Wednesday, October 20, 2010


No, this post is not about my husband...

It will just be short.  

This is not the best picture, but I woke up this morning with this on my arm:

No, I do not own a cat.  No, I do not sleep in a bed of razor blades.  But I will be wearing long sleeves for a while (good thing its cold out).
All I remember is that I drank nyquil, knocked out, and vaguely recall my arm being itchy in the middle of the night.  I guess it was REALLY itchy.

I have never done anything quite like this.  weird.

Anyway!  Hope you're having a good day!  I got home from work a little bit ago and Jeremy is gone until 7:30 tonight at meetings.  So, Shea and I have the following things to do:
  • Put Shea in some clothes (I guess the boys had a pajama party today)
  • Take Shea to his WIC appointment and get our next months of checks
  • Use up our baby food checks from last month (they expire today, oops!)
  • Tidy the rest of the house
  • Work out and 
  • maybe do some more sewing after the baby goes to sleep.


  1. YIKES! That looks awful!'s either amazing or dangerous. I hope it doesn't get worse. I love you!

  2. Oh my goodness, your poor arm! Long sleeved shirts sound like an awesome idea!


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