Today was a good day, and it is about to get even better because my hubby gets home in 10 minutes! :)
I babysat this little pumpkin again today. Her mom had to leave 2 hours later than usual but had me come at the same time. She decided that she would be a complete crybaby during this time, but the rest of our day was spendid. She was full of smiles and happiness.

I got a bit overwhelmed at the messiness of my house yesterday but it is all fixed now. We had dishes from 3 days ago, which is completely unlike me, clothes were everywhere, which is now fixed, and the bed wasn't made (I hate that too). Luckily I got off 2.5 hrs before my hubby today and was able to pick up the house and make dinner!
Here is the kitchen disaster. Oh and the plastic bag I have to wear to wash dishes.

Angela! I'm glad your house messiness is fixed, but know that I would gladly come over and do your dishes to help you out like you've helped me!