Sunday, October 17, 2010


I miss the Sundays from when I was a kid. The ones where my family woke up at 8, had oatmeal or pancakes for breakfast, went to Sunday School at 9:30 and church at 11. Then after the service we would head over to Godfathers Pizza with a bunch of other church families. There were usually about 20 people there. We would hang out there for a couple hours, then go home. My brother and I would play together while my dad worked outside and my mom took a nap. Then we would have family time in the evenings before bed.

This Sunday was pretty good too, but not filled with quite as much relaxation, despite the fact Sunday is a day of rest.

What I did today:
  • I got up at 7 to make the hubby's lunch and get myself ready for church which started at 8.
  • When I got home I organized my clothes drawers, and folded everything pretty (and got rid of quite a bit)
  • I watered the 4 plants we have in the house
  • I figured out what insurance plan Paul and I need for next year.
  • I made Ambers Taco Soup for dinner.
The fun things I did:
  • I took a half hour bath to get warm. I never take baths, I don't really like them because I usually get too hot about 30 seconds after getting in. But today I needed the warmth. As I lay there I watched an episode of cake boss and it was wonderful.
  • I listened to music all day long!
  • I talked to a friend for 2 hours on the phone.

I hope your girls Sunday's were wonderful.


  1. Oooo! You made taco soup? How did it turn out?

    I totally hear you about family Sunday mornings. I was horrified to realize this morning that we had both been goofing off and lost track of the time! Love you, sis!

  2. The soup turned out amazing. I had fresh tomatoes from my parents garden so I used those as a substitution for one of the cans and it was super yummy! Thanks for the recipe!


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