Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I need a vacation from my vacation...

So its 12:36 AM and I just finished writing up the parent letter for VBS tomorrow.
Really did not feel like doing it, but glad its done so I don't have to do it in the morning.  Now
I get to clean up my house instead for company!  I'm having fun, really.  But looking forward to my
schedule clearing up....will it ever?  Can't wait to get to go camping for a week starting August 30.
To bed for right now.

Dear Parents,
We would like to say thank you for allowing us the privilege of working with your children this year.  The kids have been enjoying a great time of playing games, making crafts, singing songs and learning Bible stories. 
Please don’t forget about the weekend activities!

FRIDAY:  Wet N’ Wild -kids should wear clothes that can get wet
SATURDAY:  Movie Night- Disney’s “UP”
We encourage you to come to our Movie Night on Saturday, August 14 at 8 PM, we will be showing Disney’s “UP.”  If weather is good please bring your own lawn chair and a food donation for Partners in Mission Food Bank.  FREE popcorn and drinks will be served.

SUNDAY: VBS Closing Program- 9:30 AM
You are invited to our Closing Program on SUNDAY where we will sing and talk about what we have learned this week.  Everyone is welcome.  Whether you’re completely new to church, or just new to First CRC, we’d like to extend a warm welcome to you.  We’d love to meet you in person and get to know you. Coffee will be served at 9:30 AM and the program will start at 10:00 AM.  Afterwards we will be having a FREE hotdog BBQ.  There will be popcorn, face painting and side walk chalk drawing. 

Thank you for bringing your child(ren) to Kingdom of the Son, we’re having a BLAST!

The First CRC VBS Staff

1 comment:

  1. Candice, the letter looks GREAT! Good job! I wouldn't change a thing!

    Love to you as you clean! Post what you get done on here so I can say YOU'RE AWESOME!


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