Paul and I made Salsa with the in-laws on Saturday. I was still kinda a sickie so after I minced garlic and pulled the leaves off the cilantro I went to the couch and took a two hour nap...while Steve and Paul played xbox and Kathy continued to least I think that is what happened. I was sleeping.
We made 49 pints of awesome Salsa.

Everyone in the Fernandez family just loves it when I take pictures, so therefore I take my camera everywhere. I mean, they don't really like pictures, so they aren't going to take them, so I must right? Don't you like my reasoning?

I know I used one of the same pictures twice in my collage, but um, it was necessary.

Misty is such a goofball. She was an indoor cat for a few months..but then she was naughty and peed on the futon so she got kicked back outside. She still loves her cuddles and pets and lovings. :)

I hung a little pendant banner above the tv, I still need to make a bigger one but this one at least covers up the screws in the wall from where my jewelry box hung. And that no-mark, well it hasn't worked yet. I sprayed it on the bed once and a few hours later Eric peed on the bed. It says to apply it for a whole week twice a day. I will do it for a while and then let him in the room. Meanwhile I am emailing the lady we got the cats from and my Aunt is talking to the foster care coordinator at the Humane Society where she helps foster animals. That lady had 9 indoor cats...I think she knows her stuff.

I still have been on the organizing kick. I just can't help myself. I organized the closet even more, making labels for all my binders except the empty ones. I know the labels aren't evenly placed (I did those a while ago) and yes they kinda bother me. Someday I will fix them!
That "our story" binder is a binder full of notes Paul and I wrote back and forth while dating, to do lists we made for our weekends together, tickets to plays and movies we have gone to and so forth. It makes me so happy to look through!

And here is Alex, my awesome most amazing craft organizing drawer. I love it. I finally organized the bottom two drawers (the paper one and the one with stickers) as they have been so so so messy since I got the drawers. So now instead of a bunch of papers and stuff thrown into two drawers I finally have a organized craft station!

Eleanor likes to help me organize. I kept moving papers all around the room. Making this pile and that pile. Scrapbooking one thing and throwing another away. That bin with a few folders in it and a present was shoved as full as it could be with to do projects and mending. I finished everything! The binder and folders are stuff for my residency program, the the present is for Gabe's birthday which is in a month. :)

And here is my pantry. I mainly took this picture because Amber was asking me what kind of bins I had in my pantry to organize. Sadly they don't sell these bins at Target anymore. Walmart stopped selling them too. I was so bummed. And the cereal, that is just to show you one of my obsessions. If we get down to like five boxes I feel compelled to go out and buy more, because I don't want to run out. Yeah, obsessed. And Paul buys cereal too. We can't help it. But we eat it all and always, always buy it on sale. :)

Oh and those jars are from ikea. My mom keeps snack in jars like that and my grandma keeps cookies in them so it was only natural for me to want to do something of that nature. Oh and the bins on the pantry floor, hello awesome organization space! It would be gross just to put things on the floor but these bins give me so so so much more space! :)
I have more pictures on my camera that I want to share but I figured this was enough for one post...and I was too lazy to get them off the camera and collage them. Sorry for the crappy lighting and stuff in a lot of them. It was like 7 before I got around to taking pictures and it is already dark by that hour. Lame.
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