so, the good news: I found my camera cord!!
bad news: My screen is broken! I am totally bummed, and not sure how it happened. Something must have smashed it in my purse. But at least I got my pictures off, and we still have Jeremy's chunky camera from when he took photography class.
So basically, I decided to post pictures from the last month and a half (in no particular order) in honor of my camera's last photos. I will miss you dearly, little camera. sniff.
this is shea trying out the little car roll-up mat I made for his cousin's birthday last month |
Shea playing at Katrina's going away party - also the same day as Amber's housewarming! |
taking a bath at the Train house in the sink :) |
trying on a hat from papa's trunk |
wearing another family hat. |
STUFFing his face with pizza outside of my work. He ate THREE pieces!! |
my $7 wal-mart purse I bought |
my boys watching tv together :) |
Shea driving around at Preschool |
our date at Bahn Thai in Silverdale - yummy! I love the tea. |
Shea playing at gramma and papa's - see that three wheel bike in the background?
I take Shea for rides in the basket of it all the time. He loves it. |
one more sweet shot :) |
And some real content:
This morning, Shea and I took off on a shopping adventure! Shopping trips are a bigger deal now that most of the stores are a good 25-30 minute trip. Sure, we have a few grocery stores and a super-walmart pretty close by, but I wanted to go to the Silverdale stores for certain items. We hit up Target, stopped by Starbucks for breakfast(had to have a special mommy-baby treat), went to grocery outlet, safeway, old navy, and goodwill. PHEW. And Shea did AWESOME. Lately he's into NOT wanting to sit in the cart and throwing a tantrum the whole time. A weird speaking cookie monster and a Thomas the train saved us before his melt-down in Goodwill though.
So we got home, Shea went down for a nap, we had lunch, and I cleaned our room out. I have an hour before I go to work, and Jeremy has been gone paintballing for his brother's birthday all day.
OH and the other exciting thing I have been working on - I just started a mom's group for indianola. Here is the graphic I worked on:
The church is sponsoring our meetup group. I have two events planned and have been posting some flyers around town. I'm hoping something will come of it! It's been fun putting together everything for it though, and it's nice because if nothing really comes of it in the next 6 months, we can just cancel it and the church is only out $40 bucks.
Hope you are having a nice weekend!!
I love all your pictures! And that is one impressive shopping trip you went on with a toddler. :)