Monday, August 10, 2015

still waiting...and other slightly boring stuff.

I thought the next time I blogged, I would be able to tell you whether we were moving to Idaho or not, but we still have not heard back!  It will be one month this Saturday since the last time we spoke with Lloyd...he told us 3.5 weeks ago that he would be in touch with us after 2 weeks.

He called Jeremy the week after we had visited CDA and told him that he was going to meet with the lead couple the following weekend and then get back with us.  He did say they had some other "options", but it still seemed from the conversation that we were his top choice, unless the couple had something reasons they didn't want us.  When we left CDA, it didn't seem like the lead thought they had much of an influence in the decision about hiring us, as they were always talking in terms of "if YOU choose to take the position".

Anyway, who knows if it is just an unorganized office (he has taken a long time to get back to us in the past), they are looking into other options because the lead is not sold on us, or who knows what else.

It is getting so hard to wait though!  Shea is supposed to be officially registering for Mosaic in just a week and a half, and then everything starts the first week of September.  I want to get on with life!  it is so weird to me how this keeps happening, where we are waiting and waiting to find out about these jobs.  I keep finding myself asking God, "WHY again?? What have we NOT learned that we are supposed to learn??" and this time, we didn't even apply, so I feel like it isn't our fault, haha.

Enough about that!

We are still enjoying our summer anyway!  This past week I have gotten re-motivated to work out a little bit more consistently.  I ran 7 miles the other day - this has been my goal for a while, so now I will move onto 8.  I have also been doing more strength training in the evenings and running with the kids on a super hilly trail we have, which has been helping me increase my time and endurance for running.  I never knew I would enjoy it so much, but it is such a major stress relief and gives me a ton of time to think uninterrupted.

I have been taking the kids out of the house almost every day to run/bike along the trail.  We go 4 miles total, I am amazed at how far Shea can go!  We just took his training wheels off of his bike the other night too, and he wants to keep practicing.  He was complaining a lot about taking the training wheels off whenever we discussed it, so Jeremy and I are really pleased he is so excited about riding. He also has lost 4 teeth now - his front two are already beginning to grow in again.  And he is starting to make some progress reading. This kid is getting so old, I don't even believe he is only 5 1/2 anymore.

I also bought a longboard.  I have been secretly wanting one for yeeeears.  Well, Jeremy knew I wanted one, but I could never justify buying one.  I sold my cello last month though - something I have been meaning to do for a long time.  I never play it because it buzzes and it isn't nice enough to try and fix up.  I will get a better one some day, but for now, I would rather ride a longboard around, ha!  Shea and I went to a parking lot recently and raced up and down (he was on his bike) for an hour. I am getting better, but I hurt myself last week and twisted my knee trying to foot brake.  My knee is better now, but I need to find some flatter areas to practice I think!  Hailey loves to ride it, too.

Today I feel like I accomplished a lot, but looking around the house you would never know it.  I took the kids grocery shopping (four stores), cleaned out the pantry and refrigerator, and prepped a bunch of food.  With working out more (I am trying to lose 5-10 lbs right now), I also am trying to get us back on track eating healthier and on a more strict budget.  I sprouted a huge pot of beans and turned it into bean burgers, chili, and refried beans, which I will freeze some of.  I also made some sprouted hummus, which turned out delicious.  I tried a real recipe and actually bought tahini so that made a huge difference.  I cold brewed some more coffee - we have been just drinking it this way lately, because it is less acidic and quicker in the morning, plus I can have an iced coffee in the afternoon. I have to brew it every 4 or 5 days though...I make about 3 quarts at a time, but we go through it! (yikes). And I have been loving brewing kombucha again!  I am flavoring it with berries and ginger this time for the first time, and the kids love it.  I give them a small glass in the morning with breakfast to make sure they get a good helping of probiotics every day.

Anyway, I'll leave you with some pictures and then be off to start some dinner.

Kids were excitedly watching as this man cut down a tree on our property last week.

I took the kids to Bainbridge Island and we hit the Kid's Museum, park for a picnic and playtime, Bainbirdge bakers for dinosaur cookies and a coffee, and then the library.  Such a fun day, we were all tired out afterward, though!

We have been eating lots of watermelon in the backyard lately

Hailey put all of these clips and hair bands on and was very excited about her style.

playing at the park!
Hailey LOVES riding my longboard like this. She always asks, "can I ride mommy's skateboard??"


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  3. I love how you talked about accomplishing things but not being able to see evidence of it at home! I feel like that so often. I've been making my own cold brew too! I make about a quart and a half, and I have my third batch going now. The first was a bit weak, but the last one was great. What do you use to strain yours? I'm still trying to figure out what works best.

    I'm sorry you haven't heard about Idaho yet! I completely understand that conversation with God, "Really, again?!" It is sooooo hard to be patient after you've been patient for so long and have the possibility of uprooting. I pray that you guys hear soon one way or the other.

    I've been running more too! haha I feel like my blog post would sound pretty similar to yours in some ways! I've been going every other day since last week, but have only been doing three miles. I push Callum in the jogging stroller and he loves it.

    Thanks for the update, I love the pictures of your kids, they are so beautiful!

    1. How much coffee do you put in yours? I am continually tweaking mine haha. Right now I do 1 cup of grounds to 3 quarts of water and let it sit at least 8 hours, but I am not sure if it is strong enough or not. I used to always do pioneer woman's recipe, but I started experimenting a little to see how I we like it. I use a metal mesh strainer and then a smaller tea sieve I have. BUT it works much better when I just put it through a muslin cloth (which I lay in my larger mesh strainer) - its actually just an old burp rag and it works so well for making nut milk/coldbrew and squeezing liquid out of veggies. It really isn't that messy either, since I just toss the grounds in the garden and rinse it out.

      YES I hope we hear soon too! But, Jeremy and I got a chance to talk a LOT the other day, and we are feeling more and more that even if they do offer the job to us at this point, we are going to turn it down. We feel very at peace with that decision and it feels like we can see how committed to this place and putting down true roots we have become. I am not sure what would happen that would convince us we are "supposed" to move at this point.

      That is great that you have been running! And running with a jogging stroller is no joke. That is how I started - during Preschool I would run about 3 miles a few times a week with Hailey, and even that is hard, I think. I read that some personal fitness trainer said that you should aim for either 30 minute high impact workout or 3 miles (even if it is just walking) a day to get/keep yourself in shape. That has helped me not be so hard on myself when I wish I could do more but just don't have the time or energy, I just try to do that much.

    2. haha wow I have no idea why my comment was posted three times! I've been doing 3/4 cup coffee to 6 cups water for my cold brew. I was going to do a 1 to 8 ratio and didn't realize how small my jar was. My most recent batch was okay, but when I checked it a bunch of grounds were just sitting on top completely dry. My best one sat in the fridge for a day and a half because we were busy and I didn't get around to straining it. This last one brewed for 24 hours.

      I like that goal of 30 min a day or 3 miles a day to stay in shape! Some days it's hard, like today where I got terrible sleep and Callum has been super cranky. I did make it out for a walk with my neighbor, so that's something!

  4. I love it when you post! Missed you at the MVA get-together on Friday. Raedeana and I talked about you though =P


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