I took a break from taking pictures and cleaning and these last couple days I have been trying to get back into the swing of things. Yesterday I cleaned three bathrooms, changed the sheets, and picked up stuff around the hour all in an hour before work. Today I did three loads of laundry, washed-dried-folded-put away, made the bed, vacuumed, met the hubby for lunch, looked at rice cookers, went to Target and Ross, and soon to cook Strawberry Shortcake.
Here are my favorite kind of pictures, day to day life, this is what I do.
Kittens love their tower. They love being on the top and tackle each other to get there.

Eleanor is a bad girl, she won't stop climbing on the dishwasher no matter how many times I shoo her off. Someday she will learn (maybe). Eric is bad too (though I haven't gotten pictures of it) he keeps jumping on the kitchen counter, that naughty boy.

They love to snuggle every morning. Paul gets up at 6, they romp around and play around him till 7 when he leaves and then they come snuggle with me till I wake up at 9:30. They also love to snuggle while I am on my computer in the morning. They creep in closer and closer.

This is today. Talking to my momma while driving (on speaker phone because my bluetooth is lost atm). The new rice cooker we are buying that has RAVE reviews. I am so excited. The nasty looking basil drink at the asian store. And my new shirt and necklace!

A new cross I got today at Ross. I hung this purely to take a picture (there was already a nail in the wall). I have to find something for the other side of the window.

My new laundry basket!! You wouldn't think I could get so excited about a laundry basket, but do you know how long I have gone without one? I kept thinking it wasn't so bad to just carry the clothes to the bed to fold them but oh man, this is so much better. Eleanor thinks so too.

These are my sleepy babies right now. I keep thinking I am going to get up and make some dinner and strawberry shortcake and I just keep finding more things to do on the computer so I can lay with my babies. :) Oh and that mouse? I find those things everywhere in my house. Especially in my bedroom. They bring them to me as "presents" like it is a real capture and kill. Silly kittens.

I hope you ladies are having a wonderful day, week, month. :)
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