Thursday, August 26, 2010


Today I...
-washed the dishes from yesterday...hooray clean kitchen!
-put away bags off stuff from when we went to the beach
-folded up laundry and put that away
-figured out our menu for camping next week
-took the dog for a walk
-have dinner figured out that will use up the lemons in my fridge

now I am laying on my couch listening to classical music, playing spider solitaire, and trying to ignore the fact that I have to start cooking dinner in a few minutes!


  1. Way to go!!!!!! Hope you have a blast camping!

    What a fantastic recipe! I only have bottled lemon juice but I think I might try it for dinner tonight. Thanks! I'll need to incorporate some kind of protein...maybe I'll cut up the leftover chicken breast I couldn't finish from last night! Haha. Or fry two tilapia fillets - that turned out really good last time I made them. And those have onion and parmesan on them too. Yes, that's what I"ll do.

    I hope it's okay to use pre grated parmesan instead of hand grating the stuff! How did the recipe turn out for you?

  2. how did it turn out? I always add chicken too...I usually cook the chicken in cajun spices, its so good. I also use grated parmesan too, I think its easier and cheaper. Also I substitute plain yogurt for the sour cream if I don't have it. I hope I can call you soon!

  3. I chickened out. I was too scared to put lemon in pasta. Lol!


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