Okay, so I probably didn't do "that much", but growing up, we didn't celebrate Halloween. I still do not like to say that I celebrate it, really. We just participate in some activities in order to be a part of our community. So, today, we went to a "Preschool Party" in Poulsbo, because my sister-in-law was taking her kids. It was totally fun and cute, and the most halloweeny thing we came out of there with was a skeleton on a necklace, which he wasn't really too interested in. Then we stopped by my midwife's house for a little baby reunion she was having. We could only drop by for about 25 minutes, but I'm really glad I did! It's amazing ALL the connections with people I have been making lately, and I really feel like there is a reason for them. One person in particular. I'll explain.
Ha this post is so hard to write because I have been running a hundred miles a minute the last week and have been all over the place! Let me rewind for a minute and then get back to where I am.
kaitie and her fiance, David, at Shea's party.
The sign says "Shea, only 13 years until you can drive!" |
Last week, MY SISTER got engaged. No, wait, that was two weeks ago now. Last Saturday, she asked me to go dress shopping with her (and yes, she FOUND her dress). She's getting married in May, and asked me to be her Matron of Honor. So fun to hear all her ideas! Angela, you are right. It is way better when it someone ELSE's wedding. I just get to help her feel like her decisions are awesome, give input when she wants it, and not spend thousands of dollars! We have already had countless phone calls where we are calling for a different reason and then end up talking weddings for an hour.
Last Thursday was our Harvest Party at school. Sunday was Shea's Duck Party, and my family (which is big) was coming over to my house immediately afterward for dinner. I had a lot to get ready between Preschool and Shea's party. Saturday was supposed to be my "get ready for Sunday" day. Yeah, right. Friday turned into that. I was out running around like a mad woman with two small children in tow getting last minute things and up late into the night. Saturday morning we took Shea to Play Kitsap (an indoor play place) because I had a free pass that was expiring and we promised to take him for his birthday. We got home and I cleaned for about an hour and a half, then had to go catch a ferry to Edmonds so my sister could pick me up and go to David's Bridal in Lynnwood. I RAN onto the ferry, carrying my daughter, her carseat, a heavy purse (full of baby stuff, mainly), and the undergarments from MY wedding dress (which are huge)!. Many people felt pity and offered to help me. But I was fine. My legs were just killing me by the end of the trip. Especially because in order to catch the ferry on the way back I had to RUN like the dickens. My poor child, haha. I was going so fast, I got caught on the gate and the guy had to come get my foot unstuck before I dropped the carseat! Yeah.
Then I got home, put the kids to bed, and then ran off again to a ladies wine and chocolate tasting party I was invited to. I'm so glad I went! I almost didn't - but, you know when you get those gut feelings, like "I need to go to this." I got one of those. Much stronger than I thought I would. A lady who joined my moms group a while back was hosting it, but I had never met her before this. A few other ladies I knew were there, so it was good to connect with them again (one is coming to my book club now, I'm so excited to have her there!). Anyway, the woman who was hosting the event, Crystal, is a Doula and is taking it now in the direction of a postpartum support group. I didn't get to chat much with her, but I ran into her again yesterday at my midwife's baby reunion party. Which is crazy, because I almost didn't go. I thought we were going to miss the Indianola party, so I ran straight home from the other party - ends up it didn't start until 30 minutes later, so I decided we had time to go to my midwife's house. And it just happened to be the same time (it being an open house) that Crystal showed up. So, we connected again in a new way and I think i'm going to try and go to her postpartum group. I don't really feel isolated or like I have depression haha, but again, I have this gut feeling I'm supposed to go.
It is also so funny how many people came up to me at both my midwife's party and the Indianola Party and asked me if I was "Becca from the mommy'ola???" All these mom's have joined my group but never been able to come to any events. I know there names from facebook, but have never gotten to meet them. Kind of cool to be part of a small community like that. We've been here one year and I'm starting to feel like I'm more a part of our little area than anywhere I have ever lived.
was Shea's party. It was a ton of work. And lots of fun. We had 14 kids there, over 30 people. Shea had a blast. I had fun putting everything together. Pictures will come. I only took a couple because Hanna was taking some. Here are a couple from the "photobooth"
Then Monday I spent cleaning up the party, since we left immediately to have my family over for dinner. I made white chicken chili and we played the newly wed game since my sister and her fiance were convinced they could beat my brother and his wife. They both did pretty well.
I decided Preschool was a review week this week so we just played review games, read books, and had extra playtime. Lovely. IT was only a two day week. The rest of the class is at the kitsap school production of "Cinderella" today. I opted out, since I didn't know how Shea was going to do and Tawny didn't really need me there to help anyway. So its 10:14AM and I am still in my pajamas. Shea is watching some PBS and eventually, when I get dressed, we are going to go grocery shopping and to the bank. And that is the extent of my plans for the day.
all dressed up for church last week |
Jeremy only got 2 hours of work on monday, because the rain canceled their other jobs. Tuesday he had NO work, except that this lady he worked for last summer happened to call and offer him a job at 3 dollars more an hour than his regular rate! And he got over 8 hours. He might go back tonight after he finishes work, too. Isn't God good? Amazing.
me and my little brother. He might be moving in with us in April
to attend the school of ministry we are starting next year. |
Now, random things:
The postpartum hair loss has begun. IT doesn't help that my hair is pretty long right now, so it looks like way more than it actually is. I was in denial until the other day when Shea was taking a bath and I hear, "AAH!!! I have HAIR stuck on me! THIS STUFF is all over me! GET IT OFFFF!!!" Yes. The hair monster had attacked, indeed. Actually, the bad part is when it starts growing back and I have all these short hairs sticking up by my hairline. Ah well. Its all worth it.
I get my last filling done tonight too, and then I'm done with the dentist until cleaning time again. So glad! And, with all the work that Jeremy got this past month, we have hardly even noticed the bills. Thank you, God!
ALSO - Hailey rolled over for the first time yesterday and she picked up her binky and put it in her mouth (with much effort and concentration. It took a long time haha but it was so funny to watch her). And she is a crazy talker. She has been "talking" since 6:30 this morning! It si way too cute. I think she will be an early talker, because Shea has always been pretty talkative, and he wasn't this "conversational" this young.
I applaud you for reading this crazy long post. Now to go stoke the fire (i'm getting pretty good at starting them now) and get my baby to bed so I can get dressed!
Love you ladies! And I am excited the REAL holiday season is now starting! Here are a couple more pictures from our week:
We went for a walk on Monday. It was super windy, but super beautiful out! |
This is Hailey's bunny bonnet. I love her in it.
It has funny ears that stick up too, but you can't see them in this picture. |