Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why hello ladies.

I finally remembered to sit down and write a post! I will warn you guys right now that I absolutely love pictures, so every blog post will probably be graced with one..or two..or maybe more!

Starting this week my life became just a little bit less mundane, I started babysitting the most adorable 8 month old little girl! I work 24 hrs a week, just enough to keep me busy while I continue to be a housewife and look for jobs.

Mkay, what have I done today?
1. Woke up at 6:45, rushed to beat my husband to the shower so he wouldn't steal all the hot water again. :)
2. Made not only a lunch for Paul, but a lunch for myself and a dinner for Paul.
3. Dropped 2 huge cases of Cotton Candy off at Safeway for a fundraiser.
4. Deposited my first Nanny Paycheck.
5. Ate two cookies (oopsies...I am not proud of that one)
6. Caught up on finances in Quicken,.
7. Uploaded the pictures of my precious little pumpkin to my computer to edit them.
8. Started editing my brothers senior pictures I took a week ago.

One picture down, many many to go...and I need lessons in editing, it is not my forte.

What I still need to do before my love comes home...
1. Do the dishes from last night
2. Clean off the bed, where all the crap I stuffed in my purse today exploded.
3. Cook some sort of snack for my hubby because the dinner I packed him probably wasn't enough.
4. Vacuum

And I think that's it. Hope you girls are all having fabulous days!


  1. Yay! Love the pictures! Good for you making lunch AND dinner for Paul! You are such a good wife!

  2. Guess you got us both to post! What a cutie you get to care for! Great pics!


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