Monday, October 25, 2010

"First" day of school

My second set of eight-week classes starts today. I am going to try to "take care of myself" until 9 this morning (and hopefully every morning) including breakfast, medicine, tea, shower, getting dressed, Bible, and prayer.

Then I'll try to work on school stuff till lunchtime (i.e. whenever I get hungry) and drink some coffee since that is when I usually get really tired. Then I want to clean and organize for an hour, then sit down to more school. We'll see how the plan goes!

What I've done so far:

  • Made Joe lunch (just PB&J...oh well, at least I tried)
  • Ate breakfast
  • Took medicine
  • Am drinking tea
Update, 12:05 PM

  • Did weights and wrist exercises
  • Showered
  • Read a Psalm
  • Did school assignments through Wednesday (don't be so amazed - there was only one Wednesday assignment!)
  • Am eating lunch (PB&J) and making coffee
Update, 3:15 PM

  • Did a homepage for one of my classes
  • Fed alley cats
  • Cleaned kitchen
  • Worked on laundry
  • Planned dinner (alfredo mozzeralla chicken with edamame on the side...or maybe green beans. Hmm...should I free up space in my freezer or use up green beans that will go bad in a few days? Probably the green beans...)
That's probably all I'll get done today since Joe will be home in an hour and I want to focus on house cleaning till then (basically laundry and tidying). Taking a short break now because I'm very warm after the house cleaning I've been doing!

Thanks for being with me on today's journey. Love you girls! Candice - I haven't heard from you in a while. How are your classes going?

1 comment:

  1. I love your days complete with updates! You have been quite productive today! The opposite of me. :)


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