Friday, October 15, 2010

Well, I've had a fairly productive day so far!  I got up at about 5:30, since Jeremy had to get up early today for a meeting, and I did a 20 minute aerobic work out, got ready for work, and made pancakes and orange juice for breakfast (I don't usually do this haha).  Jeremy came home to watch Shea, and I left for work.  Then I got home at 1:30, Jeremy had already done all the dishes (just like you girls, I also have the best husband!), and Shea was just waking up from his second nap.  What a cuddle bug he's been lately!  I think now that I go to work he misses me a lot more, so he gives me so many snuggles when I get home, I love it!

my cutie playing in his toy basket today - caught mid-"sentence".

Anyway, I have to go back to work tonight for a special school event from 5-9, so I'm hoping to get the following things done before I have to leave (writing my lists on here really does help):

  • make the bed and put away my clothes
  • move some furniture around to make room for company this weekend
  • play with Shea some more
yes, not very much! yay!  I'm so excited for this weekend, because tomorrow night we're having some people over for cheese and wine and games, and then Sunday, we have our first Youth Bible Study - ALL unchurched High School students, and its sounding like we're going to have a pretty good sized group!  Totally didn't expect to have such a positive response from them!

And Shea is getting into EVERYTHING right now - so hope you girls have a nice relaxing weekend!  Happy Friday!!


  1. I am impressed with how early you got up, especially making time for working out, good work!

    Your boy is adorable and I love that he cuddles you more! How precious. :)

  2. wow Becca, you are inspiring! I think I am most impressed with how you are able to incorporate working out in your day. I need to get on that. Hope you have a good weekend, sounds like a lot of fun!

  3. Shea is so cute! I can't believe you got up at 5:30! I'm with Candice - I'm impressed that you're working out! I need to get on that too, lol! Keep up the good work!


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