Sunday, September 26, 2010

I feel good.

Na na na na na na na, like I knew that I would, nanananananana.

Here are the things I feel good about today:

  • I helped in child care for church! Fun!
  • I didn't sleep in.
  • I am all caught up on the dishes.
  • I did laundry and am in a "not caught up, not behind" stage. You know, I have about 1/4 load of darks, 1/4 load of whites, a couple delicates - so not really a full load.
  • I finished my schoolwork for the week! Back in the swing tomorrow...
  • Joe and I got to watch Seinfeld together.
  • I relaxed a lot today.
So. Not a whole lot accomplished, but I still feel good! Angela, can't wait to see you tomorrow! Angela and becca, post on this blog!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe I didn't comment on this yet! Let me just say I was so jealous of you feeling good when I read this...but I am happy that you felt good. I hadn't been doing housework when I had read this. Now I have, so I feel better. Keep it up!


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