I have slowed down on taking pictures of everyday life and am trying to pick up the pace again. I absolutely love looking back and seeing all the random everyday events.
Eric loves to roll on his back and act like a goof-ball before getting fed at night. Paul and I were cracking up last night as Eric rolled around and Eleanor sat looking all cute and meowing every five seconds. Haha.

Today Paul and I drove up to Redmond to the British Pantry to get presents for Nana and Grandpa for Christmas. I brought along my real camera and was so proud of myself...and these three pictures are the only ones I took. Oops. Ps. Paul was trying to get out of the pictures, fail. Angela wins.

I got kinda grumpy on the ride home. I hadn't eaten, there was traffic, everything was taking forever. Paul was being super sweet and I couldn't snap out of my grumpyness till we go home. It was so weird. I obviously needed some chill time. I know my body.
Tonight we made a gingerbread house! I kinda cheated this year but it made it so much more fun. No mixing, baking, rolling, cutting, just a premade gingerbread house to decorate. So much fun!

I made sure to take pictures!

This is how I am going to display our Christmas cards this year. Next year I will make something cute from pinterest but for this year paperclips and a ribbon will do!

This is the granola I made the other day. Yum, Yum, Yum.

The kittens are anything but helpful when I wrap presents, but they are sure dang cute. I can't help but laugh everytime they attack a ribbon as I am finishing up the present.

Eric is my craft room buddy. He is always on the desk or the chair next to me. Usually when I go in there I turn on the heater and that is Eleanors FAVORITE spot ever. She sleeps and sleeps and sleeps by that heater.

I have been so into cooking and baking lately! Yesterday I made
biscuits and
gravy and coffee! Yum. The cookies are the egg nog cookies I made the other day, and the rice is the crab fried rice. I love food.

I cleaned my fridge today and love how it looks! Who knew 10 minutes and some glass cleaner could make me so happy!

And for a random compilation of pictures. Paul ordering our lunch at Fred Meyer because I was so hungry (it was 2pm) and I wasn't going to make it home (hence the grumpyness). The camera on my lap, virtually unused. Me super tired, half sleeping on the couch after we got home, and my babies snuggling with Paul and I last night.

How are you girls doing?! Are you loving the little things in life too?!
I so love your every day pictures :) Your cats so cute and I love your gingerbread house. So simple and lovely. MAN I've gotta jump on your cooking/baking train! And your fridge looks SO nice. I have been procrastinating like crazy about cleaning out the fridge (really, it smells and I'm out of tupperware because its being taken up by so much rotting food. Just keeping it real.). You're kind of inspiring me. I was thinking I need to make some of your pizza ball things too. :)