On Sunday I went shopping with Amber, it was a glorious day. Then in the evening Paul and I were watching Man vs. Food and they were eating Ice cream, we paused the show at that spot (hence the picture) and drove to McDonalds for some delicious dessert! Vanilla dipped cones are my absolute favorite, and they are way better at McDonalds than at Dairy Queen!

Paul put up with a lot of pictures that night, and even though he groaned when he saw me bringing the camera, he will like it one day when he can see how we were young and free!

I hung pictures throughout the entire house! The closet is finally organized to my liking, the bathroom has pictures in it, and actually the believe sign is hung up now!

What I wake up to every morning to, and isn't the jewelry box the greatest?!

The hallway, and the awesome picture that our friend Kayla took when Paul proposed! She was hiding and I didn't know she took it. :)

The guest bathroom! I made this poster when I was in college and have always loved it.

The guest bedroom painted and with new comforter and sheets. Oh and the other um, empty bedroom. The guest bedroom will have a headboard soon, my mom is bringing it when she comes up!

My craft room, I LOVE it. LOVE. I love looking at the neighborhood kids playing basketball and thinking one day my own will be out there, I love having room to craft, to be creative, even though all I have done so far there is organize and pay bills. I love having a room where I can hang as many pictures of Paul and I up and he doesn't think I am overtaking the house with pictures of us. I love having a "me" room.

Our fireplace definitely needed a big picture above it, but big pictures are expensive, and Paul said it had to be something meaningful. So I had this frame from Ikea that cost like 4 dollars, I used some scrapbook paper and whipped this baby together in like 15 minutes. (Amber I didn't spell forever wrong...I forgot what my own poster said. Haha)

My laundry room. With as much as I have posted, I know you guys know I love pictures and photography. I is in every room of our home, yes, even the laundry room. It makes me happy to go in there. :)

Down in the living room, I told Paul that one day it will be pictures of our kids everywhere. :)

The kitchen. I have had these rose pictures for a couple years now and they have been hung in three apartments and now they have a [more] permanent place in my kitchen, I love how they look with the yellow! Oh, and the pictures in the frame by the sink are going to change...because they have nothing to do with Paul, but for now I like them. :)

Today I made banana bread and it was super delish!

After baking I organized some more in my craft room. Meet Alex, the white organizer. I love him. A lot.
Becca inspired me to keep under our sink looking nice and pretty. I no longer just toss the bottles of cleaning solution and stuff into the basket, I make room for them! Haha. Oh and I did the dishes today, oh and I um, woke up at 11:45 (after getting home at 2:45am) and so I stayed in my pajamas until 5. Felt so good!

So there is the beautiful part of my crazy week. The not so beautiful part?
- Monday: Two admissions at work (they take forever); got home at 3am
- Tuesday: One admission;got home at 12am and it felt sooo early
- Wednesday: Two admissions and one death; got home at 2:45am.
And now I have two days of rest! Well, one of them is almost done with. And I will have to show you pictures of the yummy dinner I made too!!
wow. wow. wow! You definitely have had a good week! You have a craft room?! I'm trying hard not to be jealous. I love ALL your pictures and everything you've done in your house!!
ReplyDeletetotally agree with Candice - I am a little envious of your craft space, but so happy for you to have your own area to just do what you want and be inspired! Your house is looking so homey and cute! Love all the pictures!