This is going to be a quick update, as I should be going to bed right now but wanted to write a quick blog post. Actually I got on the computer nearly an hour and half ago to write a blog post and found Amber and Becca had both written posts (so I read those), that I received my new credit card in the mail (more on that in a minute), and I had nearly 200 pictures on my iphone that needed to be downloaded to the computer.
So quickly about the credit card. I had just finished reconciling all our accounts the night before (I try to do this once a week but lets be real, it doesn't always happen that often). I woke up to an email saying there was suspicious activity on my credit card and that my card may not work until I call the company and verify charges. I have had to do this before when Paul and I have been in different towns (ML and western wa) and using cards at the same time, but all charges have always been legit. So I call, its 6:30 in the morning, I figure it will be automated. Well no, the charges were not mine and I had to talk to someone (a very nice lady) who took off all the false charges and canceled the credit card. Well I just received my new card in the mail today so I was switching over all our automatic payments. Goodness it turned out to be a lot of work and I am still not done. But that is the beauty of a credit card, I was not responsible for a dime of the false charges. Love it. (I would hate credit cards if Paul and I ever carried a balance and had to pay interest, but since I make money through their cash back programs and they cover my butt when false charges happen I love them).
Ok onto pictures. Paul and I have been having a lazy month together and I have been soaking up every minute of it. When he gets home from work we go on walks to the park to play basketball, to the little grocery store to buy our favorite asian soda, to the park to swing on swings. Just little things, but we are out of the house and not watching tv, and it is wonderful. Don't get me wrong, we still watch wayyyyy too much tv, but this nice weather is beginning to remidy that a bit.
We even made smores in the backyard...and didn't think about the fact that the fire pit would get hot and burn the grass. We have a perfect circle of dead grass in the back yard. If we had kids I would tell them it is where the aliens landed. :)
One day while Paul and I were out running errands there was a crazy rain and wind storm. We had stopped by a friends house to pick up a chainsaw (he was giving us his old one because he bought a new one) and came home to this. Well thank goodness for that chain saw! I ended up getting cut from work the next day so I cut off all the small branches with some garden shears and then Paul and I worked together to get all the big pieces. There are way more than the picture shows because we had to cut wayyyy back as they were broken back in the greenbelt probably 20 feet back and were laying precariously across each other and our fence (we only chopped up trees that had already fallen!).
On our many walks we have begun to see so many pretty spring flowers bloom! It makes me wish I had more color in my yard, then I remember I like bushes because they are low maintenance, so I just enjoy other peoples flowers.
We had a lovely Mothers Day (on Saturday) with both of our families. I mad my parents call and open their presents over facetime (gotta love technology) and then had Pauls family over for breakfast. I made belgium waffles with Ambers waffle maker, we hung out for a few hours with everyone, then Paul and I went on to have a lazy Saturday where I made some awesome tortilla roll ups for lunch with turkey bacon, turkey, avacado, some cheese and spreads, and some lettuce and spinach. We definitely will be having these again!
We had a lot of gift cards sitting around so one day when I didn't want to cook we went to dinner at Subway and Coldstone for dessert, all with gift cards. Then Paul said he had a fun place to hike and we found this cool sign. Turns out the place wasn't that great (there were quite a few cars parked there with other people walking about) but it was close to standing water and there were far to many bugs and snakes for our liking.
I just went to Moses Lake for Memorial Day weekend. I have a strange obsession with going for Memorial Day weekend because it is also Spring Fest. There are rides, fair food, and the hit of the weekend, the Parade. Now anyone who didn't grow up in ML would probably think this was all silly ,but I love it. I looked forward to it every year as a child and I look forward to it still. I was able to celebrate my dads 50th bday with him and eat an elephant ear (split with both my parents of course). My dad also invited Mrs. McGee over for his birthday lunch. She has been my pseudo grandma for 23 years, as I grew up 6.5 hours away from both my sets of grandparents. I love her so so much and it was so good to see her again!
Paul and I just went on a mini 3 day vacation to Wenatchee and Leavenworth. If we do have to move for Pauls job next year we would love to move to Wenatchee, so it was fun to explore the town. We went on quite a few walks/hikes so the boys (Paul and his best friend Joel) could explore areas for grouse hunting in September. They kept leading me up steep mountains and I was so out of breath.
They decided they wanted to climb this rock face and I decided I would sit on a rock below. Good call on my part. Glad they had fun but they almost fell a few times.
We had a lazy day at the cabin on Wednesday. Joel and I both took a two hour nap (Paul refuses to nap), went on a hike, played settlers of catan a few times, and at 9pm we finally ate dinner. A HUGE dinner at that. Do you see the size of those steaks?! And we had potatoes and corn as well. The corn was made on the bbq and it was so so so good. Oh and not to mention the fact I had been munching on salt and vinegar chips all afternoon. Oh and then we made jiffy pop at almost 11pm. Ok, jiffy pop tastes gross, I prefer air pop any day. I had fun making it, and the boys ate it. :) Boys kinda eat anything.
And that girls has been my life for the last month. I am now headed into my 4 days straight of work where I hopefully wont get cut out of any of my shifts. I have been madatory cut a lot lately (once out of turn) and then I just requested and got a cut on tuesday this week so hopefully they wont mandatory cut me for a while, my paycheck this past two weeks is going to be 17 hours short...which is a lot when a paycheck only has 64 hours on it! Oopsies. Oh well, all the extra rest and time to do yardwork has been absolutely wonderful. Oh and the amounnt of days I have had off with Paul recently has been amazing. I sure do love him and LOVE when we get to spend time together.
Ok, tata for now. So much for a short post, it is now 10pm and I am going to bed.
Love to all