So I really didn't accomplish much today and it felt so so so good. I had a list of errands I was going to do but Paul and I did them all at 7pm last night, together, it was wonderful.
This morning while sitting outside petting the neighbor kitty in the sunshine I looked into my front window and saw my two kitties just watching me . I ran inside to grab my camera and capture the moment. This is one of the few neighbor cats they don't look like they are trying to attack through the window!

The other day I finally made the recipe book I have been making to make for quite some times now. I love to cook so much more. I just flip through my book before dinner and decide what to make. I am not one to completely follow recipes so if I am missing an ingredient or two that I deem unnecessary or replaceable I make the meal. I never like to go to the grocery store to just make a meal.

The other week I finally decorated that empty space between our living room and dining room. The vase on the left had some grass in it which the kittens found was very fun to play with. So last night during our errands we stopped by the store and got some sticks instead. I love how it turned out and the kittens haven't made a mess of it yet!

I have been meaning to make flowers for my hair for quite some time. I have seen many blog posts on how to do it, but my internet was down so I winged it. I don't own a glue gun (but I will soon thanks to my mom!) so I used super glue. On all the blogs they have you put it on these special clips or headbands, but I didn't want to spend money on either of those things, or attach it to a head band because that would be too permanent, so I attached a bobby pin. They are so fun to make! I am going to make many many more when I get a glue gun and even more when I have my first little baby girl...years from now.
I got that skirt from Loft on the clearance rack, I love outlet malls clearance racks!

We just got a tv for our bedroom, something I said I never wanted. But we got it from my great uncle who passed away, so when things are free I guess I make exceptions. So we bought that table last night at target on sale, took a while to put together but I love it!
The wedding picture and jewelry box I swore I would never move cause it was a beast to hang I had to move for the tv. It is now sitting on the floor till I can gain the courage to find studs and buy those screw things that expand in the wall to rehang it. Oh and use the dad helped me hang it the first time.
I think I am going to put a paper bunting banner above the tv area. The area looks to empty right now but it would look too full with picture frames. So a bunting is the answer! I can't decide if I am going to hang it like the pictures below or just one strand across.
Today has been an awesome and relaxing day! The internet was out so I took a nap, read my book, cleaned a tiny bit, crafted, tried to do my hair with
no heat curls . I need longer hair though to do it. Someday I will!
Hope you ladies are all having an awesome and amazing day!
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