Happy Happy New year! And this is kinda my christmas post too since I haven't had time till now! Christmas eve, when I got home at 10:30ish I think (I got off a bit early), Paul and I opened Christmas presents. I just had a Christmas present from him, but on my side of the family we exchange names, and all of his presents from my Uncle had been dropped off at our house, Paul definitely got some awesome presents! He got new awesome shoes, ipod charger for the wall, a lego car, and much more. It made it so awesome when I woke up in the morning to see all the wrapping paper everywhere, it made it feel like Christmas even though Paul was long gone to work (he worked at 7...I got up at like 10). I got up, got ready, picked up the house a bit and headed over to Amber's parents house so I wouldn't spend Christmas morning alone. It was so so fun! Thank's for inviting me Amber. :)
New years eve at Ambers was fantastic! Her and Joe did such an awesome job make a delicious table full of beautifully laid out and yummmmmmy snacks. I ate so much...oops. I couldn't help it. It was also so good to get to actually hang out with Becca, now instead of being just blog friends we hang out in real life too! :)
looks like you guys had so much fun! seriously, why is Ontario so far from Washington?? I'm glad you guys had a good first Christmas together, even though Paul had to work. Happy New Year to you too! I love all your pictures by the way. :)
ReplyDeleteAwww that last photo is just missing Candice and Justin. Otherwise, what a happy group we are! I was thinking - this blog represents four strong marriages: marriages that will not end in divorce, because they are based on faith in God and not faith in human relationships.
ReplyDeleteWhatever the statistics for divorcing are, we wives are united through the Lord and through the internet to encourage and pray for each other, and in turn to strengthen our marriages. This is Christian fellowship at its highest: Satan can't break the bonds between us and our husbands, or between us women.
I am so excited about spending this new year with my new husband and my new sister, as well as two long-time friends, becca and Candice. It was such a blessing to welcome in the New Year with most of these people (and Candice in spirit).
I loved reading your post this morning, Angela! Those pictures of the food look like they're from a magazine - so yummy! (nice job, Amber)
ReplyDeleteAmber - you are so right. I just finished reading a book last night called, "Reconciled Differences", and its written by two women who have opposing views on woman's roles in the church. However, they do agree on very fundamental things about womanhood and marriage, and agree to be united above all in love. The book was so encouraging and shows how we can be committed to our husbands, our families, and one another as woman, even if we do have strong differing beliefs, because we all ultimately have our identify grounded in Christ. Thats probably one of the most important truths that the enemy would want us to be oblivious of. We are strong when united, and powerless when we fight for it, especially at the expense of relationship.
Love you girls! And wish you could've been there too, Candice!
I so wish Candice and Justin could have been there, that would have been perfect!
ReplyDeleteAnd you are so right Amber, we are all bound by Gods love, a cord so strong. I am so blessed to be born into a loving Christian home, and now to have amazing Christian girlfriends, and an amazing Christian husband. So so blessed.