I also turned on the yogamama and had to turn it off. Waaaaay too cheesy for me.
Anyway. Saturday. So I went and bought my calcium pills, picked up my friend Susan, and we headed to the women's retreat thingy. We were both kind of disappointed by the event. I mean, it was a nice event with good food, prizes, and a fun little craft (which neither of us actually did), but they never pulled everyone together to do anything that the conference was supposed to do. My understanding was that they were supposed to show some videos and get people talking to each other. But, it basically just turned into a women's fellowship for three hours. Susan and I just sat on a couch and talked - and we actually had a great time catching up and not running out of things to talk about the whole time, but we no one really tried to connect with us.
I was supposed to go to work afterward, but my boss asked me if I wanted the night off! I said sure, and instead met Jeremy and Shea on my way home. He was headed out to go play disc golf with a few guys, so while he did that, Shea and I went shopping. Then we picked him up, ate dinner, and headed home to roast a few marshmallows with the cousins.
Sunday I had to work all day. This month I figure I am just not going to be at church, since I'm working weekends only now. I really didn't mind being at work after having five days off that week! This week I don't work until Friday from 12-5, and then I have all day shifts on Saturday and Sunday. It's nice that I am still able to work about 25 hours just on the weekend, so we can save up some more money before baby comes! I am planning on quitting for sure after May, or just working Saturdays at the point, but I cannot even contain how excited I am about not working!
Today, Jeremy went off to work and Shea and I went to Silverdale to meet up with my sister-in-law and another lady from our church and her daughter. After the kids played at a park and the mall play area for about an hour and a half, we said our goodbyes and headed home. I was tired, but had to stop at the grocery store and to pick up some shaving cream for Jeremy. We went to Wendy's and WalMart, and when we got home we both crashed and slept for 2 hours!
I have not had a 2 hour nap in a loooong time and I really needed it. After that, I cleaned up the kitchen, cleaned out the refrigerator, and played trains with Shea for a while.
In other news: my cilantro is growing!! I took this picture on Saturday, and the sprouts are even bigger today! My Basil is growing too, but you couldn't really see it in the picture. I am excited for my herb garden, and I think I need to plant a few more before it gets too late.
Here is Shea. We were playing outside on Saturday before I left for my women's "conference".
And Jeremy, just for fun.
I made myself a green smoothie just now too. Had some fruit to use up and haven't been eating enough spinach lately. It went from this (banana, pineapple, orange juice, strawberries, yogurt, and spinach):
To this!
It mostly just tasted like banana and orange juice, so I'm going to have to play around with the recipe. Shea LOVED it though. I might have finally found a way for him to eat some spinach!
Well, Shea is throwing markers every where now, and I need to figure out what to make for dinner tonight! Happy Monday!