These last few days have been kinda crazy. Thursday at work I watched a man die, Friday we had to call a Rapid Response at 11:50 at night for a lady and they ended up intubating her. I left at 12:30am. I got home at 1am. That whole evening I had a temp of 99.6 or around there, that's what it was when I got home. I didn't want to check it when I was at work because I didn't want to get sent I worked stuff, feverish, cold chills. 12 hour sudafed didn't do a single thing, but hey I have three days off now and I learned a ton at work.
Before I went to work Friday I didn't feel as bad though. Paul and I thatched our whole back yard (pictures below) and then we made my new bookshelf for my craft closet! Do you see that piled up mess I had in there?! Ew. It has been bothering me for quite some time now. I still have some organizing and shuffling of cute items and books to finish it off and will post a picture when I am done with everything. :) Those black milk crates that are in there went to my laundry room and it looks way better in there now. I left my camera at my in-laws though so pictures will have to wait till tomorrow after I get my camera back at church.

I have seriously been on an organizing kick lately. The more I organize the more I see that I have to organize. It's actually super fun! I picked up this cork board for 6 dollars at Ikea so Paul would have a little message board in the closet. A place for his mail and unfinished lists. I was tired of seeing them on the side table and this seemed like the perfect solution.
Then there is our thatched yard, super ugly I know. We are now aerating and watering and will seed and fertilize tomorrow probably. Well Paul is doing most of the work, I am still a sickie. My whole body aches, I am stuffed up, on and off headache and I am tired all the time.
Oh and there is my never ending shopping and to do list. It is clipped to my old work clipboard since I don't need one now. It used to house my report sheets, highlighters, papers, stethoscope and stuff. I now wear my stethoscope around my neck, and carry pens and stuff in my pocket along with my report sheet. I love having my clipboard for around the house stuff!

Oh btw work is going amazing. I am loving the experience, liking the staff, and learning so much!
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