Thursday, February 23, 2012

beautiful day off

Today was finally my day off!  9 days working straight, and I am so happy to be able to be home and not worry about dropping Shea off with Gramma and Papa, switching cars, having to pick him up again to take him home, and not seeing my husband at all!  I still haven't really seen him that much today, but last night we were able to go out on a Pho date (we didn't end up going on Sunday).  We ordered one big bowl of pho, and a chicken curry and it was so so so good, I ate until I couldn't eat anymore.   Than we walked next door to the dollar store and got some dollar candy to take back to his parents house, where we sat and watched netflix for a couple of hours while Shea was sleeping.  We didn't end up going home until close to 1am!  But it was so fun and worth it.  Plus, Shea slept in until 7:30 and I stayed in bed until close to 8.  Hence the following picture...

Yes.  I came out to find that Shea had moved a chair to the counter, reached into the bread basket, and took out all of the remaining mini-bagels from the bag.  One was stuffed in his mouth - I have no idea how many he ate, maybe only 1...I couldn't help but laugh though!  It was kind of my own fault for not getting up and feeding the kid, but usually he asks me for breakfast and doesn't just help himself.

After I got dressed, I was able to finish up all our bills and boring stuff.  I did our taxes two nights ago on TurboTax, but they had an error in their website we couldn't get around.  Turned out enough people were having trouble that they were issuing an update today.  Gotta admit - I was a little mad, because I had spent SO much time on it, and stayed up late thinking I could get it done by the deadline to get the return a little sooner, and then they had already charged us and we still couldn't e-file because of THEIR glitch!  Luckily, they fixed the problem as promised today and our taxes are officially DONE!  Can't wait to get our return in a couple of weeks - we'll finally have our second car paid off and be debt free.  Of course, we don't owe anything on it until like 2014 anyway, but it will be nice to not have the interest accumulating.  And we really like the idea of not having any debt ever.  Except, of course, when we finally buy our first home.

Then we ran off to a playdate at the park!  I moved my mom's group to facebook, because we don't want to pay the fees for Meetup anymore and wow!  The membership doubled in a day!  It is so much easier to get people connected on there and it is easier for me to manage with it all being in one place.  We had so much fun - I met one mom who wasn't from the group at all and she might join, and then three other moms came with their kids.  We were there for 2 and a half hours and it was WONDERFUL (although, a little cold).  Shea got so, so dirty, but he definitely had a blast running around with the other kids.  Its nice to just be out and chatting with other moms too - something I didn't get a lot of when I lived in Port Orchard.

Shea is still asleep.  Once we got home I cleaned up the living room (I had left Shea's half-eaten bagel and crumbs rushing out this morning), did the dishes, and made some pizza dough which is rising right now.  Jeremy's brother and his wife are up in the area, so once Shea gets up we're going to head up and visit them, and then I get to go to Kingdom Kid's tonight (the kids club Shea goes to every week that Jeremy's parents run).  I haven't been there in over a month because I normally work Thursday nights, but its so fun to see the kids and Shea singing and dancing and interacting so much with each other!

No 21 week pic today.  Too busy this morning!  Jer felt Hailey kick last night though, and he has men's group tonight, so I get to come home and have an evening of sewing and working on projects.

1 comment:

  1. I love that picture of Shea and the bagels! I'm glad you laughed because it is so hilarious. That's so awesome that you got to meet up with so many moms! I'm finding it a bit hard to get to know people around here. I have been enjoying my time with Justin though. I'm glad Jeremy got to feel Hailey kick! It must be so exciting for you guys. :)


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