Thursday, March 12, 2015

Upper Respiratory Infections please go away!

My whole house has been sick for weeks. Eli got croup almost 3 weeks ago now. It only lasted a few days but he has been quite congested with a super wet cough since then. Paul got sick about a week ago and lost his voice for a few days and is still feeling pretty crummy. I have had a sore throat for a week, and a deep cough. I have heard the virus's going around are just plain crummy this year. 

I don't know if it is sickness or growth spurt but Eli has been sleeping like a champ, so that's a plus. He is sleeping 12+ hours at night and napping 3.5-4.5 hours during the day. I have nothing to  complain about.  While he naps I either nap or binge watch Parenthood on netflix. In between binge watching parenthood I have been spring cleaning. I am purging more, scrubbing floors, vacuuming nooks and crannies, organizing drawers, and airing out the house with this awesome fresh spring air. 

Even though we have been sick Eli has been a pretty happy camper. We spend a portion of each day outside and I would say 6/7 days of the week we go to the park. He loves watching other kids, climbing up slides, climbing up steep stairs and scaring mama, and seeing how fast he can run from one point to the next. 

Becca we definitely need to get our kiddos together for a Tacoma Childrens museum and/or an outdoor play date. This "winter" has been incredible! 

Well, I ate too many carbs and not enough fruits and veggies today so I am nauseous and feeling like  crud this evening. This is the crazy part about eating so much better 90% of the time. The times when I slip up I feel awful and it's so not worth it! Skipping dinner and will just munch on fruits and veggies if I ever get hungry. 

Hope all is well with you girls! 


  1. Gross, so sorry you guys have been sick! We went through something similar a month ago, but it seems like everyone else is getting it now. :( Glad that Eli is sleeping for you though! That's how Shea was at that age - it is HEAVENLY when you can schedule your life around your kids sleeping. Didn't happen with Hailey, ha.

    Thats so great that you can get to the park that much! It is so good for the kids to be outside and to have something that gets us moms out too.

    And I definitely want to meet you for a Tacoma kids museum play date soon! I'll look at my calendar and get in touch with you, because school is over as of this weekend and I want to do some visiting over on that side before my next quarter starts.

  2. Wow I'm always amazed at how much greener it is over there at this time of year! Our snow is melting though, so there is hope! Sorry you guys have been sick, I've been fighting a sore throat for about four days now. I hate getting sick or if anyone in my family is sick, it throws everything off.

    It's good to hear that you eat too many carbs Angela! Not happy hearing you're feeling gross, but I'm always amazed at your discipline and all that you get accomplished. Carbs are just so yummy sometimes!


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