We are back from Kauai. We just went from Sunday through Friday! I don't even want to tell you about the warmth and the relaxation and the wonderfulness. You would be so jealous if you knew the wonderful week I have experienced. And Washington, frankly, sucks right now. We got away just in time.
We did Snuba, which is like a cross between snorkeling and scuba. You have a scuba tank attached to a raft on top of you, so you can go down further than snorkeling but you don't need all the scuba training and stuff. That was fun! I saw two huge turtles - one under a rock that I was right next to, and one swimming (I almost said flying).
Joe and I did a hike that was only 2 miles each way but it was BRUTAL uphill the way up. I was pretty proud of myself though, I had quite a bit of energy going up! I took a nap when we came back, for which Joe made fun of me - but then he went to bed at 7 PM and slept until 7 AM! I was bored when he went to bed so I went to the hot tub and talked to this Polish couple we had talked to a few times before. I kept calling them "that couple with the girl with the big boobs" because, wow. I guess I've seen really big boobs before, but maybe not in a bikini? And the girl was so pretty and so tan, but also so nice and sweet.
I didn't get as much sun as I wanted to. I did get more sun than I did on our honeymoon though. It rained the whole day before we left so I didn't get a chance to even out my sun exposure. I got burned but not too bad. It's already darkening to tan - YAY! If only I could keep it. =(
We had breakfast in every morning - that was nice. Fresh tropical fruit, pop tarts, bagels and cream cheese, tea and coffee. Two mornings I went to the beach and just spent an hour by myself with a Bible.
It was really nice going back somewhere we had been before. We hardly even needed to use our GPS! We felt very comfortable and familiar with the area.
The flight there was pretty uneventful. We packed our luggage so we wouldn't have to check any bags, which meant we had to pack all our liquids in 3 oz. containers. We bought shaving cream and toothpaste in Kauai. But on the way up, they were practically begging people to check carry-ons for free, so we let them check one. Ha - I don't even know how it got to Kauai, because when we finally found our bag, it had no label or anything on it.
One fun thing, on the way there we had an interisland flight between the main Honolulu airport and the smaller Kauai airport. Sitting in the row in front of me was a little girl who was crying, and the flight attendants were trying to console her, telling her it would only be half an hour till she'd see her family. I switched seats with the man who was sitting next to her. She stopped crying almost as soon as I asked her name, and then she talked nonstop for the rest of the flight. She was only seven and she'd only been away from her family for a couple days in Honolulu. She kept saying things like "You know that big water slide at this park" and I kept saying "I don't live in Kauai, so I don't know where this stuff is." But she kept saying "Do you know ____? She's my teacher. Do you know ____? She's my godsister and I don't like her because she hit my puppy." Anyway, everyone and the flight staff was like "wow, you're so good with kids" and I was all modest about it, like "Yeah, I like them." Except for one Hawaiian lady who was like "The fasten seatbelt sign is on, you're not allowed to get up now." I smiled and said "Oh, okay, thank you" and was thinking "Oh, really? That's what that sign means? Do I look stupid?" I got up anyway though. And Joe chatted with the old man who had been sitting next to the girl while I chatted with her. Fun.
On the back our flight to Honolulu got delayed. Which meant we were close to missing our connecting flight from Honolulu to Seattle. But a lot of people on our delayed flight were also headed to Seattle, so we weren't too worried the plane would leave without us, because that would mean leaving without half its passengers and then dealing with a LOT of angry people. Super stressful getting on the delayed flight, because everyone was stressed and mad, and there wasn't room for our carry-ons so we had to put one in the front with the strollers and stuff, and one under the seat of some random nice couple who had room under their seat.
I made Joe take some pictures just because I knew you would all be like "We want to see pictures!" But I don't have them on my computer yet. There aren't very many, either.
But here is a picture Joe just took of all three cats on the couch together. I missed them so much!
Your kitties are so happy to see you I can tell! No puking or anything! I can't wait to see pictures from Hawaii! And so sweet about the kid you helped :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad for your update, Amber! I also can't wait to see pictures from your trip! Loved reading all the little stories - I need to see you girls some time soon!!!
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear about your trip! I'm so glad you were there to comfort that girl. I don't know why, but when people get all stressed and mad at the airport I find it a bit funny and incredibly fascinating. Its keeps me entertained for hours. I am so jealous you went to the beach-a tropical beach no less! Someday I'll go back to one. You sound refreshed. :)
ReplyDeleteCandice, I know what you mean! I also like it when people are willing to wait standing up for several minutes in the plane aisle to deboard. I understand if they're catching a connecting flight, but most of them aren't, so why not just relax in your seat for a few more minutes instead of shoving yourself in with all the stressed-out, smelly people?