Friday, October 8, 2010

a happy day to end a work week!

Ok OK!  I'll post!

What did I accomplish today?  Well, today we had a teacher in-service day, so I didn't have to go to work!  Which means that since I have an extra day off this week, the biggest thing I wanted to accomplish today was not accomplishing much!  I had a crazy day at work yesterday and a busy week, so I am happy for the down time, but lets see what I have done...

  • I woke up at 6:15 and made myself a latte...and ate 2 sugar cookies for breakfast (bad idea).
  •  Shea woke up at 6:30, so I got him ready for the day and fed him breakfast (which was much healthier than mine...)
  • Shea and I went on a 30 minute morning walk, it was so quiet and peaceful and the fall weather was perfect!
  • When we got home, I put Shea down for a nap.
  • I played guitar, took a shower, used my NEW hair dryer (so much nicer than my old one), and got ready for the day while Shea slept.
  • We went and visited Jeremy at Starbucks where he was meeting with people and met one of his friends.  I brought him homemade sugar cookies which I made the night before.
  • We drove out to buy diapers at Target, filled up the car with gas at Costco, and met my friend, Susan, for lunch
  • While we were out, I gave myself a late birthday present and bought a pair of boots for the fall and FINALLY found a pair of jeans that I liked enough(and were inexpensive enough) to buy (I even tried on 4 pairs while Shea continually tried escaping from the dressing room - now THAT is an accomplishment!)
  • and now I am home while Shea is sleeping...and I ate one more sugar cookie...

Things I want to still do before Jer gets home:

  • Clean the bedroom
  • Practice Cello
  • Finish cleaning the dishes from this morning

And the thing I am most of proud of this week:  I worked out for 45 minutes every night this week!  I have gone MONTHS without working out, and I was starting to feel like I had no energy to do anything.  After this week, I feel so good!  I need to stay in the habit, so maybe posting on here will help!  I also need to remember to take my iron supplements and vitamins....

And we're going on a date tonight!  YAY!


  1. Whoa. You inspire me. What do you do when you work out? Do you have a video or something? Do you use any equipment?

    You continually amaze me by being a great wife to your husband, a devoted mother, working, and sewing all that amazing stuff.

    I have been thinking about making sugar cookies today because the new Cooks Illustrated has a recipe in it. My love is gone all day today so I'll give him a good welcome when he comes home!

    Love you!

  2. Oh and when did you get a cello?!

  3. I have the Turbo Jam DVD's. I got them like two years ago, and I swear they're the only reason that I didn't gain tons of weight when I was pregnant, because I could do it through my entire pregnancy. I do a mix of aerobic and weight training, and then sometimes I go to our fitness room and use the elliptical.

    AND I got a cello at the end of August as an early birthday present! Its just a small one to learn on, but we got it for a great price. I love love love LOVE it. It would be SO much fun to come visit you someday with it and play music with you on the piano!

  4. Yes! And I'll get the piano tuned! I don't have a lot of music and chords, not even the old songs we used to play. One of my projects I've been neglecting is putting together a book of all my favorite songs, chorded!

  5. I am so glad you posted too! :) It sounds like you accomplished a lot, and I must admit, these are my very favorite kind of days. Having just enough to do, but not too much. Good work on working out so much! I need to get back into the habit for sure, it make me feel so so much better at the end of the day.


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