We went to Redondo and walked to boardwalk, we went to McDonalds for my favorite dipped cones, we went ot the Oregon Coast to stay with my Moms side of the family at the beach house, I turned 23, I got a new job (and will start on the 19th, we went crabbing at Westport, we had more days off together than expected, and we sold two cars and got one newer one. I am sure we did much more but that is all I can come up with at the moment.
September, I can't believe it is September. It's been a good month so far, I started working out again. The first day I spent half hour on the elliptical because someone had pooped in the pool and it was closed. Today I swam a mile in the pool. My arms were killing me in the first 1/3 of a mile but then they relaxed and the swim was amazing. I would have swam more but exercise class was going to start and they take up the whole pool!
Currently I am laying on my bed watching Prison Break on our "new" tv, kittens sleeping next to me, typing on my awesome new keyboard on my laptop and fixing to get up and make myself a lunch/dinner and then head off to work.
We are in state survey at work right now, something I was hoping to miss out on. Once a year for a week each time the state comes in and surveys the building, quizzes the nurses, turns on call lights and times how long it takes for someone to answer them. They sometimes sit silently and type on their computer and other lurk about opening charts. Some check oxygen tanks to see if we are changing them often enough, others watch aids transfer residents to make sure they are doing their jobs correctly. They are awful, it feels like they are out to get you. If they watch you you feel like you are doing something wrong, even if you know you are doing everything right. They will be in the building till wednesday, my last day, what a lovely way to spend my last four days of work!
How nice to look back on your collages and remember the month! That is such a good idea, I should start doing it! There are so many things that I'm realized I'm going to miss about life soon (like my son growing out of cute stages). Way to go working out! And I'm excited to see how your new job goes!