Thursday, March 26, 2015

Busy day off with daddy.

The last 24 hours have been awesome! Amber came over last night so Paul and I could go out to sushi for dinner after I put Eli down to bed. She worked on her lesson plan for the kids club thing she leads and Paul and I got an awesome solo 1.5 hour date of sushi and ice cream. I forgot what going out to eat without a baby was like. So much peace, so much conversation, no one screaming at me for another bite. I think we need to make a habit of this, especially while Eli is going to bed so early (asleep by 6 usually). Amber, we so so so appreciate you! 

Today when Eli woke from his nap we went to the Childrens Museum of Tacoma. Becca, so sorry it didn't work out to go with  you, we will definitely have to do it again, it is definitely a super fun place to go! I saw a nursing school friend there and got to catch up with her a bit. I had no idea she moved over here and has an 18 month old daughter. She lives in Kent (so pretty darn close) and does a mama's play group from 10-11:30 every tuesday (during Eli's awake hours!) and invited me. I am definitely going to take her up on the offer. Probably no every tuesday but it will definitely be fun to get together with some other mamas. 

Eli loved having his daddy around today, and I think Paul liked doing lots of activities and getting to play with Eli. Usually we stick closer to home and I think Paul has a hard time playing with the same ol toys for hours with Eli. Eli also tends to get more fussy at home so being out and about was super fun.  

Eli was shy and very observant when we first got to the museum.  It was fun to watch him observe other kids, you could see his brain turning.  

He would have stayed at the water table for the entire 1.5 hours we were there if we let him. He never got bored. .Of course most toys made their way into his mouth but what are you going to do. 

I definitely want to take Eli here more often. I think once a month would be super fun. It of course would be more fun to go with a friend but even going solo with Eli would be fun. There are so many moms around and it is easy to talk to people. Eli loved it and was napped quite well when we got home! 

We went to the Bass Pro shop in Tacoma so Paul could spend his gift card. They have a huge tank with a bunch of fish. I basically fed Eli the entire time we roamed the huge store. This kid can eat! He ate a ton of cracker puffs, 20 grapes, some strawberries, and an entire banana. He then ate lunch with us when we got home. We packed up and went to license Pauls "new" 1993 Honda civic hatchback that he got as a commuter car (40mpg) and Eli ate another banana and another huge handful of grapes while we were at the DOL and then the park after. Yes we went to the Museum and the park in one day, Eli was exhausted by bedtime! He also ate a good dinner. He did move a ton and expend a lot of energy today but man, I am not going to be able to keep up with this boy when he is a teenager! 

It was fun practicing my photography at the childrens museum because Paul was there to help keep an eye on Eli. This lens is a 50mm so it is pretty zoomed all the time and I have to stand farther away from Eli than I would like to get some images. I don't mind him being that far from me, but if it is just me he usually wants to run to me. So nice having Paul as a helper and distraction! 

It was so good hanging out with you the other day Becca.  Once you are done with school this summer I definitely want to make a trip up to you during low tide. We can spend the day at the beach. :) Candice I wish you lived closer, we need a baby playdate!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Learning to Breath.

Yay! I'm posting! It's been so long.  I loved reading about everyone's lives.  I've missed you guys.  I don't know why I haven't posted, I think it's like Angela said awhile ago, life just gets in the way.

I was telling Justin the other day that I've been waiting for life to settle down, but I realized that I don't think it is.  I try to do less, but sometimes I can't control what all goes on.  I think this post is going to be about random things that have gone on lately...

Callum is six months old today.  What?! I enjoy this guy so much.  Each stage is so fun and exciting, I enjoy hanging out with him so much.  I wanted to get a six month picture of him today, but we went to baby playgroup and C was so tired afterwards he was down for a nap for 3 and a half hours and then the picture didn't happen. This is one I sent Justin today.

One thing that has been tough and is getting better is Callum's eczema.  I have been off dairy since Christmas because of it.  His eczema has gotten so bad at times it keeps him up at night because his skin is so red and inflamed and he is scratching like crazy.  We have prescription stuff for him and some Aveeno eczema lotion, but thankfully it has been a lot better these last few weeks and we just have to use the lotion to moisturize.  I've tried to go back on dairy even just a bit to have yogurt and cheese, but his skin flares up right away, so no cow's milk for me.  Thankfully I can have goat's cheese and milk in baked goods is ok.  For a few weeks I had to give Callum a coconut oil bath twice a day to help with the inflamation, now we just do it to moisturize every other day.  He also sleeps with a humidifier at night and we give him Vitamin D drops! I'm so relieved that his skin is doing much better, it was exhausting and tough to watch him go through painful skin.  

Callum with his coconut head, he kicked out of his sleeper and is enjoying some sweet potato!

Coconut oil bath!

Guess what! I worked out four times this week!  I'm going a 21 day challenge with a mommy facebook group.  I'm not doing their shakeology or measuring what I eat, but I'm using it as a motivation to workout and get in shape.  I wasn't able to workout on Wednesday because our tub was getting refinished and the fumes drove me out of the house.  I did go for an hour walk though and enjoyed the Spring weather we're finally getting.  I've lost 18 lbs since Christmas...hoping to continue to lose more and fit into some of my jeans again!

This was me today after holding a plank for as long as possible. 

Justin and I have been settling in pretty well in London.  We found a great church and love the community we've found.  On Wednesdays I go to a women's Bible study there. Most of the ladies are older, but they are so sweet.  My first time there they dug out their name tags just for me.  Callum is the only baby/kid there, and they have someone to baby sit him each week.  Justin and I have been going to a Bible study with other singles and couples our age.  I feel so blessed to have found a Christian community.  I feel like I've come home after all these years of moving. I know that no community is perfect, but I've been blown away by how they've welcomed us. 

We're planning a trip to the Philippines!!! I've been wanting to visit before my parents retire next year and we've nailed it down to September while I'm still on mat-leave.  I just have to check with my parents (who are flying back as I write) for dates.  I can't wait to buy tickets, it's been 7 years since I was last there.  We're going to be there for Callum's first birthday, so excited!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

a late night moment to blog!

Wow it has been a while since I've blogged, but I can hardly believe it is March and my quarter is almost over at OC!

I have my math final this Saturday and am working to finish my research paper for my english class. I have actually been REALLY enjoying doing it, because I chose to write it on current challenges and opportunities for midwives.  I have read so many publications in medical journals and different studies, it has been hard to narrow my scope for my paper.  Anyway, I am really looking forward to a break from school over the next few weeks, and then I only have one quarter left before I graduate.  I am just down to electives, so I am taking two sort of fun/easy art and media classes that look interesting.

So much else is going on that I am excited about!

I have my first REAL, paid-for birth photography client!  She was referred to me by an amazing birth and wedding videographer in the area who I really look up to - I felt so honored when she messaged me to see if I was accepting new clients.  It is convenient for me, because she isn't offering photography by itself right now, so it appears that she is sending me clients who are looking for that. I officially bought my business license this week and I have prices up on my website.  I am meeting with my client this week to go over a contract and take payment.  I can't believe I am getting paid to do this!

I also just applied for a position working as a virtual assistant for Evidence Based Birth.  If I am chosen for an interview I am expecting to hear back in the next couple of weeks, so I will keep you updated.  My hopes aren't super high or anything, but it really sounds like such an amazing opportunity (working from home for a cause I really believe in and where I can gain a TON of education for free).

One more sort of crazy thing I did was model for a life-drawing class Jeremy's aunt was teaching last month at the Bainbridge Art Museum.  I had a lot of fun doing it and got to chat with some cool artists in the area.

Also, here is a full pic of my new tattoo.  I loooove it.  It took about 3 hours for Tracy to do (way less time than she thought).  It hurt like crazy at times, but she is fun to talk to, so at least when we were talking I was distracted. Childbirth coping techniques came in handy, ha.

So thats whats up with me!  Shea is starting T-ball in little league in a week or so.  He is really excited about it and I just found out some of my good friends are requesting to be on the same team as us.  Jeremy and I were talking the other day about how crazy it is that Shea is in T-ball now, because we talked about this before he was born.  My kids are getting so old.

After I walked to pick up Shea from school, we decided to go down to the beach since the weather was so nice.  The tide was WAY out and Shea just ran and ran and ran.  I love the freedom he can experience on the beach.  I know he will not go past the boundary of the water's edge and he has so much open space to run and explore and play and I can just let him be independent. I am trying to learn to let go more and more so he can have more freedom, but it is such a fine tension to hold and I make mistakes all the time.  We are trying to teach him that in order to be trusted he needs to show us in small things first, but some times when I decide to let him try, he surprises me with his level of responsibility.  Other times I just hang my head in my hands and wonder where in the world this kid came from!  Anyway.
we are so blessed to call this home!
swinging on the "beach swings" someone made

Hailey found a tide pool and laid down to "be a mermaid" and then found clams and started digging at some random sea creatures she found.

Oh and after Shea's scrape this morning crashing into that parked car, I found out that at Kingdom Kids, he stuck a rock from the playground UP HIS NOSE and my father-in-law had to take him into the bathroom and try to get him to blow it out.  Apparently it was pretty bloody, but in the end Papa pushed his nostril and mouth closed and told Shea to blow as hard as he could and it came out.  He saved it.  It was large.  Shea said he was just trying to be funny.  We are learning lots of lessons these days.  He told Jeremy that the lesson he learned from the car incident was, "Don't sleepwalk in the road".

Here are just a few more shots from this month:

Shea was so sweet sharing this ice cream cone with Hailey

Walking back on the boardwalk in Longbeach after our bike ride

Upper Respiratory Infections please go away!

My whole house has been sick for weeks. Eli got croup almost 3 weeks ago now. It only lasted a few days but he has been quite congested with a super wet cough since then. Paul got sick about a week ago and lost his voice for a few days and is still feeling pretty crummy. I have had a sore throat for a week, and a deep cough. I have heard the virus's going around are just plain crummy this year. 

I don't know if it is sickness or growth spurt but Eli has been sleeping like a champ, so that's a plus. He is sleeping 12+ hours at night and napping 3.5-4.5 hours during the day. I have nothing to  complain about.  While he naps I either nap or binge watch Parenthood on netflix. In between binge watching parenthood I have been spring cleaning. I am purging more, scrubbing floors, vacuuming nooks and crannies, organizing drawers, and airing out the house with this awesome fresh spring air. 

Even though we have been sick Eli has been a pretty happy camper. We spend a portion of each day outside and I would say 6/7 days of the week we go to the park. He loves watching other kids, climbing up slides, climbing up steep stairs and scaring mama, and seeing how fast he can run from one point to the next. 

Becca we definitely need to get our kiddos together for a Tacoma Childrens museum and/or an outdoor play date. This "winter" has been incredible! 

Well, I ate too many carbs and not enough fruits and veggies today so I am nauseous and feeling like  crud this evening. This is the crazy part about eating so much better 90% of the time. The times when I slip up I feel awful and it's so not worth it! Skipping dinner and will just munch on fruits and veggies if I ever get hungry. 

Hope all is well with you girls! 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Life lately

Hey Ladies! 

I have no idea why I haven't blogged in so long. Life has been awesomesomely mundane. I am loving my daily routine with my dude. I am going to try and start working 3 Saturday's a month so that I don't have to worry about the hours for keeping up my license. 

My days look like this. Every day, and I am ok with that. 

5:45 The whole family wakes, Paul gets ready for work while I nurse Eli
6:15 Eli helps Paul back the car out of the garage
8-9:30 Eli naps
10-11:30 Eli and I go to the gym
11:30-1 Errands or play time
1-2:30 Eli takes second nap
2:30-5 hang out with friends, park time, play time
5-6 Dinner, bath, nursing, and bed for Eli
6  Paul gets home from work and we eat dinner and just chill together

I was talking to a friend who has a 11 month old today and she has absolutely no routine. Baby goes to bed at different times every day, has no specific nap times, random work schedule where she takes baby with her to two different jobs, and does a ton of house projects where baby just has to try and be patient and watch. All of this made me realize how much I crave routine.  I know Eli craves it as well. We didn't go to the gym today because we were hanging out with said friend.  It was the only time she could get together so I sacrificed the schedule. Lately I have been thinking a lot about my brothers church mission. Love God, Love People, Change the world. I have always loved helping others, but often when I could make it convenient for myself and my schedule.  I am trying to break out of this and help others even when it isn't easy, when it is hard and time consuming. I won't sacrifice my family but I can make my day slightly more inconvenient to benefit others. My last few weeks have been better because of this. 

My last few weeks have also been hard. Paul is now a store manager and has been working a ton. He only sees Eli for a few minutes in the morning, and even then I am there helping because Paul is trying to get ready for work. Paul has been going into work on all of his days off as well. This leaves me taking care of Eli by myself 98% of the time. Paul is also super exhausted on his days off and I want him to chill so we either do things as a family (my very favorite) or sometimes I send Paul off to ride his motorcycle or do something he wants to do and to enjoy some alone time, or some man time with friends. I am just so so thankful we didn't have to move for this store manager position (North Bend) because it has been wonderful having Kathy so close to watch Eli when I need a few hours to get things done as well as being able to continue going to the gym every weekday, something that wouldn't have been possible the other two places Paul applied since they didn't have gyms with pools, which means no gym daycare, which means no swimming for this mama. 

My photography class has been over for about a month but I am still having a ton of fun. I don't use my camera daily but I do use it at least a few times a week to capture the beauty of the mundane. 

Paul snapped this one on auto. I love that since I have my camera out more it means Paul takes more pictures as well! 

Eli never used a pacifier till around his first birthday. So silly but man I love the peace and calm that silly thing brings. He will lay in his crib chilling and sucking on it for a half hour after he wakes up. It makes him so quiet when we are on errands or car trips. Long live the pacifier. Haha, not really, but for now it is amazing. 

Little cheese snatcher.

I was so excited to get Eli's hair cut at the barber. The back of his hair had gotten so thick and was going to turn into a bull cut/mullet/not cute looking hair style. Well, the barber lady had a sign saying she would be right back, 15 minutes and a non returned phone call later we left. She returned my call 7 hours later. I wanted Paul there so he could hold Eli while I took pictures.  Well we went to Salem a few weeks later for my grandpas funeral and my cousin showed me how she cut's her boys hair. She gave me the courage to try again with scissors (Eli moved way too much the previous time I tried).  It actually turned out super cute and I am pretty proud of myself, I will try and get a good picture someday soon. :) I left the top and just trimmed all around the sides and bottom, he looks so grown up! 

We walked to the school that's a little farther away than the one we usually go to and Eli loved it. There is a super tall steep slide that Eli thought was pretty amazing. I had to lower him half way down so he didn't fly off the end before Paul had the chance to catch him. 

This kid is such a faker. He was fussing because he wanted to be the one to push the remote. I let him have it eventually and we took some pretty cute pictures together. 

Hope all is well with you ladies. Miss you!