Some happy pictures. Steel cut oats (Becca, I don't actually have a recipie I just make the steel cut oats in the rice cooker with a timer set so they will be done when I wake up and after they are done I add stuff - usually pears/strawberries, almonds/walnuts, brown sugar, and milk). They are my favorite breakfast ever. I have this new app on my phone that lets me write on pictures, get ready for dorky comments! :) Our grass is growing, it looks way better than in this picture now, but I need to mow because it is way longer than our other grass. Only problem being it has been wayyyyy to wet to mow for the last 3 days. Oh and a very unhealthy but absolutely amazing lunch. I only ate half of the sandwich (toasted on the panini) and ate the other half cold for dinner and it was amazing!

So I mentioned in my last post that my grandma wasn't doing too well. My mom called Thursday morning (she had been with my grandparents since monday) and said my grandma was super confused. They had a lab appointment to see if her electrolyte levels had come up and I told my mom to call me after the appointment and see how it went. After I hung up the phone I changed my mind and decided to go to Salem right then, and call into work for the day. I packed and showered then went on my merry way. I stopped at Hmart to get happy things and candy for my mom because I knew she/I would need it. I stopped for gas in federal way and by the time I left the station there were 2 cops cars, a cop suburban, and a cop motorcycle and a guy in handcuffs. Fun times in the hood. When I got to Salem (about a 3.5 hour drive) I got caramel macchiatos for my mom and I.

A couple hours after I got to my grandparents house the Dr's office called with the lab results which were still really crummy. We made the decision to take her to the ER. We got to the ER around 4 and got into a room right away. By 8:30 we were in a hospital room where my grandma ended up staying for 6 days. It was the BIGGEST room I have ever seen ever. It used to be a triple room but now is a single, it wins an award for most awesome room ever.

I spent about 3 hours in the morning and three in the evening every day with my grandma at the hospital. My mom would come for a few hours as well, but she stayed at home to take care of my grandpa. We made an awesome team and I felt bad leaving her on sunday ( I was there for 4 days). My grandma and I had lunch together on two seperate occasions at the hospital. One time my mom brought me food (she had to take care of me because I was doing a crappy job of taking care of myself) and the other time they brought my grandma a whole sandwich for her lunch (which she never eats a whole, only a half) so she gave me the other half, it was actually pretty good. My grandma is the perfect patient, always saying please and thank you, doing what you tell her even if she doesn't want to, eating when she isn't hungry because she knows it is good for her. Perfect, amazing grandma. :)

I don't make coffee for myself every morning, actually I hardly ever make it because I think it is too much work, but my grandparents have coffee every morning. So every morning I woke up to a fresh pot of coffee and enjoyed it to the last drop. The picture to the top right is my grandparents living room. I love the old refinished furniture, I love the memories that room holds. I look at the picture and just smile. :) My mom made awesome dinners every night. I love having someone cook for me especially when I don't feel good. I was sick to my stomach a few times while being there because I was worried about my grandma and my grandpa kept asking what was going on and when she was coming home. I took this picture pre nap (I couldn't fall asleep for the longest time) and then I don't think I ended up sending it to Paul because you could see the worry and awfulness in my face, didn't know I wore my emotions so much. No wonder my mom was taking care of me, making sure I was doing ok. She bought me stuff to make a smoothie and some books to read on the way home from the hospital one day. She knows what I need. :)

It ended up being amazing that I could go down and help for 4 days. I was able to support my mom emotionally (I only was doing bad for like half hour or an hour at a time and it would pass). I was able to be at the hospital every day when the cardiologist and hospitalist rounded as well as social work and physical therapy. I met every nurse and cna that she had in those four days, I made sure she got the best of care. My mom make sure my grandpa was ok, the house was clean, and that there was food on the table. Together we made a team, and I loved that. My mom will be down there for two weeks total ( a very long time to be away from home) and I still think she is amazing for it! :)
On the drive home I treated myself to dutch brothers, soooo goooood. I told my mom the accord didn't have a cd player. I have had this car for 4 years now, I have used the cd player a zillion times. I have no idea why I thought it didn't have one but it wasn't until I was almost home that I realized it did. Wow, I am sooooo smart. :) I got the most amazing gas mileage driving there and back. I got 460 miles on the tank and 31 mph, best I have gotten...ever. That was even in the crappy traffic I hit on the way home on sunday evening! I was meeting Paul for dinner and then I hit this awful tacoma traffic and was in it for almost half an hour. They closed the major city center exit and it caused a hugggeee backup. Ew.

When I got to Federal way Paul had a dinner table waiting for us at our favorite Asian restaurant. The food was amazing. Then I came home to these little fuzz faces staring at me. I played about a billion games of "draw something" on my phone. This earwax one was with my dad. He took over the game my mom and I were playing because she hasn't been able to play while she has been in oregon since it's on his itouch. It is fun playing with my dad! Oh and I woke up to sweet eric the next morning. I sure did miss his fuzz face. :)

Today I was supposed to go to work and Paul had the day off. We both dozed on the couch and I had my alarm set for 1:20 to get up, I was procrastinating and at 1:25 I got a phone call from work saying they were putting me on standby. I didn't get called in so I had a surprise day off with my love! God gives the best surprises, I needed that day off to chill, relax and to have a day off with Paul for the first time in at least 2 weeks. I cleaned the fridge, froze stuff, made salads, prepped everything so we could have Yakisoba for dinner, vacuumed, cleaned 3 bathrooms, ran the dishwasher, and did 2 loads of laundry. Then I played darts with Paul (he is way better than me) (oh and ps. Paul put up an awesome dart board while I was gone, it's so so so fun to play even though I lose and it makes my feet hurt to stand that much. ). Then we hung out in front of the fire with the kitties and watched a movie. A very relaxing day indeed.
Hope all is well, I love hearing about your lives!