Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Vicisitudes (ups and downs)

I am rejoicing at his moment because I just finished a reading for my Latin American Literature class!
My reward to myself was writing on this blog. :)
I'm proud of myself because this time I didn't look for an English version on line.  I think it was easier to understand because it was a story and not a poem.

Sadly I had a major failing the other day.  Last fall I tried making a pumpkin pie.  I made two.  They BOTH were disasters because they were burned on the outside, and pretty much raw in the middle.  I told Justin I really could make pies, this was the oven's fault.  So this year I decided to try an apple pie.  This was last night.  It looked beautiful, but tasted disgusting!  I'm blaming the recipe.  It had a weird egg mixture on top that separated from the apples, so it was like a egg cake layer and then apples.  So out of the oven into the garbage it went. :(   I don't get it, when I was 19 I baked 6 pies one Thanksgiving and they were wonderful!

Oh well, I guess I can't always be successful.  

Oh oh oh, I almost forgot to mention that I went to the gym yesterday and ran two miles!  My goal is to go at least 3 times a week.  

Well I must get back to studying...this was a great study break.  
Here is a photo of how I study with Beatrix cuddling behind me.  She's falling asleep in this picture.


  1. Cute picture! Way to go going to the gym! I haven't worked out since last Friday! Yikes - I need to get on that.

    OH MAN - I had a slight pie disaster this weekend too! I don't usually have any problem making pies, but I wanted to make a pumpkin pie and make my own pumpkin puree and everything...the puree turned out OK, but it didn't make enough for my recipe, so I added applesauce to make up for it? haha. It was okay after being chilled over night and tasted fine...but it was kind of like eating really delicious sweet potatoes instead of pumpkin pie.

    Keep making pies! :)

  2. I love your puppy! She seems like an awesome homework partner. :)

    You are way ahead of me in the pie making department, I have never even tried one in my life! I am sure it was just an off week because making 6 amazing pies in one day is amazing.

    Two miles is awesome! Keep up the good work, I am proud. You girls are inspiring me to get back into the work out scene!

  3. What a pie disappointment! It takes so much work to make a pie, that if it doesn't turn out, it's discouraging.

    Last time I made a pie, I dropped it as I was taking it out of the oven. Half of it was still redeemable though!


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