Friday, October 22, 2010

long day great ending

Yesterday was a long day!  I'm onto the coughing and no voice stage of my cold, which doesn't make for an easy day at preschool!  We had only one class day this week too (due to a fieldtrip), so the teacher I assist had to fit two days worth of class work into one day - yikes!  I was happy to get home yesterday, and I am SO happy it is Friday today.  

Some things I got done yesterday:
  • Called Martha to get the hymns for Sunday so I can do the Power Points
  • Cuddled with Shea a lot (boy was he grumpy yesterday!)
  • Made a big pot of potato/chicken/whateverelseIfeltlikethrowingin soup
  • baked pumpkin cookies
  • did part of my Bible Study for work (I really need to catch up, because it needs to be done by Tuesday!)
  • Read my Library book (also due today, but I really want to finish it...)
So kind of relaxing stuff that I guess aren't incredibly important.  Then I had a great evening at home last night!

Jeremy brought home some free firewood and after Shea was in bed, he made our first fire of the year!  Actually, our last two places didn't have a fireplace, so it's the first one we've had in over 2 years.  It was so toasty and cozy.  We sat in around in our PJs drinking tea and eating some pumpkin cookies (which I had made earlier that day).

And there was also a surprise!  Jeremy went to take out the trash and get the mail, and came back with a package!  From who? AMBER!  You are so sweet! haha.  Jeremy was like "why did she send this?  For your birthday?  For when you sent stuff in college?"  And I was like, "Amber doesn't need a reason to brighten up my day!" ha.  I totally wasn't expecting it though!
Look at all the stuff in the box:

I am most thankful for the tea!  and the gloves - I was trying to find mine last week, and I think I don't have them anymore.  Thank you for the wonderful care package!  I don't think I've bought new Vaseline in like 2 years haha.  It has a cool top now, huh?  Fancy.

And I am now drinking some Peach Black Tea (which Amber sent me) and enjoying a pumpkin cookie with it for breakfast (they're sort of healthy....ok maybe not).  Shea isn't up yet, so I am enjoying a quiet morning to myself.

Happy Friday, girls!!

Oh and did I mention that Shea is going to be 1 year old on Monday??? It's gone way too fast! It seems like you (amber) were just over at our last apartment holding him as a little infant and making me taco soup!


  1. I can't believe he is going to be 1! We definitely need to hang out soon. I want him to grow up knowing who I am, lol!

  2. I love your fire, and your present, and pumkin cookies! I am so sorry you are getting more and more sick, get better soon!


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