Saturday, October 18, 2014

Time is going so slow right now

The title of this post contradicts the title of becca's last post...but this is how I am these days.  Strictly because in three days the controls get installed on my van and I can start practicing driving.  With the session I had with the instructor, I feel confident I could drive to Angela's house, the local grocery store, my cousin's apartment, and of course my in-laws.  It'll take a bit before I can venture out more, but I will be able to practice the moment I get the controls. 

Seriously, I think about this every hour and I've been counting down the days and getting more excited each time.  I'm going to get a gym membership and do my PT in the pool; going to visit Heather and Sam, my parents, my grandma in Whidbey, drive to church by myself, do church ministries and church groups and Bible if/when we get kids it'll be so convenient to be able to DRIVE.

SOOOOOO excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. ha ha I laughed at your title. Sorry it feels like forever, but it will be AWESOME when you can drive again! I can't even imagine how crazy I would go if I couldn't drive. So very happy for you!


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