Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Full tummy. Tired Eyes. Bed time is fast approaching.

Today I...
  • Woke up, packed the hubby's and my lunch, did the dishes, showered, and headed out the door to Amber's.
  • Amber and I had a little misscommunication so she wasn't home when I got there, but that was totally ok! Cause I got all the things done on the internet that I needed to do. Like email the Dell guy about my wiggly laptop screen. (They are sending someone to fix it within the next two days!!)
  • Then Amber got home, we hung out, ate english muffins, drank tea, and chatted!
  • Then I had to go to work and babysit my little munckin. Her momma had put her to sleep right before I got there and let me tell you she was not too happy to see my face when she woke up instead of her momma's. So we had to watch a little Teach your baby to read to make her forget about Momma. Then we ate lunch, went for a walk, and she took another nap. Oh and today we found out she loves the beanbag chair. And she loves that "cd player" she is holding. It sings songs like Jack and Jill, Twinkle Twinkle little star, and other nursery rhymes that get stuck in my head all day!
  • While I was away Amber did my laundry! She is amazing.
  • Then I went back to Ambers, we made dinner (Beef Stroganoff!) and hung out with the cat guy. Amber was so sweet to send the food home with me to feed my hubby and I for dinner. :)
  • I came home, watched a few tv shows with the hubby, then we went out to our second dinner with Paul's best friend Joel. ( I ate like two bites, boys can eat a crazy amount of food!)
  • Now the boys are out playing bingo down the street at Dave's Restraunt and probably having a couple of beers while I sit at home and type on this blog! Haha. I will watch Netflix soon and call it a night.
  • Oh before this blog I made myself look for jobs, tidy up, and um, yeah that's all I accomplished. I may go pack our lunches for tomorrow seeing as 6:45 is going to come all too early for me.
Oh and one more thing, Amber and I were discussing today how doing nothing makes you so tired. I am so exhausted today and all I did was a couple chores, hang out with Amber, and work for three hours. Did I have fun? Oh yes! Should I be this tired? Oh no.


  1. I typed out a big long comment, got distracted, and navigated away from the page. Take two...

    You should have gone with your guys to bingo instead of being home by yourself! Then again, maybe they needed a little guy time..I can understand that. Last night Joe played video games nonstop from 9:30 to midnight, stopping once to watch an episode of the office with me. I was a little disappointed but then I realized he deserves it because he worked 12 hours. And he has today off! yay!

    LOve you sis,


  2. Paul wanted guy time, Joel was sad at first I wasn't going, I was too, but when I got home it felt so good to just lay on the couch while they stayed out for another hourish. :)

    12 hours is a long shift, but having a day off the next day is so so so worth it! I hope you guys do lots of fun things! Let me know if you can make it over for dinner, if not no biggie, seriously. If Joe just wants to rest at home I understand, we can plan something next week! :) I know Paul likes to have notice before these things.

    Ps. I am super tired today. I just got the baby down (thank the Lord) and hopefully she will sleep for two hours, I am praying. So that I can sleep too!

    Love you!

  3. YES we can make it for dinner! I was waiting to call...actually that doesn't really make sense. We meet with our guy around 3, so is 6:30 okay? That'll give us plenty of time with him and time to come up too.

    Would you mind emailing me your address (or call me if you're not sleeping). I can't wait to see your apartment!

    What should I bring? Salad, dessert, drinks, games? Or edamame? =P


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