Wow, I think everyone has posted today!!! How fun! I love all the reading material!
Today: Picked up the truck at Paul and Angela's, soaked in five minutes of their peaceful morning, then headed back to our craziness! I made lunch, then did schoolwork while Joe and his dad hammered at the bathroom. They had the downstairs doors open so I had to lock Wiggle and Jasmine in our bedroom - sad kitties. We're going out to Red Robin when Joe gets back from the dump - yay! I offered to make dinner but he said since I still have schoolwork to do, we should go out. =) we eat out way more than we should. =( But lately things have been so crazy with the water problems it's been hard to cook...
Anyway, pictures!

Gordo and Wiggle relaxing in very close quarters. Gordo probably doesn't know Wiggle is there. Wiggle wants so badly to be friends, but she can't keep herself from attacking anything that moves, including other cats, which usually make them give her the cold shoulder. They don't understand: she came from a life of scavenging, and you have to be brutal out there.

Our box fan to blow dust outside. The back plug doesn't stay in, so I had to tape it on. So ghetto!

The mud the boys have tracked on the floor. At least it's mostly contained in one area. It's just a little annoying that I mopped yesterday's mud off the floor, but small price to pay for a husband willing to work so hard on a bathroom!

Here's what the floor looked like when they were in the middle of working today.

My hardworking husband with a positive attitude! Last time I took a picture of him with this stuff, he wanted to take off his mask and his goggles. This time, he asked me to wait to take the picture till he had put his goggles on for effect!

I'm not sure, but I think this means the bathroom floor is half removed? I think today's project was to tear up the rotten floor. I hope that dark stuff isn't wet; I'm kind of afraid to go in there. This was taken with the flash for light (I am not sure how to turn on Steve's industrial lights).
Slightly funny - an hour ago I was so hungry and tired of this house and tired of school, and Joe asked me to look up whether the dump takes credit card payments. I found out eventually (only Visa and Mastercard) but I just looked into my search box, and apparently I searched "does the dump take credit cards kent wa". I'm guessing the results were pretty irrelevant for that search.
I think Joe's back and I promised I'd help him organize his tools before we go to Red Robin. Bye girls!
Oh my goodness it looks like Joe and Steve have been super busy on the bathroom! I hope shopping went well today and that Red Robin is suuuupper yummy. :) And I am so so so glad the kitties are getting along, they look so cute together! They look like they are siblings actually!