Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I love you girls.

You three (and Janae) are probably my core group of best friends. Thanks for being so wonderful! You are all so supportive spiritually and emotionally. You've probably seen me at my worst and loved me anyway. When I've been selfish you've kindly ignored it and given me the benefit of the doubt.

Candice - I've known you the longest. Our relationship has been stable, even though for the majority of our lives we have lived in four different countries: Africa and US for me, Philippines and Canada for you. I wish so badly you lived here. You're the best cousin ever, and sometimes I feel like we just understand each other so well, even without talking. I sometimes can't believe the connection we have, even though you're so far away. We can go without talking for weeks, and then we just pick up where we left off! I love you!

becca - I still spell your name with a lowercase "b"! You were the friend I had been wanting for years at May Valley. I know that some ladies at the church and my mom were praying for a friend for me, and then you came along. You taught me how to laugh - I'm serious! We laughed so much together at such silly things. I think of laughter whenever I think of you and me. I respect you so much for following your husband so faithfully, even when it is difficult, and for being such a good mother and also supporting your family alongside your husband. You amaze me with all you do. I love you so much and I am sorry I don't show it by calling you more often!

Angela - I haven't known you for long, and I've barely been your sister-in-law for three months! But we have SO much in common! We're both newly married to two brothers, we have the same first and last initials (and the same last name). We started dating within a month of each other, got engaged within a month of each other, and got married within a month of each other. Not to mention all the weird little things we have in common, like living in Africa, having malaria, not liking to drink milk, etc. I am honored that you love hanging out with me and it helps me so much! You have strengths in my weaknesses (like house cleaning) and you are so generous! I love you so much!

Janae (I'm going to invite her to this blog) - You are, without a doubt, the most generous person I have ever met in my life. You give and give, almost to a fault. God loves us all, but I know you make him smile a lot because you are so generous with your time, attention, and money. You encourage me so much because you try to stay so real, even when difficult things come. You are open about what you are struggling with. I wish we could spend more time together. Someday we will! I love hanging out with you so much. Thank you for your dedication to me! I love you!


  1. aww I love you too Amber! Seriously, when I get stressed and tired, I think: "I should call Amber, then I'll feel better." I miss you too, seriously why can't we live in the same place? I am SO GLAD that distance doesn't hinder our cousinship. :)

  2. I love you too! I know we've grown further apart in the last few years, but I'm so glad that we are still close (I still know I can call you and tell you anything, or come over and have a cup of tea with you any time if I needed it). You are so sweet and I know such a blessing to so many people :) I hope we'll be able to find more time to talk and get together every once in a while.

    Oh dear, after reading your post and Candice's comment, I feel like getting all dramatic like Anne of Green Gables when she and Diana can't see each other.

    ...sorry, this will be long, but I HAVE To post it.

    ANNE: Your mother hasn't relented?

    DIANA: I told her it wasn't your fault, and I cried and cried, but it's no use, Anne. We can't ever be friends again.

    ANNE: Diana, will you promise never to forget me, no matter what other friends come into your life?

    DIANA: I could never love anyone as much as I love you, Anne.

    ANNE: Do you really love me?

    DIANA: Of course I do.

    ANNE: Nobody's ever loved me for as long as I can remember, except for Matthew and Marilla. Will you swear to be my secret bosom friend?

    DIANA: But isn't it wicked to swear? We're in enough trouble already.

    ANNE: Not when you're swearing a vow. I solemnly swear to remain faithful to my bosom friend, Diana Barry, for as long as the sun and the moon shall endure. Now you say it.

    DIANA: I solemnly swear to remain faithful to my bosom friend, Anne Shirley, for as long as the sun and the moon--

    ANNE: Shall endure.

    DIANA: Shall endure. And as long as my mother doesn't find out.

    ANNE: Oh, she mustn't.

    DIANA: I have to get back; she'll be suspicious.

    ANNE: Wilt thou give me a lock of thy jet black tresses?

    DIANA: But I don't have any black dresses.

    ANNE: Your hair.

    DIANA: Alright. I have to go.

    ANNE: Farewell, my beloved friend. Henceforth we must be strangers living side by side, but my heart will be ever faithful to thee.


  3. Awwwwww! I love the Anne of Green Gables scene! So lovely!

  4. Amber, I love our alikeness, I could have never asked for a better sister-in-law, or sister for that matter, since I have never actually had one. You know we are going to end up buying houses within a month of each other, having kids within a month of each other...and the list goes on. Haha. Thanks so much for letting me spend hours at your house interrupting your schoolwork!

    Becca, I LOVE Anne of Green Gables, and I love that scene. It makes me want to rewatch all the movies.

  5. oh my goodness, I have to watch Anne of Green Gables now!! *sigh*


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