Friday, October 29, 2010


Sorry I haven't been commenting on anyone's posts! I've been admiring and enjoying them, believe me!

For the first half of today, I was getting Joe's help on my stupid biology class. He thinks it's especially stupid because it's actually anatomy and physiology...anyway, he was helping me and he got so mad at the "stupid class" that he told me to drop it. So I did, and replaced it with New Testament. Yay! I ordered my textbook and they told me I should have access to the class by Monday. Hopefully that is true since I'll be coming into it a week late.

Angela inspired me to make a to-do list. I did two items on it, which were:

  • Take Joe's priority mail boxes back to the post office (he used to sell a lot of things on ebay and just had them laying around)
  • Mow lawn (I didn't have to do this but I wanted to for Joe. I probably did a horrible job and I have blisters now, but it still looks better than it did!)
I was taking a short break when I got a call saying that Pat (the guy helping us trap the alley cats) was on his way over here. I didn't expect him till early tomorrow, so that was a nice surprise. We caught about half of them:

  • Tabby
  • "Sleepy" (or "Stoney" as Joe says because he looks like he's stoned)
  • Ballsy (that's the daddy cat. After he is fixed we can't call him that anymore.)
  • Mama and her three new kittens
Hopefully we'll get the rest of them tomorrow.

Also, nice! They're going to take the mama and the kittens. They'll wait till the kittens are weaned and then find homes for them - yay! And they'll return the mama cat back to us (fixed, of course). It's much easier to find homes for kittens than adult cats, so good luck to them!

Funny moment: There's a black cat that I don't see too often, and she just happened to come out tonight. She heard me shaking cat food near the traps (which had wet food in them) and came over to eat. I walked away and she sniffed at the traps, then kept following me back to where we were watching the traps. I don't know if she was dumb and she couldn't figure out how to get in the traps, or smart because she knew traps are bad news!


  1. I am so glad you caught some of the cats! I love your to-do list and that you got stuff done! :) I love you and it was so great to talk yesterday even if we couldn't hang out.

  2. thats great that they're going to find homes for the kittens! And hurray for not having to do "biology" anymore! I took the stupidest biology class at BCC and almost dropped it, but didn't. So I totally understand!


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