Now all the wallpaper is off:
Joe plans to take out the sink, the toilet, and the linoleum today - wow!
I won a $300 gift card for a laser hair removal center (I entered a drawing at the Home Show). I told them I don't want to spend ANY money, and so I'm meeting with them to find out what I can do for that amount. They do "skin rejuvenation" too, and that's cheaper than hair removal, so I might do that. My meeting is today.
Until then, I need to make us lunch, run through my daily cleaning stuff, and do some school. And plan dinner so I can stop by the grocery store on my way back from my appointment.
Joe and I used our second of three visitors passes to the YMCA today. I did half a mile on the elliptical and about 2.5 miles on the treadmill! Most of it was fast walking but I did some jogging and running too. One thing I love about the Y is that they have family dressing rooms that have a toilet and a sink and a shower. It's...luxurious. And so nice spending time together after you work out with your husband. I think he's going to let me get a membership, but I'm trying to convince him that we need to add him onto mine.
I feel dazed, tired, but good.
Here's a cute picture of a ball-o-Jasmine that's been sitting in the camera for a while:
Cat update: Last night, for the first time, all three cats slept on the bed! It was quite cozy. I've mentioned before that Wiggle likes to sleep completely under the covers, snuggled against your body (I don't know how she can breathe). The other cats like this because if they can't see Wiggle, she doesn't exist.
But she is SUCH a weird cat. She loves to play with my hair ties, paper balls, bottle caps - anything, and it entertains her for a long time. It's so easy to distract her. And she likes to keep my hair ties in the cat food dish - yeah. I kept taking them out, and then she started putting them in the water dish! So weird. I love seeing her carry things around in her mouth. The other cats don't really do that.
Oh, and she is stinky. We need to research what to do about stinky cats because she farts often and potently. Yuck.
Alright, time for me to make lunch!
haha Wiggle reminds me of our dog, Beatrix! She has awful farts, and loves to sleep under the blankets right next to us. Good work on the bathroom reno! I'm excited to see what it looks like all finished.