I decided to add some color to the blog. Hope you don't mind (and feel free to change if it is hideous).
So this is the 2nd time I have moved on my birthday :)
Yesterday morning, we went to the storage unit and packed everything up at about 9:50. It was just me, Jeremy, and his dad, but we really don't have much stuff at this point, so we were out of there by 11. Then we drove over to the house and unpacked my car quickly. The lady is still in the house, so we just shoved everything in a corner. Hopefully she will be leaving today, and we can get in there Friday morning and start cleaning. I drove home, got into my work clothes, ate a quesadilla for lunch and then drove to work for the day. I had to work until 5. Once I got home, we went for a walk, put Shea down for bed, then made our way to Silverdale. We were going to go out for dinner, but since we're going out Friday night (YAY!) we just went and got some chilli from Wendy's. Which was delicious because it was so cold out (yes, 51 degrees is cold. i am in trouble.). We also went to Goodwill and I finally found Shea some shoes that fit - which are also super cute. And we bought diapers. Then we came home, drank some tea, hung out with Jeremy's parents, and went to bed. That was my birthday. It was all-in-all, a good day.
Today I have to work from 12-9, but I only work 5 hours tomorrow, and only 4 hours on Saturday. AND I get Sunday off!! So my sister is coming out after church in the afternoon and spending the night. It will be so nice to have her help getting our house cleaned/situated. I hope I can find Jeremy's camera, because you have GOT to see some of the silly/funky stuff in this house we are definitely going to need to fix! Jeremy is trying to convince me to leave it all, of course.
Anyway, life is so good and God is taking care of us so much! I am in awe that we are getting this little house. Even the truck rental got taken care of, because my Grandma sent me twice as much as I usually get on my birthday, and we got a check from Jeremy's Grandma for Shea's babyshower gift that apparently we never were given. Amazing how these things come in just at the right time for just the right amount of money we need at that point. And I think we'll still be able to get Shea a train set for his birthday.
OH and the other exciting thing is that my mom's group has 7 people in it now! I have 3 ladies and their kids coming to a walking group on Tuesday, and another mom is coming to a playgroup the following Friday. The calendar is starting to fill up, and I am really so excited to meet all these ladies in the area! I am super excited to get our house guest ready so we can start having mom's-night out and different things like that! if you think of me, you can pray for this group. I really hope to make intentional relationships to minister to these ladies and their children in the way God has already prepared for me to do, but how I want to make sure I'm listening to His calling and now just being self-centered or doing things "my-way".
Love you girls!
EDIT: ha, the lady left YESTERDAY afternoon and didn't tell us! We could've been in there last night working on stuff! Oh well. We have the keys :D And she left a huge box of chocolates. :P
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
So so tired at this moment.
Sunday we had everyone over for dinner and we got to use our dining room table for the first time! It was so much fun. Paul grilled chicken, Kathy brought two salads, and I made dessert. So fun, so good to have family around. Awesome.

I bought this new picture frame at Ikea yesterday and have had this Seattle print for a while now. I bought it after the Underground Tour in Seattle and it had it's own mat and stuff that got ruined in the move, so I moved it to this frame and love it! It doesn't exactly match the other picture in the bathroom but they both make me happy, so they both stay. Haha.

After I finally replaced the broken frame I was able to put pictures in them from Costco. I took all the pictures myself and it only costs 2.99 to print a 12x18 picture at Costco! I love having the living room finally all put together....but now I think I am going to paint it this color like in this room here but without the shiny design on the wall. It would make the room lighter and I would finally be able to fill in the holes and sand down the crazy areas they just painted over with blue paint.

I hope all you girls are all having an awesome day and will have another one tomorrow.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Living the good life.
Yesterday was my first day on the floor at my new job, it went awesomely well! I have an awesome preceptor that asks me what I feel comfortable doing, what I want her to watch me do, and lets me loose when she knows I am comfortable. My "pod" is a 3/4 circle with rooms all around and the nurses station in the middle, makes it easy to always have an eye on all your patients, kinda cool actually.
Before last night I hadn't worked evening shift in a week and a half and I was getting pretty used to the morning routine. I was so tired this morning after getting home at 12:30 last night and not going to bed till about 1am. I woke up at 9:19 to a text and decided to get up and go to the gym, and then get ready there for church. And I am tired this evening but it's all good, then I will be tired enough to go to bed early cause I have class at 8am tomorrow!
I have been in a crazy organizing mood lately. I don't know how much of it is seeing all these posts and how much is just me being sick of seeing cluttered drawers and closets and cupboards every time I open them. I am on a mission to declutter our house and make it spick and span!
My kitties always help me with my organization, and also having this list on a clipboard that I add to every time I think of something has been amazing! The cupboard under the master bathroom sink has been an awful mess since we moved in. I had way too much stuff and it was all just thrown in random places because it didn't fit in the bins I had down there, now I smile every time I open the cupboard!

Thursday, September 22, 2011
Well I haven't wanted to post because I haven't been having the best time out of life lately and I didn't want to bum you guys out! Four more weeks of school and then you'll probably start hearing from me more. I love you all!
Today in pictures (with not much writing) haha
This morning I got up at 8:30 to drive to Bellevue and meet my parents and bro at my Aunt and Uncles church where I would leave my car and hop into a Ford Ranger and drive to UW. It took me 70 minutes instead of 35 to get to the church, lame, but I made it.
Here we all are in the truck waiting in the cueing line to get a parking spot at the dorm.

This is our little closet under the stairs. I wish I would have taken a before picture, it was awful. Everything on that back shelf was on the floor in the back because those shelves were full of light bulbs. The light bulbs moved to a box, the recycling got taken out and the shelves got new stuff on them. WAY better.
And here is the beginning of me organizing the fridge and freezer inside and the freezer in the garage. Those clear plastic bins are from costco and they are amazing. All the same size, easy to label, and fit food well in the fridge and freezer.

Hope everybody is having an awesome week. Becca I love reading your posts and Amber and Candice I miss hearing from you!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
good news and sad news
so, the good news: I found my camera cord!!
bad news: My screen is broken! I am totally bummed, and not sure how it happened. Something must have smashed it in my purse. But at least I got my pictures off, and we still have Jeremy's chunky camera from when he took photography class.
So basically, I decided to post pictures from the last month and a half (in no particular order) in honor of my camera's last photos. I will miss you dearly, little camera. sniff.
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this is shea trying out the little car roll-up mat I made for his cousin's birthday last month |
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Shea playing at Katrina's going away party - also the same day as Amber's housewarming! |
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taking a bath at the Train house in the sink :) |
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trying on a hat from papa's trunk |
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wearing another family hat. |
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STUFFing his face with pizza outside of my work. He ate THREE pieces!! |
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my $7 wal-mart purse I bought |
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my boys watching tv together :) |
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Shea driving around at Preschool |
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our date at Bahn Thai in Silverdale - yummy! I love the tea. |
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Shea playing at gramma and papa's - see that three wheel bike in the background? I take Shea for rides in the basket of it all the time. He loves it. |
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one more sweet shot :) |
This morning, Shea and I took off on a shopping adventure! Shopping trips are a bigger deal now that most of the stores are a good 25-30 minute trip. Sure, we have a few grocery stores and a super-walmart pretty close by, but I wanted to go to the Silverdale stores for certain items. We hit up Target, stopped by Starbucks for breakfast(had to have a special mommy-baby treat), went to grocery outlet, safeway, old navy, and goodwill. PHEW. And Shea did AWESOME. Lately he's into NOT wanting to sit in the cart and throwing a tantrum the whole time. A weird speaking cookie monster and a Thomas the train saved us before his melt-down in Goodwill though.
So we got home, Shea went down for a nap, we had lunch, and I cleaned our room out. I have an hour before I go to work, and Jeremy has been gone paintballing for his brother's birthday all day.
OH and the other exciting thing I have been working on - I just started a mom's group for indianola. Here is the graphic I worked on:
The church is sponsoring our meetup group. I have two events planned and have been posting some flyers around town. I'm hoping something will come of it! It's been fun putting together everything for it though, and it's nice because if nothing really comes of it in the next 6 months, we can just cancel it and the church is only out $40 bucks.
Hope you are having a nice weekend!!
Friday, September 16, 2011
A crazy lazy day.
So Wednesday was supposed to be my last day of work, but they accidently put me and Gabe on the schedule for Thursday. Med nurses are easy to find replacements for but charge nurses are not as easy because not as many people know the paperwork side of things. And plus they think you should be an RN to be a charge nurse for some reason. Anyway I felt bad for Karrie (the charge nurse in the morning who my sched overlaps 4.5 hours with) so I agreed to work Thursday as well.
I have had so much energy this week knowing it was my last week at one job and I would soon begin the journey of starting a new job and learning so much more! This also meant that every day I woke up early, went swimming and did a ton of errands before I even got to work, meaning I was super tired by friday, today. So Paul woke me up at 8:15 by moving around because he had fallen asleep at 9pm! I couldn't fall back to sleep so we woke up had breakfast, lounged and watched tv till he had to leave at 1:30 for work. The plan for today was to see where the LA Fitness in federal way was, go work out and then go run my errands at The Commons in Federal Way. Well as I was looking these things up on my computer Eleanor came and slept by me and I decided to take a 40 minute nap with her before getting up. 40 minutes turned into 4 hours. 4 hours girls! That is one long nap but apparently I needed it because I am still tired this evening. I didn't do my errands but I did go work out in Covington, the one I usually go to, before my brother arrived at 7pm. He went on a 6 mile hike at Mt. Rainier with some Honors people from UW today and is spending the night. We have been spending the evening eating, playing cribbage, and playing with the kitties!
The picture of the kitties sleeping together is what I woke up to when I got up from my 4 hour nap. I have the best napping buddies ever! Eleanor is playing with a feather wand my mom sent with my brother that their cat wasn't so interested in. Lets just say it is like a drug to my cat, they go CRAZY when we play with them. And the cards? I made those with some washi tape and stamps for the ladies at work who mean the most to me. I seriously already miss them. I mean if I was still working there I would be so happy to have a 3 day weekend but now that I don't know the next day I am going back I miss them, and think about how they are doing.

Sorry for the super crappy quality pictures. I am using one of my old phones and it doesn't have the best picture quality. Now I see why moms post instagram (from iphone) pictures on their blogs all the time. You may not have time to go run and find the camera but you always have your phone on you!
Hope you guys have an awesome weekend.
Ps I posted my google calendar on the side mainly for Amber's sake, but anyone can feel free to take a look at my boring schedule! Haha. Amber, now you can always know when I am working and never have to wonder!!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
misty morning
Actually, this has been true almost every day!
I want to post every time I see an Angela post! I don't have enough time to tell you all that is going on around here, and STILL do not have my camera cord, but I will fill you in on some highlights!
I have been working a lot still. I finally get a day off tomorrow (my one this week!) I wasn't going to have a day off until Saturday (working since last Wednesday), but a girl wanted to switch with me, so it worked out nicely!
so first, the big things:
The house we were originally going to rent, but the owner decided to move back into it, we are now renting again! She decided that she just couldn't take care of it by herself, so we are moving in near the end of the month. It is a 3 bedroom 1.5 bath right across the street from the beach! It is lovely. It needs some love and updates, but the rent is only $700 (CRAZINESS for a property in this area for this size) and she said we can do whatever we want to it (smart lady, because we WILL make it a lot nicer). Its also right behind my brother-in-law's house, so the kids will get to play together a lot.
We visited a church in Bremerton last Sunday, which was very cool. It's called Voyage. This is the church that our old traditional church split with. It used to be the same church, but they ran out of money and had no pastor, so the district sent in a church planter to re-plant. They are relaunching a coffee-house style church that is extremely relevant. Anyway, the Pastor called Jeremy up yesterday and we are going out to dinner with him and his wife tonight. This is good, because it will give us a chance to get to know them and see if its where we want to serve. We also have been wanting to visit this church since we started working at the traditional church, because there was a lot of bitterness toward them from our congregation. Jeremy needs to be serving in the Church of God denomination in order to complete his pastoral licensing, and this is the closest one (and one we feel we could fit in and be used well). It is full of young couples with young kids - I don't think I've EVER been to a church with so many people like us! And, it really had the best culture I've experienced in a church as a first perspective.
Preschool started at the church today, and Shea is attending! haha. it is kind of a funny Preschool, not like a real one exactly. He is doing pretty well so far and having fun, I think!
Life is GOOD - as always - and I am so looking forward to moving into our new beach house and decorating in a more permanent way for once!! I have a feeling we may be here a bit longer than our other moves :) I'm hoping so, anyway! Hopefully Jeremy will find some work here soon, and I won't have to depend on the ice cream store's inconsistent hours. God is providing as always though. I can't even believe that we will be able to afford a nice little house for what I make at Mora! And even though I have been working a lot, I haven't really felt it yet. I feel like I still have a lot of time with Shea and my husband. That might be because I don't have much else to do while living at our in-law's. Hopefully it won't change too much once we have our own place to work on.
This morning we walked down to the Indianola store and bought a muffin and an espresso. It is so fun here - people are so friendly and laid-back and Shea has multiple dogs to talk to on any walk. We walked down the dock and Shea tried to talk to the Seagulls. Beautiful misty morning. I LOVE it.
Love you girls! Amber and Candice - hope to hear from you two some time soon, even if its just a short blurb!!
Life is lovely.
Yesterday Paul and I went to the Puyallup Fair, each of us had only been once in our life. We had so much fun! We at a huge burger that I forgot to take a picture of, cotton candy, coke, and scones!
We saw all the animals and I was in love. The cows were adorable (when they didn't smell like poo), the ducks were so cute as they quacked and the pigmy goats, oh man!
And then there was mutton bustin. I told Paul I want our kids to do this! Don't know if you girls have ever seen it but it is kids 6 and under, 60 lbs and under get to see how long they can stay on a running sheep. So cute!
Karrie is the lady in the purple scrubs and blonde hair. I am going to miss her so much. She is the person I will miss most at Heartwood. She is an awesome and amazing nurse and she has taught me so so much. She has the most awesome laugh, the funniest jokes, the best stories to tell about the residents.
Becky is the lady in teal with short brown hair. She is the most sweet, caring, loving Christian lady ever who loves to talk about her one year old grandson Jude.
I will miss these ladies bunches.
Today has been a crazy productive day!
- woke up at 6:30 with Paul to cut his hair. He has class and a presentation today and he definitely needed a hair cut
- When I was vacuuming up Paul's hair I decided to vacuum the house.
- Then I decided to clean all three bathrooms, including trying to get the hardwater off the shower doors.
- Then I went to Fred Meyer to buy a lock for the lockers at the gym
- Then I went and signed up at LA fitness (because I quit my membership at 24 hr fitness due to cold showers and the pool being closed)
- Swam a mile at the pool after signing up
- Went to the post office to mail a package.
- Was going to go to the library but forgot and got in the wrong lane at the light, oh well I will go tomorrow.
Then I came home, ate breakfast, went on the computer and am now watching prison break. At 11:45 I have to leave for work.
Hope you girls are doing awesome!
Friday, September 9, 2011
August was a good month

We went to Redondo and walked to boardwalk, we went to McDonalds for my favorite dipped cones, we went ot the Oregon Coast to stay with my Moms side of the family at the beach house, I turned 23, I got a new job (and will start on the 19th, we went crabbing at Westport, we had more days off together than expected, and we sold two cars and got one newer one. I am sure we did much more but that is all I can come up with at the moment.
September, I can't believe it is September. It's been a good month so far, I started working out again. The first day I spent half hour on the elliptical because someone had pooped in the pool and it was closed. Today I swam a mile in the pool. My arms were killing me in the first 1/3 of a mile but then they relaxed and the swim was amazing. I would have swam more but exercise class was going to start and they take up the whole pool!
Currently I am laying on my bed watching Prison Break on our "new" tv, kittens sleeping next to me, typing on my awesome new keyboard on my laptop and fixing to get up and make myself a lunch/dinner and then head off to work.
We are in state survey at work right now, something I was hoping to miss out on. Once a year for a week each time the state comes in and surveys the building, quizzes the nurses, turns on call lights and times how long it takes for someone to answer them. They sometimes sit silently and type on their computer and other lurk about opening charts. Some check oxygen tanks to see if we are changing them often enough, others watch aids transfer residents to make sure they are doing their jobs correctly. They are awful, it feels like they are out to get you. If they watch you you feel like you are doing something wrong, even if you know you are doing everything right. They will be in the building till wednesday, my last day, what a lovely way to spend my last four days of work!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
A day without internet was probably good for me
So I really didn't accomplish much today and it felt so so so good. I had a list of errands I was going to do but Paul and I did them all at 7pm last night, together, it was wonderful.
This morning while sitting outside petting the neighbor kitty in the sunshine I looked into my front window and saw my two kitties just watching me . I ran inside to grab my camera and capture the moment. This is one of the few neighbor cats they don't look like they are trying to attack through the window!

I got that skirt from Loft on the clearance rack, I love outlet malls clearance racks!

The wedding picture and jewelry box I swore I would never move cause it was a beast to hang I had to move for the tv. It is now sitting on the floor till I can gain the courage to find studs and buy those screw things that expand in the wall to rehang it. Oh and use the leveler....my dad helped me hang it the first time.
I think I am going to put a paper bunting banner above the tv area. The area looks to empty right now but it would look too full with picture frames. So a bunting is the answer! I can't decide if I am going to hang it like the pictures below or just one strand across.

Today has been an awesome and relaxing day! The internet was out so I took a nap, read my book, cleaned a tiny bit, crafted, tried to do my hair with no heat curls . I need longer hair though to do it. Someday I will!
Hope you ladies are all having an awesome and amazing day!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Lovely day off.
I haven't downloaded pictures to my computer since my birthday...that never happens. My birthday at the Coast was amazing. Full of family, shopping, ice cream cake, amazing weather, and chilling!

I make tilipia tacos and homemade frozen strawberry lemonade tonight. Now there are some homemade caramels cooling in the fridge waiting to be rolled out and have sea salt sprinkled on top.
As for now, me and my love are watching Step Up 3. I had to convince him to watch it with me, its cute so far. :)
Off to have an awesome evening!
Happy here.
That about sums up where I'm at these days. I never thought I'd be where I am, I don't know exactly where we're heading now, but I love my life!
So, I had this wonderful plan to post a wonderful blogpost full of pictures while Shea napped. About 2/3 of my plan will work out. Shea is napping. And I am posting what will naturally be a wonderful post. ;P (right...). But the cord for my camera is somewhere in storage at the moment, so I can't post the pictures until the next time we take a trip over there. :( oh well.
I have finally felt like I've done something with my time today! Jeremy's parents have been out of town since Tuesday, which has been nice. Its nice to get a break and settle in a little bit. I've been doing a lot of cleaning! Partly because I have a child who likes to make a lot of messes, and also because I want to make sure we're doing more than our part, considering we're living basically rent free.
Today, I:
- Got out of bed at 7AM and actually took a shower before 11AM. haha.+
- Made breakfast for Shea, a coffee for Jeremy, and ate some granola myself. This is pretty good for me these days. I also cleaned the dishes from the morning while Shea played. I got him dressed by 8. Another big accomplishment.
- Jeremy is gone for most of the day, so I took a trip to Silverdale with Shea to go to Target. For some odd reason Jeremy's parents don't have dishrags, so I bought a pack of those. I also bought a magic eraser and a new shower curtain liner (theirs was beyond disgusting. I couldn't handle it.) We also stopped at Wal-Mart on the way home (mainly because I wanted to get a starbucks frappe - there, I confessed) and bought a lighter for the candle for our room and I got a new purse for only $7.50! Normally I don't like the wal-mart purses at all, but my white one is so dirty and falling apart, so I bought a new tan one. I love it. It's simple, the perfect size, and it was CHEAP. I took a picture of it, but like I said, I can't get it off my camera.
-When we got home, Shea played outside while I ran a load of laundry, scrubbed down the tub/shower and changed the curtain, washed the floors, vacuumed, and started lunch. I even started a huge pot of chilli for dinner for tonight and tomorrow night, because I have to work and Jeremy will be on his own. And I baked the rest of my new cookie recipe. They're like...chocolate peanut butter shortbread cookies. Maybe that's what I'll call them. They are delicious mounds of yumminess. I'll post the recipe sometime. I like them a lot.
Nothing else is too new. We have been looking around casually for places, but there isn't much available to rent in our price range, and we don't really want to spend all of our money on a damage deposit right now anyway. We have started looking into some houses to buy in the area, because we are figuring we'd rather save up money for a few months while living here so we can buy something we like rather than pay too much rent for a place we don't really want to be. We drove through a nearby neighborhood with a ton of young families in it with some nice, yet inexpensive houses. We'll see if anything comes of that. Of course, it would require Jeremy getting a job, but its exciting to think about it actually owning our own place and settling at least for a few years.
Well, off to do my last big project of the day - cleaning our the refrigerator and finding a place to put our food so we can get the boxes out of here!
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