I was telling Justin the other day that I've been waiting for life to settle down, but I realized that I don't think it is. I try to do less, but sometimes I can't control what all goes on. I think this post is going to be about random things that have gone on lately...
Callum is six months old today. What?! I enjoy this guy so much. Each stage is so fun and exciting, I enjoy hanging out with him so much. I wanted to get a six month picture of him today, but we went to baby playgroup and C was so tired afterwards he was down for a nap for 3 and a half hours and then the picture didn't happen. This is one I sent Justin today.
Justin and I have been settling in pretty well in London. We found a great church and love the community we've found. On Wednesdays I go to a women's Bible study there. Most of the ladies are older, but they are so sweet. My first time there they dug out their name tags just for me. Callum is the only baby/kid there, and they have someone to baby sit him each week. Justin and I have been going to a Bible study with other singles and couples our age. I feel so blessed to have found a Christian community. I feel like I've come home after all these years of moving. I know that no community is perfect, but I've been blown away by how they've welcomed us.
One thing that has been tough and is getting better is Callum's eczema. I have been off dairy since Christmas because of it. His eczema has gotten so bad at times it keeps him up at night because his skin is so red and inflamed and he is scratching like crazy. We have prescription stuff for him and some Aveeno eczema lotion, but thankfully it has been a lot better these last few weeks and we just have to use the lotion to moisturize. I've tried to go back on dairy even just a bit to have yogurt and cheese, but his skin flares up right away, so no cow's milk for me. Thankfully I can have goat's cheese and milk in baked goods is ok. For a few weeks I had to give Callum a coconut oil bath twice a day to help with the inflamation, now we just do it to moisturize every other day. He also sleeps with a humidifier at night and we give him Vitamin D drops! I'm so relieved that his skin is doing much better, it was exhausting and tough to watch him go through painful skin.
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Callum with his coconut head, he kicked out of his sleeper and is enjoying some sweet potato! |
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Coconut oil bath! |
Guess what! I worked out four times this week! I'm going a 21 day challenge with a mommy facebook group. I'm not doing their shakeology or measuring what I eat, but I'm using it as a motivation to workout and get in shape. I wasn't able to workout on Wednesday because our tub was getting refinished and the fumes drove me out of the house. I did go for an hour walk though and enjoyed the Spring weather we're finally getting. I've lost 18 lbs since Christmas...hoping to continue to lose more and fit into some of my jeans again!
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This was me today after holding a plank for as long as possible. |
Justin and I have been settling in pretty well in London. We found a great church and love the community we've found. On Wednesdays I go to a women's Bible study there. Most of the ladies are older, but they are so sweet. My first time there they dug out their name tags just for me. Callum is the only baby/kid there, and they have someone to baby sit him each week. Justin and I have been going to a Bible study with other singles and couples our age. I feel so blessed to have found a Christian community. I feel like I've come home after all these years of moving. I know that no community is perfect, but I've been blown away by how they've welcomed us.
We're planning a trip to the Philippines!!! I've been wanting to visit before my parents retire next year and we've nailed it down to September while I'm still on mat-leave. I just have to check with my parents (who are flying back as I write) for dates. I can't wait to buy tickets, it's been 7 years since I was last there. We're going to be there for Callum's first birthday, so excited!
Argh, I wrote a comment but forgot to sign in with the right gmail account, so it deleted it! ANYWAY
ReplyDeleteI love seeing pictures of Callum - he has gotten so big! I'm so sorry about the eczema though, it seems like you keep having more issues after the breastfeeding and tongue tie. Jeremy's sister's kids both have food allergy related eczema. They used to have to tie their sons hands down at night, because otherwise he would wake up with deep scratches all over his body :( He is really limited with food too, no gluten/eggs/dairy/peanuts/some meats. But now he is almost 4 and doing so much better. I am glad restricting dairy is helping Callum's skin though and I hope it keeps getting better.
Way to go working out! Your picture is hilarious and cute. I could never be one of those instagrammy moms who post pictures of themselves working out, but you could ha ha.
I'm so happy you found a church too. It seems like every time you move, God brings you to a church community that you love and feel connected with.
And HOW awesome that you get to go to the Phillipines! What a way to celebrate Callum's first year.
I LOVE your workout picture! It cracked me up!!!! You go!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you posted! I always love reading about your life!
ReplyDeleteCallum is absolutely adorable, so sorry you have had so many hardships between breastfeeding, eczema and possible allergies! You are an amazing mama and take it all in stride so well.
Coconut oil is my favorite thing to put on Eli's booty for diaper rash's. I still use desitin sometimes with disposable diapers but I cloth diaper 99% of the time and coconut oil works much better with them.
Random note on eczema, I am sure you have already done tons of research but between reading this blog and actually getting on my computer to comment I read something about a mama putting breastmilk all over her baby's eczema and it worked better than any cream. Thought I would mention it in the off chance you hand't tried it yet. And it's a free option! :)
I absolutely love your workout picture, you are adorable!
So glad you guys found an awesome church, and that they even have babysitting for Callum even though he is the only baby. Sounds amazing!
Where are you planning on looking for a job when going back to work? Are you going back when Callum turns one?