Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The World is Fragile

Hi Girls!

I was just reminded today about how fragile the world is.  Not in a scary way or to feel desperate.  I'm sure you've heard about hurricane Sandy.  I was supposed to fly out Wednesday morning for a friend's wedding in San Diego.  I found out last night it was cancelled due to the hurricane (connecting flight in DC).  Although what we're getting here is nothing compared to NYC, it was still crazy stormy last night.  I found it hard to sleep just because the noise of what was going on outside was so loud.  This morning we woke up to the news of the damage in NYC and some minor in scale damage in Toronto.  I just kept thinking today about the power of God and how humanity is nothing compared to him.  Then when I got off the train station at the end of the day, I smelled really nasty burning rubber and saw the sky filled with smoke.  My first thought was, is that our house?!  We live just around the corner from the train station.  I heard the fire trucks and saw that the source was thankfully not our house but a burning car in a parking lot across the street.

This is not my picture, but I could have taken a very similar one on my way to my practicum this morning.

Kind of a crazy day.  But now I am at home, my flight has been re-booked for Thursday, and I am at peace knowing that God, with his omnipotent, incomprehensible power loves me to death and is completely in control.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Enjoying fires and tea

My kitties are feeling the effects of this colder weather.  They cuddle more often and I don't blame them. We have been having the fire on and been drinking coffee and tea on a daily basis to stay warm.  It isn't even THAT cold outside but the rain and drizzle and gloomyness makes it all worse! 

My grandparents house is almost up on the market.  We have gotten (and be we I mean my mom and her siblings- I wasn't able to make it down) everything out of the house.  My mom brought me this rock back from my grandma's garden. I love it in my front yard. :)  I took this picture on our last nice day before it started raining constantly! 

Paul and I made one last trip to the river (well I say it was our last trip Paul isn't so sure) for the fall.  Paul loves watching people fish and all the fish jump, and I love hanging out with my hubby, so it works out well.  I love having free fun activities! 

Sometimes it would seem getting pictures together isn't worth it, as Paul never cooperates. But I enjoy these goofy, husband ignoring the camera pictures, and know that once we have children my priority will not be pictures of Paul and me so I must take them now! 

Last Wednesday I got mandatory cut from work ( I was super bummed because I hadn't worked much in the last week because of jury duty) but I decided to  make the best of it.  Paul told me to go get a coffee, and we had a free coffee for our favorite coffee shop, and so I went.  Best idea ever.  If' Paul hadn't told me to go I am sure I would have skipped this, but the large white mocha (this is the only coffee shop I drink them at) hit the spot.  I had a headache all day, and the warmth of the coffee was amazing. 

Last Saturday I was able to hang out with my dear friend Sara. We went swimming, hung out at her apartment, got coffee, and played with her puppy.  It was a perfect relaxing Saturday that reminded me I need to hang out with my girlfriends more often.

My kitties continue to be naughty, now they are taking linen out of the linen closet! 

But they are still cute when the cuddle with me in bed while I am watching tv, drinking tea, and trying to stay warm before being productive for the day or heading to work. 

Eric and Eleanor HATE it when I vacuum, these are their hiding spots, haha, so goofy!  I also received many "presents" from them that night.  I often find 2-4 presents in the morning, but sometimes I get 7 or 8! 

While swimming with Sara we tried out my underwater iphone case and it worked like a charm!  I was a little scared to take my phone underwater but it worked great! 

On Thursday I did lots of errands and cleaning.  I saved more than I spent at Safeway and I splurged on a fake sentsy warmer at costco that was on sale.  In the evening Paul and I went to his annual SCEA (safeway) banquet and it was a bust.  There were like 5 people there including us (there was supposed to be 30-50) so we just ate some food and ditched out.  The cake was cute, but I didn't get any...  Then we went to the Asian market that was just down the street.  Did you girls know you could buy a pig head? Only 13 dollars in case you were interested. 

And this is just a bunch of jumbled information.  1. I am 99% sure I got a day shift position!! That sticky note is the reference number of the job that is mine, I just need to apply for it online and for some reason it is not showing up, I will have to meet with my manager on Monday if it doesn't work before them. (the only reason I am 99% sure is because I don't like to get my hopes too up before things are set in stone), my manager did say the position is mine and was even telling other coworkers that while I wasn't at work, so it sounds promising.  Ladies, I will be able to see my husband more and sleep like a normal person!  I will make less money (no shift differential) but I could care less! 

My mom found a thing online that said you could grow succulents from leaves, I am trying it out.  It was perfect timing actually because I was replanting my succulents and all these leaves fell off!  

I don't know if you ladies have ever watched Raising Hope (picture bottom left) but it is an addicting show.  There are only two seasons out, Paul and I watched both of them on netflix, and can't wait for the next to come out (in a year). 

And of course I needed to show a few pictures of Paul to prove I see him :).  Paul has been riding his motorcycle on every day that it is dry outside. Eric isn't so sure how he feels about the helmet. 

That's all for now.  Life is going swell.  I am hosting Thanksgiving this year for my side of the family and Pauls, I can't wait it decorate, and of course I will be taking pictures.  I am 98% done Christmas shopping (earliest ever!) and everything is wrapped besides the couple presents I need to buy.  Boys are the hardest to buy for! And lastly I have no idea when I will be switching to days, but I just keep thinking about how amazing it will be to have a "normal" schedule. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

another post...one of those days...

Ever have one of those days where you wake up "on the wrong side of the bed" and can't seem to snap out of it?  And then you think you're faking being all happy pretty well, until your asked if you had a long night?  yeah.  I just had one of those days.  I definitely had a major heart problem today.  Oh I hate these days.  I hate who I am on these days.  I find myself in a constant dialogue chastising myself for what I am actually doing, the words I am saying, the thoughts I am thinking.

It didn't help that I woke up (at 6:30 with a smiley but poopy baby and a 3 year old who doesn't understand why he can't come in our room and wake up the baby so early) with one of those not-enough-sleep headaches that stays with you all day no matter what you do.  And I snapped at my son.  I hate it when I snap.

I slightly made up for it with pumpkin waffles from a trader joes mix.  And then we went to school.  School was OKAY, but let me tell you, my heart was not in it today.  I wanted to call in sick and realized I couldn't, and that just wouldn't make anything better anyway.

I came home and decided I better not try to accomplish much, but spend time with my littles.  Hailey played beautifully while I made Shea lunch.  He gobbled it up, and then I decided we would make cookies.  My boy loves to be a "maker" as he calls himself.  We had a lot of chocolate chips, so we made chocolate chip cookies.  I measured everything out, and then let him put it all in.  I think next time I am going to write up a little recipe with pictures and see if he can follow the directions on his own.  Then I let him play with the water in the sink and wash his bath toys.  That always entertains him for at least 30 minutes.

Then we had to be back to my in-laws at the church by 2PM, so I could feed and put Hailey down for a nap and get to my dental appointment by 3.  I kind of acted out of impatience, and I feel bad for it.  it was 2:29, and I was sitting there, worried that they would be late.  Now, I trust my in-laws and KNOW they will be back if they say they will.  I kept saying, "no, just wait a few more minutes...", but I also knew that if you are more than ten minutes late, my dentist charges you $40.  I called and asked where they were a few minutes past the time I had to leave.  I didn't mean to sound rude or impatient, I truly just wanted to make sure I hadn't told them the wrong time.  But, I said "OH, well I had to leave at 2:30.".  really, becca? it's like 2 minutes past 2:30 and they are right around the corner, you will be fine.  Why sound so rude and ingrateful?  I was getting free babysitting and they were packing it into their busy day.  I got in my car and left as they pulled up, which means I didn't even get to communicate what I meant to, which is that I just wanted to make sure I didn't say the wrong time!  Apparently they said something to Jeremy.  Which tomorrow, hopefully I can put right and apologize about.  I hate saying something in a tone I don't mean to.  It happened all day.

Yes, and then I went to get 5 fillings done.  I thought it was 4, but the dentist decided to do 5, since they are all on the same side.  She almost the last one on the other side too, but she ran out of time.  I was nauseous, had a headache, and hungry on my way to my appointment.  I don't know why.  Maybe I was nervous?  Or just felt sick from feeling so totally not myself that day.  But let me tell you.  I felt 100 times better after my appointment.  I love my new dentist.  She is very thorough, down to earth, and efficient!  I didn't really feel any pain, except one time she drilled a little and it was sensitive, but for some reason the numbing stuff wasn't going as deep as it was supposed to.  But it was fine.  Maybe it was because I got to lie down on a chair, kid free, for 2 hours.  I don't know, but I left happier. 

I thought I would get a funny numbed face picture, but I actually looked pretty normal afterward.  Which is funny, because my last dentist filled one tiny cavity and I couldn't move half my face for like 5 hours afterward.  This time, the numbness wore off after about 2 hours, and I never had trouble moving my face.  And I only have one more little cavity to get filled and I am DONE!!!

After I picked up the kids, we came home and had 30 minutes together as a family before Jeremy had to go to Men's group.  I threw together some pasta (using this AMAZING butternut squash spaghetti sauce from Costco - so good!) and a salad and we were actually able to eat dinner together.  After Jer left, I got both kids ready for bed, and Shea played while I got Hailey asleep.  I read to Shea for 15 minutes and tucked him in, and both kids were asleep by 7:30!

I was good, and decided to work out.  Here I am after a 40 minute sculpting work out.  Don't ask me why I took a picture.  Also, don't ask me why I still haven't showered 2 hours later.

Then I cleaned the kitchen.



And I made Jeremy's lunch for tomorrow and a bunch of eggrolls.  I promised Tawny I would make some for snack at school, since it's "e" week, and we try to do snacks that start with the letter of the week.  Yes, we go all out. haha.

These are some things I picked up for Shea's birthday!  Well, the duck is Hailey's from someone...but the feathers and piece of yellow foam will be for playdough.  I'm going to have a table set up for kids ot make blue and yellow ducks with googly eyes, feathers, and some feet I will cut out of the yellow foam.  I still need to buy some cream of tartar so I can make the playdough, too.  I'm trying to keep it simple.  I dont' really want to "run" games for the kids, but I want a few planned activities, because we aren't doing presents.  Just cake, really.

This is a picture of my class from "C" week.  They got to wear Costumes from the box, so I let them keep them on during recess.  A tigger, a cow, and a princess.  haha, I love it.

I also got my book in the mail on Friday!  I don't think I told you yet that I am starting a discussion group with my mom's group.  I am very excited!  We are going to meet once or twice a month starting in November, and I have 4-5 ladies planning on attending.  I am especially excited because at least one of them  does not attend church and as far as I know, is not a christian.  This book is pretty widely accepted even with secular or non-christian faiths, because of the basic principle that gratefulness can change your life...but the author is obviously a believer of Jesus Christ and brings everything back to the grace He gives.  I am looking forward to some really great discussion!

Anyway, I don't know how there is always so much to write about in a post :)  I have been working on compiling all of our home videos of Shea into one shorter version, so I'm going to work on that until Jeremy comes home.  I am through the first year!  It is so much fun to watch these and see so much of his personality   at that young age.  I am hoping to finish it and have it set up at his birthday for people to view as they please. I'll share it with you when I'm done too!

I hope your day has gone better than mine!  Although, I do have to be thankful and praise God that he is all about redemption.  My evening was redeemed and my heart feels back on track.  It is good (although, hard) to be humbled.  I kind of feel like my heart is like my teeth.  When I go a long time without proper "homecare" (not being held accountable to do my devotions, barely attending church because my kids keep me preoccupied the entire service, etc.), decay builds up.  Then I finally cry out to God to simply "HELP!"  God is drilling out the bits of decay and patching it up with his love and grace, and sometimes when I am in the midst of it, I don't know it, because I find myself going numb to those around me, and then I wake up and see the good of it all.

I'll leave you with one more picture of my baby, because every time I hold her I can't seem to get enough of her.  I don't know why this is so much more than with Shea.  Maybe I'm getting sentimental in my old age.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Sunshine and Jury Duty

Paul and I went crabbing probably 2 weeks ago now.  It was a gorgeous, sunny, amazing day there in Westport which I am so grateful! Paul just went with his friend a few days ago and it was super rainy and windy and his clothes smelled nasty when he got home!

More beautiful Westport.  I love having pictures to look at and make me happy since when I look outside now I see rain and gloom.  I am with Becca though, I love (and feel the need to) almost always have a hot drink in hand. I love having the fire on and cuddle in my bed for an hour before work under the poofy covers. :) 

I can't remember why Paul and I had a morning off together and I was running around getting something ready and I asked if Paul would be able to make the bed, totally not expecting it to happen. I walked into the room and was so so so happy to see it made. It's the small things like this that make me more excited than  I should be. :) 

Paul finally got his motorcycle running and was riding it every chance he got in the sunshine.  Who knows when the next time he will be able to ride it will be, this dang rain seems here to stay. 

He tells me he rides safe.  This is the only time I have seen him ride...I pray he doesn't die out on that bike! 

Paul and I had a day off together and I wanted to do something besides watch tv.  We went back to the lake I mentioned a post or two before and it was wonderful.  I love water and sunshine! 

Paul kept glaring at me when I was taking pictures, but I managed to get a few in. :)  

I made awesome boxed brownies and a crab quiche.  I don't cook often enough these days, and it makes me happy when I do.  

Cupcakes for Becca's birthday! I made the wedding cupcakes I shared before and made Salted Caramel frosting which if you ever make, know that safeway caramels work amazing and name brand caramels turn into a greasy mess. Crazy but true. 

I can't even remember why I was so grumpy one morning.  I made myself go swimming, then went and got a coffee and spent the rest of the afternoon before work napping and watching tv. I don't know what my problem was but naps always seem to fix them. :) 

My cats are seemingly always naughty.  I have come home on multiple occasions in the last week to this drawer of alex being sifted through.  I ended up moving the bin with all the little extras to the back so they cant reach it and keeping my chair in front of alex.  It has worked wonders. 

Hanging out with Becca was so so so much fun, I wish we all lived closer!  I am so glad we have this blog, and that I feel like we "talk" on a regular basis.  Oh and it was wonderful getting baby snuggles from the worlds happiest baby. 

This little snuggle bunny is making me want children sooner rather than later. I cold hold her all day, though she seems content to sit or lay alone quite often. 

We took a walk on the beach to see the nice weather and to tire Shea out.  The walk was beautiful but the tiring Shea out didn't work, silly boy. 

I seriously couldn't take enough pictures of this squirt.  I think Becca was making me a coffee while I snuggled and attacked her baby with a camera. Good times. 

Girls beware, when I have my own kid I just may go even more camera crazy! 

More kitty naughtyness.  I finally got around to putting tin foil over my underwear bin and Eric decided to knock over Paul's sock bin.

Leaves, leaves, and more leaves.  I am so glad I did the last "set" of yard work a week ago.  I mowed, weeded, edged, raked and tore the dead plants out of the garden.  The yard is already starting to green up more after these few days of rain, it's kinda crazy. 

I feel for you Becca!  I had two fillings done and this is what my mouth looked like after.  I was numb for a total of 3.5 hours and was so glad the last of it went away just minutes before I had to start work.  I looked like I had a stroke. This was my honest best try for an equal smile.  No will power can bring the numb side of your mouth up! 

Wednesday after work I drove to Moses Lake to see my parents.  I ended up getting into town at 2:30 am and sleeping in till like 9:15.  I had an awesome few days there (it was Paul's idea for me to go since he know how much I love to visit!) and I left Saturday around 9:30 because I had to work that evening.  I got to Auburn with enough time to nap for an hour and head to work! 

Yesterday I tried to put an awesome crocheted tablecloth made by my great grandma on our dining room table.  Eric told me twice it was a bad idea.  The first time the tablecloth was halfway around the house, the pot was on the floor, and dirt and water was everywhere.  The second time I just put the tablecloth on and when I came home from hanging out with Amber it was on the chairs. No pretty and amazing tablecloth for me! 

Today I went to Jury duty.  I had to get up at 5:25 to have enough time to take a shower and get ready and get to the bus station early enough to find the right spot.  A very nice lady told me which side of the tracks to be one and how to buy a day pass for the bus.  I got to Seattle at 7am (sounder left at 6:26) and walked and found the courthouse.  It was only 7:15 so I decided to go get a coffee.  Around 7:30 I got into the courthouse to find out it is the wrong courthouse! I book it 1.1 miles in like 12 minutes to the Federal Court and get there with more than enough time to fill out the paperwork.  I sat in this room till 9:45 when we all found out that the defendant didn't show up and there is now a bench warrant out for his arrest.  Apparently it was a child pornography case and there were very graphic pictures we would have had to see if we got chosen to be on the case.  (There were 53 jurors that showed up, 13 were to be chosen, and the case would have lasted through wednesday or thursday).  People were called from as far north as the canadian border for this trial.  In the end everyone got paid $40 plus parking and mileage (same mileage pay if you drove or rode the bus!) and we all went home.  This man has some serious problems on his hands now. 

Since Seattle was warm and sunny (amazing I know) I decided to walk the .3 miles down to pike place.  It is not as much fun down there by yourself compared to being with friends or family, but it was beautiful and I got an amazing bouquet.  I caught the bus home at 11:35 and was back at my house by 12:30ish. 

Buses schedules and hair that looked perfect when the left the house and went haywire in the moist Seattle air as I briskly walked through the streets. 

I honestly want to ride the bus to Seattle more often, driving is overrated!  It cost me 7.50 for the day (would have been cheaper if I knew that I wasn't riding the sounder home but oh well) and I had an amazing time.  No paying for parking, got to just sit back and enjoy the ride instead of driving in Seattle traffic. I want to go on an overnight trip up there when I find a sweet groupon deal and I will have to convince Paul that we should ride the bus, call me crazy, but I like saving money and the environment with public transportation when it is (semi)convenient! 

I ended up walking probably 3.5 miles today at least and it was awesome.  Probably more as I circled the two streets where it said the bus would pick me up and I couldn't find the bus station.  I felt slightly blind once I found the bus stop, but to my credit the building that I came out of, the one that says king street station, and the other stairs that have picture of transportation stuff and say king street station are not where the bus picks you up! So weird...

one more thing...

also, this may be the stupidest thing ever to brag about, but I most definitely bought 9 bags of chocolate chips the other day for $3.  It said on my receipt that I saved $23 ha.  I should have bought more, probably...


This is going to be a random picture dump.  Some are edited, some aren't.  All are in a weird order.  Today is Monday.  And I have been SO tired.  I really should make myself a cup of tea (why haven't I done that yet???)

This last week flew by - Jeremy has been working a lot (he worked 46 hours - I guess when it rains, it pours!), some of it I did with him, as we are working a lot more on the Ministry School we are starting at the church.  So I didn't have a lot of time to prepare for school during the week.  Instead of going to service, I actually ended up prepping my preschool stuff during church and fellowship time (I knooow, bad me).  Then I had to do the bookkeeping because the church treasurer is still out of town.  We sat around and watched the football game (semi-boring, but I don't mind cuddling and resting while its on), and then Jeremy's parents and his brother's family came over for dinner afterward.  That was fun.  We had homemade pizza and some pumpkin bread (I found a killer recipe I LOVE).

Today I was supposed to get 4 fillings done, but the dentist called and rescheduled me because my dentist called in sick today, I guess.  Kind of happy about that because I didn't feel like getting it done, but I also wanted to get it done with.  Oh well.  

Here is how life has been lately:

Shea and John eating up the last days of summer sans shirts.

Digging in our rocks

Hailey taking her first turn in the baby swing - man she is getting so big!

This was from my birthday, which was forever ago.  We went out to Thai and shared some Pad Thai then went out to Frozen Yogurt.

I think these are my favorite pictures of Hailey so far.  She is such a good, happy baby!  She has her moments, but this past week all I can notice is how happy she is when I catch her cues for sleep or food or whatever she needs quickly.  And she started laughing.  Oh how I love her little laugh!  It is so cute when she is just looking at me and you can tell she is just so full of joy that she just starts laughing.  I cannot wait to see her personality unfold.  She is my little sunshine girl.

ha, like I said, out of order.

OK, this is a silly picture, but I love how it looks like we are just having a blast.  And we were.

In the nursery at church this week.

I took this picture weeks ago.  This is a chocolate chip cookie made from coconut flour.  I found the recipe and have made them twice!  I know, Amber, you would not like this cookie.  The only sweetener it has in it is 3 tbsp. of honey and its gluten free (if you care).  I sprinkle a little sugar on top, but it has a really interesting taste.  More like a biscuit, I guess.  I love it with coffee or tea though.  Here is the recipe if you are interested.

Hailey in her fall garb.  

And chubby girl on Sunday.

We are on E week tomorrow for school.  I'm so happy I got everything set up yesterday.  I'm thinking about trying to get a headstart on next week, because Shea's birthday party is also next week and I have lots to set up for it, too...if I can get myself to wake up and get motivated!  I'm definitely using the punch Angela gave me to make a ton of garland :)  Are you loving the fall weather yet?  It makes me want to have a hot drink in my hands 24/7.