Friday, October 8, 2010

I am so proud of myself today! It's only 5 o'clock and I've mostly only done homework - but now I'm done with homework for the week! One week till the end of this set of classes, then a week break, then three more eight-week classes. Woohoo! I wrote a paper, four or five discussion posts, took a couple quizzes, and now I'm done!

I have been assigned to wait by the phone today because Joe is awaiting a call from a potential employer. It would only be part time as-needed, but we're both so sick of him having to work float and not being considered for staff positions. So we're not looking at a job switch, just a foot in the door!

So I can't really go out. But I just started the laundry. I drank WAY too much tea (that's how I got my schoolwork done) and now I'm so jittery I can hardly type! I also was nice to myself and let myself watch a couple episodes (okay, three) of The Office on hulu.

Ohh I have a confession to make - it's 5 PM and I just now got out of my pajamas and took a shower! Why am I being so irresponsible? Well, I was in a schoolwork mood - and hey, I got it done, didn't I?! Plus, I can't go anywhere today so I didn't need to dress up. Right now I'm wearing the clothes I will probably sleep in tonight. They're comfortable to clean the house in, anyway!


  • Sit outside with the phone, a cup of water, and something fun to read.
  • Bake something sweet for my sweetie (sugar cookies? becca inspired me...)
  • Bake bread (start at 6 so it'll be done by the time Joe comes home)
  • Finish laundry
  • Dishes
  • Clean both bathrooms

1 comment:

  1. Nice job getting all that schoolwork done! I know how much you hate to sit down for long periods of time to do it, but it sounds like you trucked through quite well!

    Now you girls have me wanting to make sugar cookies, I may just have to do that today while Paul is working.

    And the not getting dressed till 5 thing? Love it! I definitely do that all the time. Paul used to come home and be like "why is your hair wet?". I told him I had just taken a shower for him of course. I was in pajamas all day, but dressed up for my boy (which consisted of new, clean, comfy, clothes...nothing fancy). Haha. :)


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