I took a little break from blogging and for the lamest reason! You know why? I got an iphone, meaning I am never on my computer anymore. I have internet at my fingertips all day long. Necessary? No. Fun? Absolutely. The phone also has an amazing camera on it. Like crazy good. All these pictures are from the phone, and if they look grainy its because that's how certain "hipstamatic" and other programs make them look. I have been messing around with 3 different picture programs on my phone and have been having a lot of fun.
My kitties like it when I am in my craft room, Eric likes to sleep on the floor next to me. The picture of them both on the bed was taken on the night where Paul had to work night shift so I had the bed to myself...I am pretty sure the kitties were in heaven as I slept at an angle and they didn't get kicked all night long since there was only one human in the bed! Haha.
Paul brought me home a pumpkin spice latte from work one day and the starbucks girl wrote "Paul's wife" on it, definitely made me smile.
We got the kitties a new litter box. Now they have two. I believe I wrote about this earlier. I am loving them having two boxes though! They make less mess and there has been no peeing on beds again yet...we still don't leave the door to the guest room or our bedroom open while we are out of the house.

I bought a rug for the laundry room and love it! So does Eric, it is his new runway. For me it means less litter all over the floor and a warmer floor when I go get the laundry.
Paul and I made a quick 24 hr trip to ML so I could see my parents. We got out all the christmas ornaments in ML so I could pick mine out. :)

I have been updating my recipe book. I absolutely love finding new recipes on Pinterest. Currently I am typing up all the recipes I was given at my bridal shower in ML. They are all in a little photo album but I want everything in the same place, I am much more likely to make them that way!
Eric lovessssss drinking water from the bathtub, haha.
Those molassess cookies were AMAZING if I do say so myself. I had an hour total after I got home from church on sunday to get ready for work, eat lunch and bake cookies. In 40 minutes I had the cookies mixed up, baked, cooled and on a plate and the kitchen clean. So awesome.
The hummus with the carrots and pita chips is homemade, my mom is awesome.
Those heart rhythms are awful. I have homework for some of the classes I am doing for my new job. I thought I was done with school! Haha.
That breakfast quesidilla was Paul's idea. We made it on monday when we both had the day off. It was amazing. So fun to have a special breakfast every once in a while. When Paul went to go pick up the sausage for it at Safeway he brought me home a salted carmel mocha. Delish!

Today I finally fixed a shelf that has been calling my name for a long time now. It was just sitting in the spare room after I redid my craft closet and was no longer using it. It was stained from some shampoo or something I had stored in there during college in the dorms. I just repapered the back and it looks as good as new! I am not actually going to keep storing cat litter and food on it but I actually have no need for the shelf right now. It is just waiting for a purpose. :)

I miss you girls!