Saturday, October 30, 2010

a rainy saturday

We must all be in the "lists" mood.  Here's the one that I made the other day...I think Thursday, but now I can't remember!  Anyway, I was so proud every time I got to check something off!  There's something about a completed check list that I love.

It was a good thing I accomplished it all too, because later that day it ended up that 2 high schoolers came over for dinner.  It was a really nice evening - we just had dinner and then sat around drinking hot cocoa in front of a fire.  Working with high schoolers is so much easier than middle schoolers...they know how to just hang out.  It was a little hard at first for me to think about having them over 3 times this week already, but I really love that our place is open to them.  God is definitely making me grow a lot right now.

This was just sort of funny:  Jeremy went outside with them to take them home (I think after they had a smoke), and I was so hot from the fire and tea, that I went to change into some work-out shorts and a tank top.  I thought they had left, but the guy came back in to use the bathroom.  I felt a little skimpy (okay, so the shorts were Jeremy's and went down to my knees, but it was a spaghetti strap tank and I always feel a little bare in those).  I guess he told Jeremy that he better take them home and get back quick because his "wife looked like she wanted to uh...spend time with him".  haha that was cute.  Yep, old work out shorts and the tank top I had been wearing all day is definitely hot.

Anyway, yesterday was a fun day with my husband and son!  We went up to Silverdale and went to Costco and Old Navy.  They were having an additional 50% off clearance, so I got a few things for me and two pairs of the cutest swim trunks for Shea for only 73 cents each!  I love deals.  We also went grocery shopping, checked out the thrift store, got dinner, walked a lot, and watched the finale of Project Runway once we got home.

And today we have a church thing that Jeremy is at and then we have to go help his brother move.   I'm not really excited about that because of the weather, but oh well!  I think I might go clean the kitchen and make some pumpkin cookies to take with.

Hope you girls have a great weekend!


  1. becca, I cracked up about the high schooler telling Jeremy you wanted to "spend time" with him! I love your completed list. Thanks for the picture.

    Thursday - are you still available? Want to come over for dinner at like 6? Joe works till 4.

    See you soon, I hope!

  2. Oh, its actually on Friday that we're going to be out there - I guess though that my mom is making dinner at like 5:30, and the event is at 7:30, but I don't really want to go, haha. Are you around on Friday night around 7:30?? Maybe we could just stop by and hang out for a little bit? If that doesn't work, let me talk to Jer, because we could always come out on Thursday night for dinner - I would LOVE that.

    Thursday might be better, because I don't want my mom to feel like we're ditching her on her birthday on Friday, but I don't know what to do with Shea during it anyway!

    Hope to see you soon, too! :)

  3. Looks like you had a lot on your to do list and you got it all done! I love that!

    And I love pumpkin cookies! Speaking of pumpkin, I think I will go roast some pumpkin seeds!


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