Wednesday, October 13, 2010

King Lear

Today I didn't do anything except spend a grand total of seven hours writing a paper on King Lear. I went to Forza with my laptop and plugged away from 10 AM till they closed at 5. Of course, at least one of those hours was spent chatting with my former coworker! But I finished the paper and turned it in. Here's what I have left until I'm done with these three classes:

  • 1 post and 2 responses for Old Testament
  • 2 posts and 2 responses for Shakespeare
  • Exam for Shakespeare
  • Exam for Religious Thought in American Literature
The posts will be oh-so-easy. The exams won't be too difficult - the hard thing will be the mental capacity since they are both essay exams. I was going to turn today into a "get it all done" day, but I am very uptight right now because of all the coffee and paper and school and ACK today. So I just took a bath! Now I am eating cereal for dinner because it's quick and easy. And then I am going to alternate cleaning up the kitchen before Joe gets home with...PLAYING COMPUTER GAMES AND DRINKING TEA. Yay!

Oh, by the way - I totally took photos the other day of my accomplishments but didn't post them on here. One step closer.


  1. Sounds like you had a totally productive day, I love the ending the most! :) Only a few more days and you get a week break from school. I am excited for you!

  2. I hate writing papers...way to go to get yours done! Thankfully this semester I have no papers!! sorry to rub that in...
    wow a bath sounds heavenly. Maybe I'll reward myself with that after I've accomplished more today.


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