Tuesday, October 26, 2010

(I'm copying Angela with a random picture again)  Someday, when we have a more substantial home, I am going to make a lot of prints like this one and frame them.

Anyway, I had a long day and am exhausted, but feeling good!  (I think this may have to do with the latte I had at 3PM on my way to a staff meeting).

Tuesdays are my long day because I have both a morning and an afternoon class, and today was extra long, because our monthly 2+ hour staff meeting was after my classes today.  School was fun though, the kids were super cute as always.  The line of today was a three year old saying to another kid, "You are pure genius!" while they were playing with trains.  Then all of the other kids starting saying it.  We could not stop laughing.  I DO have the best job ever.

And I actually love our staff meetings, because we're doing the Esther bible study by Beth Moore, and tonight it was SO good.  I really am learning so much, and I am so happy to finally be involved in a group bible study with women I can relate with.  

So I left at about 7:40AM and got home a little after 6PM.  Just in time to feed Shea and put him to bed.  yay...and I just finished working out for the first time in like a week and a half.  Boy, it felt GOOD!  I need to keep going with it this week.

Yesterday was a really fun day though.  It was Shea's first day in Daycare - he did great, except that he didn't get a nap because of their schedule and my schedule.  And I had no idea it would be SO much more work getting him ready in the morning.  He only goes every other day, so tomorrow I need to make sure I get up a little bit earlier so I can get us out the door on time without being so frazzled.  Since I was pretty much at work all day yesterday, here is what I accomplished the yesterday:

  • Bought Diapers at Costco (enjoy the days before you have to do this!  Next baby is wearing cloth, I think...)
  • Picked up some other necessities at Target
  • Came home to a smoky smelling house (Jeremy picked up some High Schoolers from the park, because it was raining and they had no where to go, and they basically just reak of smoke all the time.  God's telling me to get over it though.).  I was kind of irritated because Shea was really fussy and I didn't know what to do.  After some time back in my bedroom with Shea, God helped me change my attitude.  I really need to work on this.  I am so happy that we can open our house to these kids, it was just that it was two days in a row and I didn't expect them to be there.  But we both really desire to figure out a place for these kids to hang out so they don't smoke pot all day, so I guess if its going to be our home, so be it!
  • Did two loads of laundry, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned the bedroom, changed/washed all the sheets.
Then Jeremy's parents invited us to go to Chuck E. Cheeses for Shea's birthday (oh boy).  We just went for a little bit and Shea had fun on a few rides and playing with his birthday balloon.

and!!  Shea took his first real steps when I came home tonight!!!  But he was laughing too hard to keep going.    I got my camera out to record him, but by then he wouldn't do it anymore.  He's going to be walking any day now!

Anyway, I'm hoping to get more done tomorrow, because I only have to work until 2ish.  And I really need to go to bed so I can get up early.  bye girls!

1 comment:

  1. I love those kind of prints so much! I can't wait to have a house to put prints like that up as well! I asked for a few cute ones for christmas so we will see how that works out. :) Oh and I want to make some cute ones myself.

    Cloth diapers. I read some other blogs of moms who use them and they are kind of growing on me. Everything besides the fact of having to clean the poopy diapers out...ew. My brother and I only wore cloth diapers, so if my mom could do it, so can I.

    I think it's so awesome you guys welcome high schoolers into the house, even if it is hard sometimes!

    I can't wait to feel the amazing feeling of working out! I am swimming for the first time in over three weeks tomorrow and I am so excited!


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