Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Still Running

I think from now on my posts are going to contain more school work accomplishments.
First one:  I've survived 3 and a half weeks of school so far!  seriously
I have hit the ground running, and I feel like I'm just starting to take control of it all....I think.

Things I've done this week:
-bake banana bread
-clean kitchen and bathroom...I had dirty dishes on my counter for a whole week...yuck.
-we rearranged our room so we have more floor space, hooray! no more banging
my hip on the corner of our bed.

I took the dog for a walk!
biked 20 minutes round trip to school.
lead a Bible study
met up with friends to practice our Spanish
oh yeah, and I went to class.

Right now I am trying to read a Spanish poem written in the 1600s...yes I'll
admit it, I found the English translation online, and now I can understand what
I was reading. But I was trying to read it in Spanish! ...and I was getting nowhere.

Time is of the essence and I should stop procrastinating and get back to Spanish
because I have an hour before I leave for school...

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