Sunday, October 10, 2010

I am coming down with a cold...


Ok, I will admit, I didn't take this picture, but I love it and will have it to put in my house someday. :)

Today is one of those days where I feel like doing nothing but have so so much to do! Paul had the last 2 days off so we spent that time driving to Seattle to get work done on his car and crabbing with Paul's parents (where us girls spent most of the time in the car because there was a rain and windstorm going on.)

This isn't going to be a blog of what I accomplished, but of what I need to accomplish. Hopefully typing it here will make me get my rear in gear!

Todays to do list is as follows...
  • vacuum- the house needs it and Paul requested the back of the tv be cleaned...because it never has
  • dishes- did you know dishes are way harder to do with a broken wrist?
  • cleaning the mess from crabbing yesterday
  • make the bed
  • figure out what health insurance plan we want for next year ( I can almost guarantee you this will not be done today because I dread looking at health plans)
  • Go shopping for a yellow tie (for my little bro who is going to homecoming in a week but lives in a town where there is no where to buy a tie)
  • Figure out something to make for dinner- I am thinking baked potatoes because that sounds easy and super yummy right now.

Update: I actually accomplished a ton today and am so so so happy! Hubby comes home in 45 minutes and we will be off to night church.
  • I bought a tie for my bro, packaged it and mailed it
  • bed is made
  • Dinner is rice with this Jonny's Seafood Seasoning in it and crab cakes. I can't wait!
  • House is vacuumed!
  • Dishes have been done 3 times.
  • I posted ads on Craigslist to sell some side tables, coffee table, and rims for a car.
  • I did the laundry! And even folded it and put it away.
  • I made Paul and my lunches for tomorrow since we are probably going to sleep in till 10 then I will have to get ready for work, eat, and peace out. No time for preppin tomorrow.
The bathroom still desperatly needs to be cleaned...we will see if I get to that in the next 45 minutes.

Hope you girls are having an amazing day!


  1. I am so impressed! I need to vacuum badly...and do the bathrooms. Not happening today though - my sole goal is to clean up the kitchen from the stuff I made yesterday. Peach cobbler, salad, and bread to take over to a friend's house.

    Looks like we're not getting together tonight, but for sure sometime this week and definitely the week after that!!

  2. My bathroom didn't get cleaned either. :( I am callin you in the mornin to see if you are free after 3!

  3. I kind of am, as far as I know. Joe doesn't work tomorrow though so we might be out...or painting trim (since it's supposed to be sunny). You're more than welcome to stop by but I can't guarantee you my full attention! I completely understand if you just need a place to hang out where adults are present, though!

  4. ha I love the picture! I should have that hung up in my bedroom so I see it every morning :)

    OK I definitely need to get some stuff done now...


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