Monday, September 6, 2010

Knock your Socks Off

You should see our apartment.  It smells clean from where I'm sitting.  EVERY room is SPOTLESS...except for our room.  We're hosting two exchange students from Sweden for a few days, and our place was getting pretty gross and messy (partly because we just got back from camping).  It was a lot of work, but I don't mind because it all had to be cleaned anyways.

so what did I clean?
-kitchen (did at least three loads of dishes and scrubbed out stove coils)
-fixed couch cushions that had been sagging terribly
-plus I did a bunch of other random cleaning.

I just have to mention that I feel GREAT for getting all this done!  But I feel kinda tired right now...

Justin just peeked over my shoulder and was aghast that I wasn't going to mention what he did to clean.  So here's his contribution:
-swept and mopped floors
-living room (dusted, put stuff away, fixed entertainment unit)
-dining room
-put his fire truck away (from his childhood, it took a bit of convincing on my part to get it out of sight)

Hope you had a good weekend Amber!


  1. Whoa! Both of you are awesome!!!! I am...just so envious of your clean home. Candice, I don't know how you survived full time school and taking care of a dwelling and a husband. This is hard.

  2. ugh. Its been the first day of school and I'm already not liking it. I mean each thing on its own is fine, school, hubby, dog, house, etc. But all together no good. I guess I have to get used to it again...I think I just don't feel organized yet and into routine.


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