire pudding, I didn't know this, but it's the same as "popovers" my mom used to make. Never had them with gravy though - SO GOOD!
And oh, my goodness sake, it turned out so good I am a wee bit misty-eyed. I'm probably enjoying it more than Joe will because he's used to high-quality food from his good cook mom. But me? I've been living the single life for almost seven years. No mom to cook my meals. I lived off ground beef till Joe asked for chicken and fish every once in a while.
How amazing, right? And oh my goodness the carrots and potatoes were all crusty and savory and the carrots had carmelized. And the roast - well, I just ate three slices with my hands, if that tells you anything. The outside is all crispy and seared and the inside is perfect (I was going for "medium" but I think it ended up "well done", but that's okay. We'll see when we get to the middle.)
I called my husband jubilantly to tell him. He was excited but then asked me to make Yorkshire pudding to go with it (well, suggested and then said it was okay if I didn't). But it's his birthday and I want him to LOVE it! So I'm going to make Yorkshire pudding. The batter is waiting till he's almost home.
And apparently you don't eat Yorkshire pudding without gravy, so I'm going to make gravy too - which I've never done either. At least, not without making gravy from a mix.
So here are the links I'm using:
How to Cook a Beef Rib-Eye Roast
Yorkshire Pudding
How to Make Homemade Beef Gravy From Drippings
Oh and I'm probably a naughty cook but I didn't have a roasting pan so I used a Pyrex 9x13. It worked out fine.
Edit - the Yorkshire pudding, I didn't know this, but it's the same as "popovers" my mom used to make. Never had them with gravy though - SO GOOD!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
mud puddles and a sweet sabbath
Aaaah. A moment of quiet.
Last night and today have been nice. I feel energized and refreshed, which is my definition of Sabbath.
Yesterday, after we came back home (we left for an hour while the house was being shown), we decided to play out in the yard for a while. Shea had a blast. Jeremy and I played catch with my new baseball mitt while Shea was running around. After a little bit, I turn to find this (warning, Shea picture overload):
I know so many people who are having babies in the upcoming months and I can't wait to churn out a bunch of these! I am definitely making one for Shea for the spring, too.
Last night and today have been nice. I feel energized and refreshed, which is my definition of Sabbath.
Yesterday, after we came back home (we left for an hour while the house was being shown), we decided to play out in the yard for a while. Shea had a blast. Jeremy and I played catch with my new baseball mitt while Shea was running around. After a little bit, I turn to find this (warning, Shea picture overload):
But this doesn't show the part where he is sitting in the mud puddle, throwing rocks in the air and then kneeling down to DRINK the mud. haha. I didn't grab my camera at that point. Oh how I love having a son. And, Shout got all of the mud out. Actually, his shoes looked brand new afterward.
Last night I was up pretty late planning the music for Sunday (slacker that I am). I just could not decide on songs! But in the end, we picked some new ones and Jeremy and I just played music for a while upstairs. It was really...nice! I also got to sew for a while, and sorry, I know I have my own sewing blog, but I don't want to post these for a while because its for my sister in law and I don't want anyone discovering it early! I had SO much fun making these though! At first I was totally worried the coat wouldn't turn out right, but in the end, I was just giddy because it was actually cute! Wish I had better pictures, but the lighting was not good when I took these.
Today we had two families over for lunch after church (I made a huge pot of chili and cornbread and it was delicious), and then we had to leave for 30 minutes for a showing (we got called on the way home from work). I went to Fred Meyer to get stuff to make pizza for dinner, because we have a guy that Jeremy knows from his Prayer group coming over to talk about starting some new ministries downtown. Busy day, but still relaxing!
And Shea just woke up from his nap, so I better go be a mom now!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
SO...the house we're in is still on the market, as you girls know. The Landlord told me that it would be still on the market for about 4-6 weeks after we moved in, because they couldn't break their agreement with the realtors, and after that point, if no one buys the house, we can sign a longer lease. We've been crossing our fingers and praying that no one buys it before then.
Back in January, after it had been on the market for 6 weeks, they had only showed the house once. I don't think they've had anyone else in to see it since then, but I don't know for sure. I got a call this morning from a realtor and someone is coming to look at it in about an hour. I also wonder if our landlords will change their mind since they got another "bite", and want to leave it for sale for a while longer.
Here's the thing though, I'm not really worried. I mean, of course someone looking at it doesn't mean it will indefinitely be bought, but there is certainly always a chance. Yes, it would be a little sad if we had to leave. Not only because we love it here, but because moving isn't exactly my favorite thing (despite how often we tend to do it). But maybe the reason that we're here is because God wanted us month-to-month so we could move to where he wants to take us. I mean, sure, it would've been cheaper to stay month-to-month at the apartment and a lot less work, but we would've signed a 6 month lease there and maybe never learned a lesson we're supposed to.
Anyway, I am still kind of anxious about it and feel like I REALLY have to trust in God at this time, because I'll just go insane otherwise. We know 100% that He wanted us here, or all this crazy stuff wouldn't have happened the way that it did, and we knew what we agreed to when we moved in. So maybe He just wants me to continue to trust that He's got it all worked out. No, duh?
Its so sunny out and I feel overwhelmingly happy today!
And here is my crazy son squishing his face through our kitchen chairs. He did this for like 10 minutes while I was washing dishes the other day and boy, was he amused with himself. He is so funny and is growing SO quickly! He's starting to say words and he understands so much, I am amazed everyday!
Back in January, after it had been on the market for 6 weeks, they had only showed the house once. I don't think they've had anyone else in to see it since then, but I don't know for sure. I got a call this morning from a realtor and someone is coming to look at it in about an hour. I also wonder if our landlords will change their mind since they got another "bite", and want to leave it for sale for a while longer.
Here's the thing though, I'm not really worried. I mean, of course someone looking at it doesn't mean it will indefinitely be bought, but there is certainly always a chance. Yes, it would be a little sad if we had to leave. Not only because we love it here, but because moving isn't exactly my favorite thing (despite how often we tend to do it). But maybe the reason that we're here is because God wanted us month-to-month so we could move to where he wants to take us. I mean, sure, it would've been cheaper to stay month-to-month at the apartment and a lot less work, but we would've signed a 6 month lease there and maybe never learned a lesson we're supposed to.
Anyway, I am still kind of anxious about it and feel like I REALLY have to trust in God at this time, because I'll just go insane otherwise. We know 100% that He wanted us here, or all this crazy stuff wouldn't have happened the way that it did, and we knew what we agreed to when we moved in. So maybe He just wants me to continue to trust that He's got it all worked out. No, duh?
Its so sunny out and I feel overwhelmingly happy today!
And here is my crazy son squishing his face through our kitchen chairs. He did this for like 10 minutes while I was washing dishes the other day and boy, was he amused with himself. He is so funny and is growing SO quickly! He's starting to say words and he understands so much, I am amazed everyday!
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