Yesterday was my first day on the floor at my new job, it went awesomely well! I have an awesome preceptor that asks me what I feel comfortable doing, what I want her to watch me do, and lets me loose when she knows I am comfortable. My "pod" is a 3/4 circle with rooms all around and the nurses station in the middle, makes it easy to always have an eye on all your patients, kinda cool actually.
Before last night I hadn't worked evening shift in a week and a half and I was getting pretty used to the morning routine. I was so tired this morning after getting home at 12:30 last night and not going to bed till about 1am. I woke up at 9:19 to a text and decided to get up and go to the gym, and then get ready there for church. And I am tired this evening but it's all good, then I will be tired enough to go to bed early cause I have class at 8am tomorrow!
I have been in a crazy organizing mood lately. I don't know how much of it is seeing all these posts and how much is just me being sick of seeing cluttered drawers and closets and cupboards every time I open them. I am on a mission to declutter our house and make it spick and span!
My kitties always help me with my organization, and also having this list on a clipboard that I add to every time I think of something has been amazing! The cupboard under the master bathroom sink has been an awful mess since we moved in. I had way too much stuff and it was all just thrown in random places because it didn't fit in the bins I had down there, now I smile every time I open the cupboard!

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