This describes my day yesterday at work, I just couldn't catch a break. A new resident was getting admitted, she had a fever, a cough, horrible bruising, and possible aspiration (food or water got to her lungs). But first before she got there I had to fill out a ton of paperwork, whoop whoop. Then I found out we would be running a nurse short for the evening, and I was working with a nurse who has been there for 21 years, but likes to complain about everything in the world and likes to take 7 smoke breaks a shift...she didn't have time for this yesterday so she was a bit on edge. The CNA's (aids) needed help with residents, people were trying to get out of their wheelchairs, someone found a new bruise on a resident (read: tons of new paperwork), one resident came back from the dining room with the aid saying every time she took a drink her face turned blue...her oxygen saturation was way down, I put her in her room on oxygen and she got better, and it more things kept popping up. It kept getting later and later, I hadn't eaten, was starving, and I had all my patients to chart on (takes like 5 minutes a patient plus time for the 20 interruptions I would get) and chart all their vital signs. I couldn't catch a break. Then I had discharge paperwork to fill out and so on and so forth. I thought I wouldn't get out of there till 1am...but somehow, somehow, I got out at 10:45 (that's 15 minutes early girls!). So it seemed impossible until I got finished, and I was quite proud of myself. I am finally getting a hang of my job, and the insanity that goes along with it.
As for today, I got up to drive the hubby to work, because we are leaving for LEAVENWORTH the second he calls me to come pick him up. It is just a one night excursion to see his two best friends who have a cabin up there, but it should be a blast, I have never been to Leavenworth in the winter and I hear it's beautiful! I am spending the morning eating a donut and drinking coffee, soon to read my book: Stolen Innocence ( a book about a girl who escaped a polygamous sect). It disturbed me at first (its a true story) but now that she is getting closer to escaping I find myself wanting to read more and more. I have no idea how late I was up last night reading, and I don't want to know, because it would make me more tired if I knew the little amount of sleep I got.
Before I leave I need to
- pack clothes for Paul and I
- find out if I need to pack pillows and blankets ( I hope not because we would have to carry them all up a big hill that we can't drive up because there is so much freaking snow)
- do the dishes
- pick up the living room
- pack lunches for Paul and I
- make the bed
But first I must read my book!
I hope all is well with your girls!
Angela I love your work stories! I'm so proud to call you sister, you life saver you. I want to read that book.
I like hearing your work stories too. :) Have fun in Leavenworth! I've never been, but I've seen pictures, and it looks so beautiful! Make sure and take lots of pictures!